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Game of October 12, 2011 at 20:51, 9 players
1. 570 pts musdrive
2. 546 pts rn.roselle
3. 507 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aalmpqu   H4    52    52   qualm
 2. ?ijlswy   9D    38    90   jowly
 3. aiiknot   D9    30   120   jink
 4. aeeiltv  11B    72   192   ventaile
 5. adeiors   A9    92   284   roadies
 6. deegoru   4H    28   312   queer
 7. aachnrs  12F    85   397   anarchs
 8. ?aaemnt  15A    86   483   sarmenta
 9. beiostv   6D    73   556   obviates
10. aeeelsx   M1    37   593   exes
11. ilnortw   1G    86   679   townlier
12. deiprtu   N1    29   708   rid
13. aeioopt  14D    26   734   opiate
14. bdgorru   5B    25   759   budo
15. afhinry   4C    39   798   yah
16. deefoot   7G    29   827   fleet
17. dfginor  10I    72   899   fording
18. ginoopz   O5    48   947   oozing

Remaining tiles: cggpru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7264 Filemusdrive    6 14:27  -377  570     1.7264 musdrive    6 14:27  -377  570 
  2.6608 Filern.roselle  3 13:05  -401  546            Group: intermediate
  3.6418 FileGrace_Tjie  3 15:06  -440  507     1.6608 rn.roselle  3 13:05  -401  546 
  4.5209 Filetonikay     1 18:55  -511  436     2.6418 Grace_Tjie  3 15:06  -440  507 
  5.5376 Filemagictwig   2 17:17  -582  365     3.6015 narisa      1  6:24  -852   95 
  6.4263 Filelynne321MH  1 15:58  -663  284            Group: novice
  7.4923 FileChiliB.     2 11:54  -685  262     1.5209 tonikay     1 18:55  -511  436 
  8.6015 Filenarisa      1  6:24  -852   95     2.5376 magictwig   2 17:17  -582  365 
  9.4366 FileDbuggle     0  0:51  -923   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.4263 lynne321MH  1 15:58  -663  284 
                                             2.4923 ChiliB.     2 11:54  -685  262 
                                             3.4366 Dbuggle     0  0:51  -923   24 

On 1st draw, QUALM H4 52 --- QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n]
Other moves: QUALM H8 38, QUALM H5 32, QUALM H6 32, QUALM H7 32, AQUA H5 26
QUALM H4 52 musdrive, rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie, tonikay, ChiliB.
AQUA H7 26 lynne321MH

On 2nd draw, J(O)WLY 9D 38 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other moves: SWI(R)LY 9H 36, WILJ(A)S 9C 36, WIS(E)LY 9C 36, WIS(T)LY 9C 36, WYL(E)S 9G 35
J(A)WS 9E 34 musdrive, rn.roselle
J(O)YS 9E 34 tonikay
JI(N)S I3 32 Grace_Tjie
JAWS 6G 16 ChiliB.
SWAY 6F 12 lynne321MH

On 3rd draw, JINK D9 30 --- JINK to move quickly out of the way [v]
Other moves: KAON 10B 28, KINA I3 28, KOAN 10B 28, OKTA 10A 27, TAKIN I1 27
JINK D9 30 ChiliB.
KINA I3 28 musdrive, rn.roselle
KOAN 10B 28 Grace_Tjie
KIT I3 25 tonikay
JOINT D9 24 lynne321MH

On 4th draw, VENTAILE 11B 72 --- VENTAILE the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n]
Other tops: ELUVIATE 5F 72
Other moves: LEVITE I1 28, EVITE I2 27, VITA I3 26, VITE I3 26, EAVE E11 24
LEVITE I1 28 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
VITE I3 26 musdrive
LITE I3 20 magictwig
VENT 11B 14 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, ROADIES A9 92 --- ROADIE a person who works for travelling entertainers [n]
Other moves: SOREDIA A5 86, ROADIES 12F 78, SOREDIA 13D 76, SOREDIA 12G 75, ROADIES J5 74
RESAID 13B 34 rn.roselle
RAISED 13A 30 magictwig
DAES 13A 26 tonikay
RADS 13A 26 musdrive
LARDS H11 21 Grace_Tjie
DEARS J7 20 narisa
QIS 4H 12 ChiliB.
RAVED B9 11 lynne321MH

On 6th draw, QUEER 4H 28 --- QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj] --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other moves: LEDGE H11 24, LODGE H11 24, LUGED H11 24, LEGER H11 21, LERED H11 21
QUEER 4H 28 Grace_Tjie, lynne321MH, musdrive, magictwig, narisa
LEDGE H11 24 ChiliB.
DRUG 12I 15 rn.roselle
DO 8E 10 tonikay

On 7th draw, ANARCHS 12F 85 --- ANARCH a promoter of lawlessness [n]
Other moves: ANARCHS 12H 81, ANARCHS 12I 78, ANARCHS 10I 74, ASHCAN 13C 40, ASHCAN M3 39
CRASH M1 35 magictwig
CHAS M1 33 rn.roselle, musdrive, Grace_Tjie
CASH M2 33 narisa
HAS M2 27 tonikay
CHAS 6F 15 lynne321MH

On 8th draw, SA(R)MENTA 15A 86 --- SARMENTA sarments [n] --- SARMENTUM a stem in the form of a runner [n]
Other moves: MANATE(E) 3I 85, MANAT(E)E 3I 85, SEMANT(R)A 15A 80, NAMA(S)TE 3I 79, NAMETA(G) 3I 79
MAN(S)E M1 26 musdrive
MAT(S) M1 24 rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie
MA(S)T M2 24 magictwig
MAN(S) M1 24 tonikay
LAME(D) H11 18 lynne321MH
THAN(K) K11 14 narisa

On 9th draw, OBVIATES 6D 73 --- OBVIATE to prevent or eliminate by effective measures [v]
Other moves: VIBS M1 33, OVIST M1 31, VISTO M2 31, BESIT M2 29, BESOT M2 29
VIBS M1 33 rn.roselle, tonikay, musdrive
BEST M2 27 magictwig
SOB 11K 22 Grace_Tjie
STORE L1 6 lynne321MH

On 10th draw, EXES M1 37 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AXES M1 37
Other moves: SAXE 11K 34, EXHALE K10 32, LEXES 5K 32, SAX 11K 32, SEX 11K 32
AXES M1 37 magictwig, rn.roselle, musdrive
AXES 3L 24 Grace_Tjie
LAX 7B 20 tonikay

On 11th draw, TOWNLIER 1G 86 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: NOWTIER 1H 33, TOWLINE 1G 33, TOWNIER 1H 33, WEIL 1L 33, WEIR 1L 33
TOWNLIER 1G 36 musdrive
WELT 1L 33 Grace_Tjie
WENT 1L 33 tonikay, lynne321MH, magictwig, rn.roselle

On 12th draw, RID N1 29 --- RID to free from something objectionable [v]
Other tops: RUD N1 29
Other moves: PERIDOT D1 26, RIT N1 26, RUE N1 26, RUT N1 26, PITHED K9 24
RID N1 29 musdrive, rn.roselle
RUD N1 29 Grace_Tjie
PRUDE 14H 14 tonikay
DRIP 5A 11 magictwig

On 13th draw, OPIATE 14D 26 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: PATIO 5A 24, PIETA 5A 24, TEPA 5B 24, TOPO 5B 24, APO 5C 22
OOP 11K 22 Grace_Tjie
OPIATE 2B 22 musdrive
PO 5D 20 rn.roselle
PATH K9 18 ChiliB., magictwig
CAPE J12 14 lynne321MH
TIP 14H 13 tonikay

On 14th draw, BUDO 5B 25 --- BUDO the philosophy of martial art [n]
Other moves: BURGOO D1 24, COD J12 24, CUD J12 24, BOUGH K8 22, BROGH K8 22
COD J12 24 rn.roselle, musdrive, tonikay
DO J14 21 Grace_Tjie
OUR 11K 18 lynne321MH
BROOD D3 16 ChiliB.
ORB 13L 12 magictwig

On 15th draw, YAH 4C 39 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HAIRY 13J 36, YARN 4C 32, FY 6A 31, NAH 4C 30, NAY 4C 30
YAH 4C 39 musdrive
FY 6A 31 rn.roselle
AY 6A 28 Grace_Tjie
AH 4D 26 lynne321MH
FRAB B2 18 magictwig
HAN 2F 18 tonikay
BY B5 15 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, FLEET 7G 29 --- FLEET swift [adj] --- FLEET to move swiftly [v]
Other moves: FLED 7G 28, FLEE 7G 26, FLOE 7G 26, CEDE J12 25, CODE J12 25
CODE J12 25 rn.roselle, magictwig
CEDE J12 25 musdrive
DO J14 21 Grace_Tjie
FOOD 7J 17 tonikay
FEDS K3 16 ChiliB.
FEES K3 14 lynne321MH

On 17th draw, FORDING 10I 72 --- FORD to cross by wading [v]
Other moves: VIFDA B11 38, FIDO 2F 26, CID J12 24, COD J12 24, FINO 2F 24
COD J12 24 tonikay, rn.roselle, musdrive
DO J14 21 Grace_Tjie
SING L12 7 ChiliB.
RINGS L8 7 magictwig

On 18th draw, OOZING O5 48 --- OOZE to flow or leak out slowly [v]
Other moves: POGOING O4 42, ZING O7 42, ZIP 2F 40, ZIG O8 39, GINZO 2C 37
OOZING O5 48 musdrive
ZING O7 42 rn.roselle, ChiliB., tonikay
ZIP 2F 40 magictwig, Grace_Tjie
ZIG O8 39 lynne321MH
ZIP M9 24 Dbuggle

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