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Game of October 10, 2011 at 13:50, 6 players
1. 588 pts PIThompson
2. 473 pts Kenpachi
3. 372 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnstx   H3    42    42   exalts
 2. abgiqrt   G3    26    68   bat
 3. ?aeegno   8A    77   145   peonages
 4. aknostw   A3    68   213   swankpot
 5. agimrst   D3    72   285   migrants
 6. ?eeeflu   F4    32   317   refugee
 7. dehnoop   B2    40   357   phone
 8. denoruy   2B    31   388   predy
 9. eeiirvy  B10    30   418   every
10. ailmrsw   1F    37   455   mawrs
11. adinnov  12A    80   535   devonian
12. befinou  A12    34   569   defi
13. cilottu   2J    24   593   toluic
14. adhilnz   C6    47   640   azo
15. dehiort  13F    79   719   theroid
16. abcilqu  12K    51   770   qibla
17. diilnpu  N10    26   796   pulli
18. dgnooru   O5    28   824   drongo

Remaining tiles: ciiju

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7691 FilePIThompson  6 13:52  -236  588     1.7691 PIThompson  6 13:52  -236  588 
  2.6544 FileKenpachi    3 17:03  -351  473            Group: intermediate
  3.6759 Fileuna         2 16:01  -452  372     1.6544 Kenpachi    3 17:03  -351  473 
  4.6058 Fileannelhynz   0 11:38  -480  344     2.6759 una         2 16:01  -452  372 
  5.5419 Fileginalee     0 13:17  -601  223     3.6058 annelhynz   0 11:38  -480  344 
  6.4902 Fileleobill     0  0:51  -808   16            Group: novice
                                             1.5419 ginalee     0 13:17  -601  223 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4902 leobill     0  0:51  -808   16 

On 1st draw, EXALTS H3 42 --- EXALT to place in a high position [v]
Other moves: LATEX H8 40, EXALTS H4 28, EXALTS H7 28, EXALTS H8 28, LAXEST H3 28
EXALTS H3 42 PIThompson, Kenpachi
LAXES H4 26 ginalee

On 2nd draw, BAT G3 26 --- BAT to hit a ball with a bat (cricket,baseball) [v]
Other moves: RIBA G1 25, RIBA I3 25, GRAB G2 24, BA G3 23, BRIG I2 23
BAT G3 26 PIThompson, Kenpachi
BEG 3G 11 ginalee

On 3rd draw, (P)EONAGES 8A 77 --- PEONAGE the condition of being a peon [n]
Other moves: (P)EONAGE F4 73, ELONGA(T)E 6G 68, E(L)ONGATE 7B 60, GASO(G)ENE 8F 59, GASO(L)ENE 8F 59
GENOA I3 35 PIThompson
GEE I3 27 annelhynz
GEE I2 21 Kenpachi
TANGO 5G 12 ginalee

On 4th draw, SWANK(P)OT A3 68 --- SWANKPOT one who shows off [n]
Other moves: KOW F2 38, BEKNOTS 3G 36, KOS F2 32, KNOW F1 31, WOK 7C 31
KOW F2 38 PIThompson
KAT 7C 27 annelhynz, Kenpachi
WOK C7 19 ginalee
WAX 4F 13 una

On 5th draw, MIGRANTS D3 72 --- MIGRANT one that migrates [n]
Other tops: SMARTING D2 72
Other moves: TAMARIS E5 36, TATAMIS 5E 36, STIGMA 11A 33, SIGMA 11A 31, SIMAR 11A 29
SMART 11A 29 ginalee, una, PIThompson
MIG F4 25 Kenpachi
MAT 7C 19 annelhynz

On 6th draw, (R)EFUGEE F4 32 --- REFUGEE one who flees for safety [n]
Other moves: FEE(S)E 2B 30, FEE(Z)E 2B 30, FLE(M)E 2B 30, (R)EFUGE F4 29, FLEE I2 27
FLEE I2 27 PIThompson, annelhynz
FEE(S) I2 25 Kenpachi
FEE F4 24 una
SLUM 3A 12 ginalee

On 7th draw, PHONE B2 40 --- PHONE to telephone [v]
Other tops: PHONO B2 40
Other moves: OHONE B2 36, PHEON 2B 36, EPHOD B1 35, PHO C2 32, OOHED B1 31
PHO C2 32 PIThompson
HOOPED E10 30 ginalee
HOPED E10 28 una
HOED B2 26 Kenpachi
HOE C7 23 annelhynz

On 8th draw, PREDY 2B 31 --- PREDY to make ready [v]
Other moves: PHONEYED B2 29, OUNDY B10 26, YONDER E10 26, ONERY B10 24, DEY I1 23
YONDER E10 26 una
DOY I1 23 PIThompson, Kenpachi
YOU C7 23 annelhynz
END E10 11 ginalee

On 9th draw, EVERY B10 30 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other moves: YEVE E10 26, EVERY E10 25, IVY I1 25, EVERY C10 24, EYRIE B10 24
EVERY B10 30 una
IVY I1 25 PIThompson
EVERY E10 25 ginalee, Kenpachi
YO C7 18 annelhynz

On 10th draw, MAWRS 1F 37 --- MAWR an awkward girl [n]
Other moves: ASWIM 1F 35, MAWR 1F 34, MAWS 1F 34, RAMI A12 33, RAMS A12 33
MAWRS 1F 37 PIThompson
MAWS 1F 34 una
WEARS 12A 24 ginalee, annelhynz, Kenpachi

On 11th draw, DEVONIAN 12A 80 --- DEVONIAN relating to a type of rock formed in the fourth period of the Palaeozoic era. [adj]
Other moves: DONA A12 33, NAOI A12 25, NONA A12 25, NONI A12 25, ORA C1 24
DONA A12 33 PIThompson
VEND 12A 24 ginalee
VEIN 12A 22 Kenpachi
DON A12 18 annelhynz
AD A14 14 una

On 12th draw, DEFI A12 34 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other moves: FOEN C7 28, FOIN C7 28, BOEUF 11G 26, BUFO 13G 25, BONNIE H10 24
DEFI A12 34 PIThompson
FE A14 23 annelhynz
FOE C7 23 una
DONE A12 22 Kenpachi

On 13th draw, TOLUIC 2J 24 --- TOLUIC pertaining to any of four isomeric acids derived from toluene [adj]
Other moves: OCULI 2J 22, INCUT H11 21, ONTIC H11 21, TOLUIC 11G 20, LOTIC 11G 18
INCUT H11 21 PIThompson
SCOUT J1 13 una
NOIL H12 12 annelhynz
OIL 2J 9 Kenpachi

On 14th draw, AZO C6 47 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: ZOA C7 47
Other moves: ZA 7C 42, ZO C7 42, NAZI H12 39, NUDZH M1 36, OZALID K2 32
ZOA C7 47 PIThompson, Kenpachi
ZO C7 42 una
BEZ 3G 24 annelhynz

On 15th draw, THEROID 13F 79 --- THEROID resembling a beast [adj]
Other moves: OUTHIRED M1 76, CHIRTED O2 42, CHOIRED O2 42, OCHRED O1 39, ICHED O1 36
OCHRED O1 39 PIThompson
ECHO O1 30 una
DOH 3K 29 Kenpachi
HOD 13G 24 annelhynz

On 16th draw, QIBLA 12K 51 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: CUBICAL O2 48, QI 12K 39, BRA C1 28, QADI L11 28, QAID L10 28
QIBLA 12K 51 PIThompson
QI 12K 39 annelhynz, Kenpachi
QUAIL M1 28 una

On 17th draw, PULLI N10 26 --- PULLUS a chick or young bird [n]
Other moves: DIP 3K 25, LINEUP H10 24, NIP 3K 22, DUALIN O10 21, LAPIN O11 21
DIP 3K 25 Kenpachi, PIThompson
CUP O2 10 una

On 18th draw, DRONGO O5 28 --- DRONGO a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: DOONA O8 24, RONDO O6 22, DOG 3K 21, NONEGO H10 21, UNGORD M2 20
DRONGO O5 28 una
DOONA O8 24 PIThompson
GOO O8 16 annelhynz, leobill
DOO O8 16 Kenpachi

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