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Game of October 10, 2011 at 16:07, 5 players
1. 508 pts naomiari
2. 484 pts narisa
3. 372 pts BouncingS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aejptty   H4    46    46   jetty
 2. ??aeequ   5D   110   156   sequelae
 3. aelstuw   6J    34   190   wastel
 4. deeinrr   O3    80   270   redliner
 5. abeegpt   4A    28   298   bepat
 6. deforuw   A4    36   334   browed
 7. afilrsu   M3    76   410   fistular
 8. eiklorv   L1    35   445   reik
 9. aeggmnt   B6    32   477   meta
10. acdehho   C9    43   520   hohed
11. dfilnos   G7    75   595   infolds
12. agilmnv  11E    40   635   malling
13. eiinorz  13G    86   721   sironize
14. aagnstx  14L    53   774   taxa
15. abcginv  15H    37   811   vinca
16. goopsuy  15N    40   851   oy
17. cginosu   1H   149  1000   scouring
18. bgoopuv   3B    30  1030   pub

Remaining tiles: goov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5913 Filenaomiari    2 16:54  -522  508     1.7032 jeff        2  8:46  -798  232 
  2.6029 Filenarisa      2 15:36  -546  484            Group: intermediate
  3.5772 FileBouncingS   2 16:21  -658  372     1.6029 narisa      2 15:36  -546  484 
  4.7032 Filejeff        2  8:46  -798  232     2.6738 sunshine12  0  2:56  -983   47 
  5.6738 Filesunshine12  0  2:56  -983   47            Group: novice
                                             1.5913 naomiari    2 16:54  -522  508 
                                             2.5772 BouncingS   2 16:21  -658  372 

On 1st draw, JETTY H4 46 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: JETTY H8 38, JETTY H5 30, JETTY H6 30, JETTY H7 30, PATTY H8 28
JETTY H4 46 narisa, BouncingS, naomiari, jeff

On 2nd draw, (S)EQUE(L)AE 5D 110 --- SEQUELA an abnormal condition resulting from a preceding disease [n]
Other moves: EQUA(L)E(D) I8 80, EQUA(T)E(D) I8 80, EQUA(T)E(S) I8 80, (S)EQUE(L)AE 5A 80, (S)EQUE(L)AE 5G 80
QA(T) I3 31 narisa, BouncingS
EQUA(T)E(D) 5C 28 jeff
QUEA(N) I1 24 naomiari

On 3rd draw, WASTEL 6J 34 --- WASTEL bread made from the finest flour [n]
Other moves: WALES 6J 33, WASTE 6J 33, WAULS 6J 33, WEALS 6J 33, WELTS 6J 33
WEALS 6J 33 jeff
WALE 4A 24 narisa
WASTE 4K 23 naomiari
SQUEAL F4 17 BouncingS

On 4th draw, REDLINER O3 80 --- REDLINER one that redlines [n]
Other moves: TRENDIER M6 72, REINDEER E4 68, REINDEER N1 68, NERDIER G8 65, INTERRED M4 61
REDLINER O3 30 BouncingS
RELINED O4 27 narisa, jeff
LENDER O6 21 naomiari

On 5th draw, BEPAT 4A 28 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other moves: BEGAT 4A 26, BEGET 4A 26, SEPTAGE L6 26, PEBA 4A 24, TEPEE N2 23
PAGE 4A 22 jeff
JAP 4H 21 naomiari, narisa
PEAGE 4K 21 BouncingS

On 6th draw, BROWED A4 36 --- BROW the forehead [adj] --- BROWED having a brow [adj]
Other tops: WOF 3B 36
Other moves: BOWED A4 33, BOEUF A4 30, BOWER A4 30, DOF 3B 30, DOW 3B 30
BROWED A4 36 narisa, jeff, BouncingS
EF 5A 14 naomiari

On 7th draw, FISTULAR M3 76 --- FISTULA a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound [adj] --- FISTULAR pertaining to a fistula [adj]
Other moves: FURALS 3B 38, FURAL 3B 34, JARLS 4H 34, FURALS N9 31, FIST 6E 30
FRAILS 11J 28 jeff
FUR 3B 27 naomiari
FAIRS 11K 26 narisa
QUAILS F5 19 BouncingS

On 8th draw, REIK L1 35 --- REIK a prank [n]
Other tops: KOEL L1 35
Other moves: KEVIL L9 32, EIK L2 31, LEK L2 31, OIK L2 31, ROK L2 31
KEVIL L9 32 BouncingS
ROK L2 31 naomiari
LOVE L9 18 narisa
KI 4L 12 jeff

On 9th draw, META B6 32 --- META pertaining to positions in a benzene ring separated by one carbon atom [adj]
Other moves: MEN B6 28, MET B6 28, GERMAN 1J 27, MANGER 1G 27, AMENT L8 25
GRAME 1K 24 naomiari
GAMER 1H 24 BouncingS
RANG 1L 15 narisa

On 10th draw, HOHED C9 43 --- HOH to stop [v]
Other moves: HOHA 3B 41, CHORDAE 1I 39, HOAED C9 37, CHADOR 1G 36, DAH C7 36
CHADOR 1G 36 BouncingS
HOH 3B 36 naomiari
CODER 1H 24 narisa

On 11th draw, INFOLDS G7 75 --- INFOLD to fold inwards [v]
Other moves: FIDOS D10 37, FIDO D10 35, SLOID D8 35, FILOS D10 33, FIND D12 33
FON D10 26 narisa
RODS 1L 15 naomiari
FLORID 1I 10 BouncingS

On 12th draw, MALLING 11E 40 --- MALL to maul [v] --- MALLING the practice of shopping at malls (large buildings with many shops) [n]
Other moves: MALIGN D10 36, LIMA D9 33, LIMN D9 33, AIM F8 32, MANG D12 29
NAM D10 25 narisa
MAIL D12 25 naomiari

On 13th draw, SIRONIZE 13G 86 --- SIRONIZE to use a particular process to treat fabric to prevent wrinkling [v]
Other moves: ZA F10 62, ZO 10F 62, IONIZER 1F 48, RONZER 1G 45, ZONER 1H 42
ZA F10 62 narisa
IONIZER 1F 48 BouncingS
ZONER 1H 42 naomiari

On 14th draw, TAXA 14L 53 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: SAX 14L 51, TAX 14L 51, SAX O13 48, AX 14M 47, SATANG 14J 41
TAX 14L 51 naomiari
OX J13 25 narisa
NEXT N12 22 BouncingS

On 15th draw, VINCA 15H 37 --- VINCA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: BRAVI 1K 30, VICAR 1H 30, VRAIC 1K 30, AIGA F8 27, BARING 1J 27
CARING 1J 27 narisa
BAG 15K 24 naomiari

On 16th draw, OY 15N 40 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other moves: SOYA F8 39, SAY O13 36, POESY 12A 33, SAP O13 33, YUP 3B 33
OY 15N 40 naomiari
GROUP 1K 24 narisa
ZAS M13 23 sunshine12

On 17th draw, SCOURING 1H 149 --- SCOURING material removed by scouring [n]
Other moves: COURING 1I 30, SCORING 1I 30, COIGN B11 28, CORGIS 1J 27, CORING 1J 27
CURING 1J 27 narisa
SAY O13 24 naomiari, sunshine12

On 18th draw, PUB 3B 30 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other tops: BOP 3B 30
Other moves: OOP 12J 29, OUP 12J 29, BOG 3B 27, BUG 3B 27, PUG 3B 27
PA F10 20 naomiari

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