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Game of October 12, 2011 at 14:42, 5 players
1. 477 pts raggedy01
2. 474 pts babsbedi
3. 460 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaefilo   H4    24    24   folie
 2. aeeiosw   4C    26    50   seawife
 3. eooopry   3A    33    83   roopy
 4. ?aabdei   A1   149   232   abraided
 5. abcehot   5C    51   283   echo
 6. ?djntuw   6F    35   318   walnut
 7. adhoqrs   2A    37   355   bohs
 8. aadegnr   8C    61   416   gadarene
 9. agiimrt   5J    22   438   marg
10. egiopuy   N2    46   484   pogey
11. adeeiln   O6    85   569   aliened
12. efrssuv   L3    29   598   versus
13. dinortt   O1    29   627   nodi
14. abnotvx  N11    29   656   taxon
15. birtttu  13I    28   684   tutrix
16. eeflmtu  15L    33   717   fent
17. aijkmuz   E7    40   757   adzuki
18. eillnqr  D12    44   801   qi
19. eillrtv  14F    24   825   viler

Remaining tiles: bcjlmnrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6078 Fileraggedy01   4 21:11  -348  477     1.6078 raggedy01   4 21:11  -348  477 
  2.6288 Filebabsbedi    4 19:50  -351  474     2.6288 babsbedi    4 19:50  -351  474 
  3.6042 Fileannelhynz   1 21:26  -365  460     3.6042 annelhynz   1 21:26  -365  460 
  4.5378 Fileginalee     1 20:00  -443  382     4.6978 reynaritz   3 12:59  -543  282 
  5.6978 Filereynaritz   3 12:59  -543  282            Group: novice
                                             1.5378 ginalee     1 20:00  -443  382 

On 1st draw, FOLIE H4 24 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other tops: FOLIA H4 24
Other moves: FOLIA H8 18, FOLIE H8 18, FOLIA H5 16, FOLIA H6 16, FOLIA H7 16
FOLIE H4 24 babsbedi
FILE H6 14 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, SEAWIFE 4C 26 --- SEAWIFE a kind of wrasse, a bony fish [n]
Other moves: EWES G4 23, OWES G4 23, OWSE 9F 21, SWEE 9H 20, WASE G5 20
WISE G3 20 raggedy01, babsbedi, annelhynz

On 3rd draw, ROOPY 3A 33 --- ROOPY hoarse [adj]
Other moves: PORY 5B 32, ROPY 3B 31, PORY 3B 29, RYE 5D 29, YOOP 3B 28
RYE 5D 29 annelhynz, babsbedi
YORE 3B 22 raggedy01
PRAY E2 18 ginalee

On 4th draw, ABRAI(D)ED A1 149 --- ABRAID to awake [v]
Other tops: ABRAIDE(D) A1 149
Other moves: ARABI(S)ED A2 83, ARABI(Z)ED A2 83, RADIAB(L)E A3 83, B(R)AAIED 3I 81, DIABA(S)E 3I 77
(B)ARBED A1 33 ginalee
DERB(Y) A1 30 babsbedi
DE(E) 5D 28 annelhynz
BARED A1 27 raggedy01

On 5th draw, ECHO 5C 51 --- ECHO a repetition of sound by reflection of sound waves [n] --- ECHO to produce an echo [v]
Other moves: CHE 5D 46, ECH 5C 44, THE 5D 40, THO 5D 40, CH 5D 39
THE 5D 40 annelhynz
BATCH 3I 37 ginalee
BOTCH 3I 37 babsbedi
BEACH 3I 37 raggedy01

On 6th draw, W(A)LNUT 6F 35 --- WALNUT an edible nut [n]
Other moves: W(O)UND 3I 33, W(A)LD 6F 32, W(E)LD 6F 32, W(I)LD 6F 32, W(O)LD 6F 32
W(I)LD 6F 32 annelhynz
D(A)UNT 3I 19 babsbedi
JIN(X) 7G 19 ginalee
DOSE C2 5 raggedy01

On 7th draw, BOHS 2A 37 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other tops: HOARDS 3I 37, HOARDS L1 37
Other moves: HARDS 3I 35, HOARD 3I 35, HAROS 3I 33, HOARS 3I 33, HORAS 3I 33
HOARDS 3I 37 raggedy01
HARDS 3I 35 annelhynz
HARDS L2 27 ginalee
QATS K4 26 babsbedi

On 8th draw, GADARENE 8C 61 --- GADARENE headlong [adj]
Other moves: DANGER 3I 25, ORGANA 5H 24, DARGA 3I 23, GANDER 5J 23, GARDEN 5J 23
DEARN 3I 21 annelhynz
GRANTED K2 18 raggedy01
GRATED K3 16 ginalee
GATER K4 12 babsbedi

On 9th draw, MARG 5J 22 --- MARG margarine [n]
Other tops: MAGI 5J 22, ORGIA 5H 22
Other moves: MAG 5J 20, MAIR 5J 20, MART 5J 20, MIG 5J 20, MIRI 5J 20
MARG 5J 22 babsbedi, reynaritz
MIG 9D 16 annelhynz
MART K3 12 ginalee

On 10th draw, POGEY N2 46 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: POGEY 3I 35, PIOYE 3I 33, PEGGY M3 32, PIGGY M3 32, PUGGY M3 32
PIGGY M3 32 babsbedi
YIPE N2 26 reynaritz
YEP 9I 23 annelhynz
DOPEY E8 22 ginalee, raggedy01

On 11th draw, ALIENED O6 85 --- ALIEN to transfer to another, as property [v]
Other moves: DEADLINE E8 70, ALIENED 9I 65, RENAILED G8 61, DENI O1 28, AEDILE O6 26
ALIENED O6 85 raggedy01
ALINED O6 26 ginalee
LAD O1 19 reynaritz
DAN O1 18 annelhynz, babsbedi

On 12th draw, VERSUS L3 29 --- VERSUS against [prep]
Other moves: REF O1 27, FAVUSES D7 26, FURRS L2 25, FAUVES D7 24, FER O1 24
REF O1 27 reynaritz
FER O1 24 annelhynz, raggedy01
REFUSE 11J 18 babsbedi

On 13th draw, NODI O1 29 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other moves: DINO O1 28, NORI O1 25, TIRO O1 25, TORI O1 25, TRITON N8 21
DINO O1 28 babsbedi, reynaritz
DON O1 18 annelhynz, ginalee
ROT N9 13 raggedy01

On 14th draw, TAXON N11 29 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: BOX 9D 28, VOX 9B 27, BOX 9B 26, AXON N12 25, AXONE 11K 24
OX 9C 23 raggedy01
OX 9I 22 annelhynz
BONA N11 19 reynaritz
XI G3 17 babsbedi
BAND 12L 14 ginalee

On 15th draw, TUTRIX 13I 28 --- TUTRIX a female tutor [n]
Other moves: BINT 15L 27, BUNT 15L 27, BRUX 13K 26, BRUNT 15K 24, BURNT 15K 24
BUNT 15L 27 babsbedi, ginalee, reynaritz, annelhynz, raggedy01

On 16th draw, FENT 15L 33 --- FENT a slit [n]
Other moves: FLEME 14G 30, FLUENT 15J 30, FEME 14H 29, MENE 15L 27, MENT 15L 27
FENT 15L 33 babsbedi, raggedy01, reynaritz
FLUENT 15J 30 ginalee
FE O14 26 annelhynz

On 17th draw, ADZUKI E7 40 --- ADZUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other tops: AZUKI 14E 40
Other moves: KUZU J12 37, AZUKI D8 36, MIZ M7 36, MAZUT K9 32, JUKU J10 31
JAM 12H 26 raggedy01
ZA 7D 25 ginalee
ZIT K11 24 babsbedi
ZA 12H 23 reynaritz, annelhynz

On 18th draw, QI D12 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 12H 23, QI 12D 22, QI G3 21, REQUIN 10B 19, REQUIN J10 19
QI D12 44 babsbedi, reynaritz, annelhynz, raggedy01, ginalee

On 19th draw, VILER 14F 24 --- VILE physically repulsive [adj]
Other moves: RITZ 9B 20, LEVITE 11J 18, LIVER 14F 18, RIVET 14F 18, VERITE 11J 18
VITE K11 14 babsbedi, ginalee, annelhynz, reynaritz

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