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Game of October 11, 2011 at 23:25, 3 players
1. 611 pts rn.roselle
2. 531 pts BouncingS
3. 446 pts coffeeman

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defgnor   H4    30    30   forged
 2. benptuw   5E    24    54   upbow
 3. ?aeemrz   9F    72   126   maderize
 4. eenoort   L7    32   158   rezone
 5. deehmsu  13I    43   201   heeds
 6. abeimsu   N3    87   288   maubies
 7. acgilno   G7    69   357   analogic
 8. iknstux   4K    40   397   untax
 9. cefgirs   O1    40   437   grex
10. ?aaacip  14B    36   473   alpacca
11. ehiilno  15H    42   515   helio
12. aadfino   O7    32   547   of
13. aaiiort  15A    28   575   ariot
14. adenqtu   4A    50   625   quean
15. aeiknot   6B    30   655   koine
16. dilorvv  15H    36   691   heliodor
17. aiilstt   F4    25   716   spet
18. iijnstv  12B    34   750   jiving
19. aiiltvw   7A    28   778   vaw
20. dilstyy  10D    31   809   idyl
21. illstty   A7    27   836   vly

Remaining tiles: ilsttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6585 Filern.roselle  5 19:35  -225  611     1.6585 rn.roselle  5 19:35  -225  611 
  2.5789 FileBouncingS   2 25:01  -305  531            Group: novice
  3.5365 Filecoffeeman   1 26:51  -390  446     1.5789 BouncingS   2 25:01  -305  531 
                                             2.5365 coffeeman   1 26:51  -390  446 

On 1st draw, FORGED H4 30 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [v]
Other moves: FONDER H4 28, FORGE H4 26, FORGED H7 26, FROND H4 26, GONEF H8 26
FORGED H4 30 rn.roselle, BouncingS
FROND H4 26 coffeeman

On 2nd draw, UPBOW 5E 24 --- UPBOW a type of stroke in playing a bowed instrument [n]
Other moves: UPTOWN 5E 22, PEW G3 21, PEW I3 21, WEB G3 21, WEB I3 21
WEB I3 21 rn.roselle, BouncingS
WEB G3 21 coffeeman

On 3rd draw, MADER(I)ZE 9F 72 --- MADERIZE to turn brown -- used of white wine [v]
Other moves: Z(I)RAM 4A 54, MZEE(S) J1 47, ZEA(S) J2 44, ZEE(S) J2 44, ZA(I)RE 6B 43
ZEE(S) J2 44 rn.roselle
FAZE(S) 4H 37 BouncingS
ZAP F3 14 coffeeman

On 4th draw, REZONE L7 32 --- REZONE to zone again [v] --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ENTREZ L4 32
Other moves: OZONE L8 30, ZONER L9 28, TENOR 10I 27, ZERO L9 26, ZONE L9 26
REZONE L7 32 rn.roselle
OZONE L8 30 BouncingS
ZOOT L9 26 coffeeman

On 5th draw, HEEDS 13I 43 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other moves: HEEDS N6 40, MESHED 13J 40, MESHED N7 40, MEUSED 13I 40, MUSHED 13J 40
MUSHED 13J 40 coffeeman, BouncingS
MUSHED N7 40 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, MAUBIES N3 87 --- MAUBY a frothy beverage [n]
Other moves: MAUBIES 12C 79, MAUBIES 14E 76, MAUBIES 14D 74, MAUBIES 10A 73, IMBASE N5 38
BAMS N6 34 rn.roselle, coffeeman
BEAMS 8K 32 BouncingS

On 7th draw, ANALOGIC G7 69 --- ANALOGIC pertaining to an analogy [adj]
Other moves: COIGN O1 41, ACING O1 37, CLANG O1 37, CLING O1 37, CLAG O1 36
CLANG O1 37 rn.roselle
COAL O1 28 BouncingS
MACING F9 17 coffeeman

On 8th draw, UNTAX 4K 40 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other moves: KNITS O1 39, KNUTS O1 39, NIX O2 39, SIX O2 39, SKINT O1 39
SIX O2 39 BouncingS
NIX O2 39 rn.roselle
SEXT J12 27 coffeeman

On 9th draw, GREX O1 40 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: EFS 14I 34, IFS 14I 34, EFS O6 33, IFS O6 33, EF 14I 31
GREX O1 40 rn.roselle, coffeeman
EF 14I 31 BouncingS

On 10th draw, A(L)PACCA 14B 36 --- ALPACCA nickel-silver used in jewellery [n]
Other moves: CAP(I)(T)A K6 27, CAP(R)IC 14B 26, CA(L)PA 6B 26, CA(L)PAC 14B 26, CA(M)PI 6B 26
CUP K3 14 rn.roselle
CHAP I12 11 BouncingS
(H)A H14 6 coffeeman

On 11th draw, HELIO 15H 42 --- HELIO a signaling mirror [n]
Other moves: HEIL 15H 36, HELO 15H 36, HILI 15H 36, HIOI 15H 36, HOLE 15H 36
HONE 15H 36 BouncingS
HOLE 15H 36 rn.roselle
EH 15E 14 coffeeman

On 12th draw, OF O7 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: NAIAD 15A 32
Other moves: AND O6 27, FA O7 26, F(I)DO K8 26, ODA O6 25, DAMAN F7 24
OF O7 32 rn.roselle
FOUND K2 18 BouncingS
FADING 1J 13 coffeeman

On 13th draw, ARIOT 15A 28 --- ARIOT in riot [adv]
Other moves: ARIA 15A 23, RAIA 15A 23, TRIO 15A 23, ROMA F7 19, AARTI 6B 17
TRIO 15A 23 rn.roselle
RAPT D12 14 BouncingS
TAI 15A 12 coffeeman

On 14th draw, QUEAN 4A 50 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUATE 6B 44, QUENA 6B 44, QUARTE J6 37, QUARE J6 36, QUART J6 36
QUATE 6B 44 rn.roselle
QUAD K3 28 BouncingS, coffeeman

On 15th draw, KOINE 6B 30 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: KETO M2 28, WEAKEN I5 28, NEK 3B 26, OAK 3B 26, T(I)KA K8 26
ROKE 6H 23 BouncingS
TOKEN C1 18 rn.roselle
KNOT 11E 16 coffeeman

On 16th draw, HELIODOR 15H 36 --- HELIODOR an African beryl [n]
Other moves: DEVOIR C3 22, VIVAT E11 22, VOID 7A 21, LIDO 7A 20, LIVEDO C1 20
ROD 7A 17 rn.roselle
DIVE C1 16 coffeeman
ROD 6H 13 BouncingS

On 17th draw, SPET F4 25 --- SPET to spit [v]
Other moves: ATIGIS 12D 21, TAITS 7A 21, AITS 7B 20, SITAR J5 20, STAIR J5 20
SPET F4 25 BouncingS
AL 14M 12 rn.roselle
QI A4 11 coffeeman

On 18th draw, JIVING 12B 34 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JETONS C3 28, JIVE C1 28, JETON C3 26, JINNIS 11I 26, JINNIS 11J 26
JIVE C1 28 BouncingS, coffeeman
JUST K3 22 rn.roselle

On 19th draw, VAW 7A 28 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: LAW 7A 25, TAW 7A 25, AW 14M 24, AW 7B 24, WAULK B2 24
VAW 7A 28 rn.roselle
LAW 7A 25 coffeeman
WANT 11J 14 BouncingS

On 20th draw, IDYL 10D 31 --- IDYL a poem or prose work depicting scenes of rural simplicity [n]
Other moves: VLY A7 27, VIDS A7 24, VILD A7 24, SLY 8B 23, STY 8B 23
VIDS A7 24 rn.roselle, coffeeman
IS D6 12 BouncingS

On 21th draw, VLY A7 27 --- VLY a swamp [n]
Other moves: VILLS A7 24, SLY 8B 23, STY 8B 23, ILLY 8B 21, SLY J5 21
VILLS A7 24 rn.roselle
STY J5 21 BouncingS
SLUT K2 8 coffeeman

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