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Game of October 12, 2011 at 01:43, 3 players
1. 495 pts Zweep
2. 18 pts iwhist
3. 18 pts immy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eginrvy   H2    86    86   revying
 2. deelmst   3C    30   116   steemed
 3. aclnpry   2F    31   147   yar
 4. deehilo   1A    40   187   heiled
 5. aelnopt   8H    86   273   gantlope
 6. eforsst   6F    71   344   foisters
 7. adeluwz   N8    36   380   puzel
 8. ?deimpt   B3    74   454   emptied
 9. ?eeinot   A7    76   530   onetime
10. adinost  11H    68   598   astonied
11. efgorrw  H10    39   637   farrow
12. aciknoq   5E    37   674   coky
13. abclnux   9I    36   710   xu
14. aaagnrw  O11    27   737   darga
15. abenoqu   M1    30   767   queans
16. abhinou   1K    51   818   niqab
17. ghiiorw   L3    37   855   whir
18. aabgilo   5K    24   879   bingo
19. aiijoru   2J    27   906   ja
20. acioruv  L10    24   930   incavo

Remaining tiles: ilru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6405 FileZweep       2 20:16  -435  495     1.6405 Zweep       2 20:16  -435  495 
  2.6376 Fileiwhist      0  0:34  -912   18     2.6376 iwhist      0  0:34  -912   18 
  3.6763 Fileimmy        0  1:58  -912   18     3.6763 immy        0  1:58  -912   18 

On 1st draw, REVYING H2 86 --- REVIE to stake higher [v]
Other moves: REVYING H6 82, REVYING H3 80, REVYING H4 80, REVYING H7 80, REVYING H8 80
VINERY H4 32 Zweep

On 2nd draw, STEEMED 3C 30 --- STEEM to esteem [v]
Other tops: REMELTS 2H 30
Other moves: MESELED 3G 28, MEDLEYS 5C 26, MESELED 3C 26, SMELTED 3C 26, EMYDES 5F 24
EM G2 16 Zweep

On 3rd draw, YAR 2F 31 --- YAR nimble [adj]
Other tops: ANY 2D 31, ARY 2D 31
Other moves: AY 2E 28, NY 2E 28, PRELACY E1 28, ANY I5 26, PATLY D1 26
YAR 2F 31 Zweep

On 4th draw, HEILED 1A 40 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other moves: HELED B2 37, HEILED B2 35, HELIO B2 31, EDH 4D 30, HIVED 4F 29
HIED 4B 25 Zweep

On 5th draw, GANTLOPE 8H 86 --- GANTLOPE a former military punishment [n]
Other moves: PENTANOL 7C 65, ANTIPOLE 6E 64, PENTANOL 7F 63, PATEN 4A 28, PETAL 4A 28
PLIANT 6F 16 Zweep

On 6th draw, FOISTERS 6F 71 --- FOISTER one who foists [n]
Other moves: FETORS 4A 42, FOSTERS K5 40, SOFTEST K5 40, TEFS 4C 33, FETOR 4A 32
OFT 2A 30 Zweep

On 7th draw, PUZEL N8 36 --- PUZEL pucelle [n]
Other moves: ADZE 5C 33, DAZE 5C 33, NAZE J8 33, DEWY 5E 32, WEALD 5K 32
LAZED L8 30 Zweep

On 8th draw, EMPTI(E)D B3 74 --- EMPTY to remove the contents of [v]
Other tops: IMP(L)ETED 11H 74
Other moves: (E)MPTIED B3 73, P(R)ETTIED K4 40, (S)EPTIME K5 40, P(I)TIED 4A 39, PIT(I)ED 4A 37
PE(R)M M11 20 Zweep

On 9th draw, ONETI(M)E A7 76 --- ONETIME former [adj]
Other moves: E(B)ONITE A9 74, ONETI(M)E A9 74, ONETI(M)E C7 74, E(B)ONITE C9 68, ONETI(M)E C9 68
TONE(D) O11 20 Zweep

On 10th draw, ASTONIED 11H 68 --- ASTONY to amaze or shock [v]
Other moves: ADONIS O10 41, DANIOS 13I 35, DIOTAS 13I 35, ADONIS 13I 33, IDANTS 13I 33
DANTS O11 27 Zweep

On 11th draw, FARROW H10 39 --- FARROW to give birth to a litter of pigs [v]
Other moves: FROWY 5D 38, REGROW 12C 37, AFORE H11 36, DOWER O11 33, GOWFER 12C 31
DOWER O11 33 Zweep

On 12th draw, COKY 5E 37 --- COKY like coke [adj]
Other moves: OAK C5 30, OIK C5 30, INK 7G 28, PINKO 5B 27, QI 5E 27
QI G9 26 Zweep

On 13th draw, XU 9I 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: OX M8 34, XU 9M 34, XU 12K 31, COAX 14G 29, XU B13 27
XU 9I 36 Zweep

On 14th draw, DARGA O11 27 --- DARGA the tomb of a Muslim saint [n]
Other moves: AWA 5J 26, ADAW O10 23, AWA 12J 23, AW 5J 22, AWRONG 14E 22
AW 5J 22 Zweep

On 15th draw, QUEANS M1 30 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUENAS M1 30
Other moves: BARQUE 13F 28, QUAG 14L 28, (M)ANQUE 12A 28, BURQA 13F 27, BEANO 5K 26
QUA 15M 12 Zweep

On 16th draw, NIQAB 1K 51 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: HABU N2 36, HOAING 14J 36, QUA 1M 36, HINAU C9 35, BHUNA C8 29
QUA 1M 36 Zweep

On 17th draw, WHIR L3 37 --- WHIR to move with a buzzing sound [v]
Other moves: WHIG C8 31, HONGI 5K 30, WHIO C8 30, WHIR C8 30, WONGI 5K 30
WON 5K 24 Zweep

On 18th draw, BINGO 5K 24 --- BINGO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: AGE K4 22, BEAT K5 22, BELT K5 22, BINAL 5K 22, BING 5K 22
BEAT K5 22 Zweep
BO N3 18 iwhist

On 19th draw, JA 2J 27 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO 2J 27
Other moves: JUROR 12D 24, JA G14 23, JO G14 23, JAG 14M 22, JIG 14M 22
JO G14 23 Zweep
JO 14G 9 immy

On 20th draw, INCAVO L10 24 --- INCAVO the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n]
Other moves: ANURIC L10 22, NARIC L11 20, VICAR 12D 20, CURARI 12D 18, ARVO B12 17
CRAG 14L 14 Zweep
CROW 15E 9 immy

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