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Game of October 12, 2011 at 03:16, 1 player
1. 180 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfinru   H4    28    28   friand
 2. ?ceeotu   4E    74   102   outfence
 3. aadiost   M1    28   130   stadia
 4. gilnoru   K4    94   224   clouring
 5. ?aknrtv   1H    45   269   tranks
 6. ddlmnou   N6    28   297   mound
 7. behnoot   O7    54   351   bhoot
 8. aeilrtv   E2    72   423   violater
 9. ?eetwyz   8A    78   501   weize
10. bdegosx   2I    55   556   exo
11. bdehnsy   F6    46   602   yes
12. adflnsy  12L    34   636   fays
13. aceglpr  13I    33   669   pacer
14. aegiirs   D8    32   701   zaires
15. aghmopt   B3    74   775   apothegm
16. beeinow   C1    36   811   bowie
17. deilquv  14F    32   843   equid
18. eegjlnv  10F    38   881   jeel
19. giilnnv  15D    67   948   vining

Remaining tile: l

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3952 Filedenbay      0  8:08  -768  180     1.3952 denbay      0  8:08  -768  180 

On 1st draw, FRIAND H4 28 --- FRIAND an epicure [n]
Other moves: FAURD H4 26, FRAUD H4 26, FUNDI H4 26, FRIAND H7 24, FURAN H4 24

On 2nd draw, OUTFE(N)CE 4E 74 --- OUTFENCE to surpass in fencing [v]
Other moves: E(L)OCUTE 10B 73, E(L)OCUTE 10H 73, E(X)ECUTOR 5A 68, COE(Q)UATE 7C 64, E(L)OCUTE G9 64

On 3rd draw, STADIA M1 28 --- STADIA a method of surveying distances [n]
Other tops: ADIOS M3 28, ADITS M3 28, ODIST M3 28
Other moves: TSADI M3 27, AIDOS M2 26, TOADS M1 26, TSADI M1 26, ODIST M1 25

On 4th draw, CLOURING K4 94 --- CLOUR to knock or bump [v]
Other moves: LOURINGS 1F 83, LOURING L6 70, LOURING N6 66, LORINGS 1G 30, RULINGS 1G 30

On 5th draw, TRANKS 1H 45 --- TRANK a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TAR(O)KS 1H 42, TRA(C)KS 1H 42, TRA(I)KS 1H 42, TRA(N)KS 1H 42, TR(A)NKS 1H 42

On 6th draw, MOUND N6 28 --- MOUND to heap in a pile [v]
Other tops: MOULD N6 28
Other moves: DOUM J6 26, MOU J6 25, MOLD N6 23, MUON G7 23, MUON I7 23

On 7th draw, BHOOT O7 54 --- BHOOT a small whirlwind [n]
Other moves: BOOTH 2J 50, HOON O8 41, HOOT O8 41, HOE O8 38, HOO O8 38

On 8th draw, VIOLATER E2 72 --- VIOLATER one who violates [n]
Other moves: VAULTIER F2 71, VARIETAL 7B 64, LIVRE 10D 27, RETAIL L7 26, VIER 10F 26

On 9th draw, WE(I)ZE 8A 78 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: T(O)WZE 8A 78
Other moves: TE(A)ZE 8A 69, (F)EEZE 8A 69, (H)EEZE 8A 69, (N)EEZE 8A 69, Z(O) J6 62

On 10th draw, EXO 2I 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 2I 52, BODES F6 48, DEX F8 47, BODE F6 45, SEX F8 45
SEX 10E 24 denbay

On 11th draw, YES F6 46 --- YES to give an affirmative reply to [v]
Other tops: HES F6 46
Other moves: BED F6 42, HYED J6 42, BES F6 40, HYES J6 40, SYNED 10E 40
DEWY A6 11 denbay

On 12th draw, FAYS 12L 34 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: DAYS 12L 30, FADS 12L 30, FAYS 10B 30, YADS 12L 30, FAR 9C 29
FADS 10B 28 denbay

On 13th draw, PACER 13I 33 --- PACER a horse whose gait is a pace [n]
Other tops: CAPER 13I 33
Other moves: PELAG(I)C C3 32, PLAGE 13J 32, CAGER 13I 31, CARPEL 13H 31, PAGER 13I 31
GRAVEL 2B 24 denbay

On 14th draw, ZAIRES D8 32 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: SAGER 10E 31, SAGE 10E 30, ZAIRE D8 30, SIRE 10E 29, AESIR H11 28
GRAVES 2B 24 denbay

On 15th draw, APOTHEGM B3 74 --- APOTHEGM a pithy saying [n]
Other moves: OPAH 14G 34, HOMA C10 33, OGHAM 14F 33, PAH 14H 33, POH 14H 33
MOPS 13A 16 denbay

On 16th draw, BOWIE C1 36 --- BOWIE s in bowie knife, a type of hunting knife. [adj]
Other moves: WEB C3 34, BOW 14H 33, BOW C3 33, ENEW 14G 32, ENOW 14G 32
TOW 2M 12 denbay

On 17th draw, EQUID 14F 32 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: DEV A1 30, DIV A1 30, VIBE 1A 30, QUID 14G 29, QI J9 28
VIES 13A 14 denbay

On 18th draw, JEEL 10F 38 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: JEE 10F 37, LEV A1 27, EEVN 10H 26, JO 6J 25, VEE 10F 25
LENSE 13A 10 denbay

On 19th draw, VINING 15D 67 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other moves: LIVENING 12A 65, LINING 15D 49, LIGNIN 15C 43, LING 15F 40, LININ 15D 37
JEELING 10F 17 denbay

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