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Game of October 12, 2011 at 23:49, 4 players
1. 281 pts narisa
2. 271 pts Lucylulu
3. 168 pts ttyger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehmpru   H4    34    34   hamper
 2. aiklmoq   4H    28    62   hakim
 3. abdjosv   M1    41   103   jabs
 4. ?beegit   6F    70   173   bemeting
 5. ennoruy   1K    48   221   enjoy
 6. eeilorw   9A    66   287   lowerier
 7. aiilnst   D6    68   355   alienist
 8. adlnopt   A7    36   391   dallop
 9. ?ddinos  10H    76   467   sodding
10. eeffhir  11I    39   506   fief
11. aceggnu   B2    29   535   uncage
12. eeqsttu  C11    45   580   quest
13. ahiorry   2J    43   623   rayah
14. dgiortu  15A    27   650   rotgut
15. aelotuz   3I    49   699   zo
16. adeeirr   L8    26   725   deifier
17. aacilnt  13B    63   788   tetanical
18. eotuvwx   A1    41   829   exo
19. noruvvw   5K    26   855   wo

Remaining tiles: nrtuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6003 Filenarisa      1 10:11  -574  281     1.6003 narisa      1 10:11  -574  281 
  2.6128 FileLucylulu    2  9:47  -584  271     2.6128 Lucylulu    2  9:47  -584  271 
  3.  -  Filettyger      1 13:49  -687  168     3.6770 immy        0  4:56  -746  109 
  4.6770 Fileimmy        0  4:56  -746  109            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ttyger      1 13:49  -687  168 

On 1st draw, HAMPER H4 34 --- HAMPER to hinder [v]
Other tops: HUMPER H4 34
Other moves: HAMPER H3 28, HAMPER H7 28, HAMPER H8 28, HAREM H4 28, HEPAR H4 28
HAMPER H4 34 narisa, ttyger

On 2nd draw, HAKIM 4H 28 --- HAKIM a Muslim physician [n]
Other tops: KAIM I3 28, KAMI I3 28, MAKO G3 28
Other moves: QI I3 26, AMOK G2 24, KALI I3 24, KALMIA 5C 24, KALMIA 5G 24
QI I3 26 narisa
MILK 6H 12 ttyger

On 3rd draw, JABS M1 41 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other tops: JOBS M1 41, SOJA 10H 41
Other moves: JAMBOS 6F 35, JAMBO 6F 34, JAMBS 6F 34, JAVAS 5E 32, JAKS J2 31
VISA K3 14 ttyger

On 4th draw, BEMETI(N)G 6F 70 --- BEMETE to measure [v]
Other moves: BEIG(N)ET G8 68, BEETI(N)G G8 67, (M)EGABIT 5E 50, (O)BJET 1K 48, EEJIT 1K 39
J(A)B 1M 33 narisa
BEET(L)E 8F 7 ttyger

On 5th draw, ENJOY 1K 48 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: JOY 1M 39, REJON 1K 39, OYE N1 35, ONY N1 32, JEU 1M 30
JOY 1M 39 narisa
GURNEY M6 12 ttyger

On 6th draw, LOWERIER 9A 66 --- LOWERY dark and threatening [adj]
Other moves: LOWERIER 9D 63, ALEW 5H 36, AREW 5H 36, EWE 5J 35, AWE 2M 27
EWE 2I 16 narisa

On 7th draw, ALIENIST D6 68 --- ALIENIST a physician who treats mental disorders [n]
Other tops: LATINISE D2 68, LITANIES D3 68
Other moves: INITIALS K6 66, INITIALS K4 32, NAS 10F 25, TAS 10F 25, INSTALL A3 24
SLAIN 10H 21 narisa
HAMPERS H4 14 immy
STALE D5 6 ttyger

On 8th draw, DALLOP A7 36 --- DALLOP a lump [n]
Other moves: PONTAL A4 33, DALLOP A6 27, POLLAN A7 27, PODAL 5E 26, NOPAL 5E 25
PLANT A8 24 immy, narisa
ADOPT B7 14 ttyger

On 9th draw, SODDIN(G) 10H 76 --- SOD to cover with sod (turf) [v]
Other moves: SNODDI(T) 10H 74, SODDIN(G) 14D 71, (N)ODDIN(G)S L6 70, SNODDI(T) 14D 69, (A)DENOIDS 8F 65
SODDIN(G) 10H 26 narisa

On 10th draw, FIEF 11I 39 --- FIEF a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FIEF E11 34, FEARE 2K 32, HEARE 2K 32, HEIFER L8 32, (N)IFFIER L6 32
HEIFER L8 32 Lucylulu
DIFFER K10 26 narisa
HEIFER 8G 18 ttyger

On 11th draw, UNCAGE B2 29 --- UNCAGE to release from a cage [v]
Other moves: ANCE 3F 28, UNCE 3F 28, ACE 3G 27, UNIFACE L8 26, CANGUE B2 25
CAGE C3 16 Lucylulu
GAGE 2H 12 narisa
(G)AUGE N10 10 ttyger

On 12th draw, QUEST C11 45 --- QUEST to make a search [v]
Other moves: SUQ 14D 41, TUTEES 12G 40, QUEEST 2F 39, QUEST 14A 37, SUQ 12L 36
QUEST C11 45 Lucylulu
QIS 11C 24 narisa
QUEST 2A 14 ttyger

On 13th draw, RAYAH 2J 43 --- RAYAH a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n]
Other moves: THORIA 15C 39, AYAH 2K 37, ARTY 15A 33, OATH 15A 33, RATH 15A 33
RATH 15A 33 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, ROTGUT 15A 27 --- ROTGUT an inferior liquor [n]
Other tops: TURGID 15C 27
Other moves: GUTROT 15A 24, OUTRIG 15A 24, DRIFT L8 22, GRIFT L8 22, TRIFID L8 22
TUTOR 15A 18 ttyger

On 15th draw, ZO 3I 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZOA A1 40, BLAIZE F6 37, ZOEAL 5E 37, ZO A1 35, AIZLE F8 34
ZO 3I 49 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, DEIFIER L8 26 --- DEIFIER one that deifies [n]
Other moves: DEIFER L8 24, EDIFIER L8 24, REIFIED L8 24, REIFIER L8 22, IDEA 9K 21
CARER 4B 14 Lucylulu
PAUSED 12A 9 ttyger

On 17th draw, TETANICAL 13B 63 --- TETANICAL [adj]
Other moves: CARINA 14J 28, CARLIN 14J 28, CARNAL 14J 28, CARAT 14J 26, CARTA 14J 26
CLIENT 13I 22 Lucylulu

On 18th draw, EXO A1 41 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: OX M12 38, COX H13 36, DOUX 8L 36, EX A1 36, OX A1 36
OX M12 38 immy
COX H13 36 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, WO 5K 26 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: COW H13 24, DOWN 8L 24, DROW 8L 24, VROUW 14K 22, CROWN 4B 20
DOWN 8L 24 Lucylulu
COW H13 24 immy

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