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Game of October 13, 2011 at 02:07, 7 players
1. 506 pts iwhist
2. 407 pts raggedy01
3. 209 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeprstv   H4    28    28   vespa
 2. ?aeistu   5E    78   106   eutexias
 3. ?kmoost   K4    76   182   matookes
 4. efginrr   E4    74   256   refringe
 5. aehlnox   8A    63   319   alexin
 6. ahhiprt   8H    48   367   atrophia
 7. aagnrtz   4K    38   405   matza
 8. aeeillo   N2    32   437   aizle
 9. emoorsv  12A    39   476   moves
10. deeouwy  J10    42   518   weedy
11. aeegnow   M7    38   556   whangee
12. abeilty  A10    39   595   tymbal
13. deeinqr   2J    36   631   qindar
14. dfiioor  L12    32   663   foid
15. ehinorr   7C    31   694   hori
16. celnnou   C3    28   722   luncheon
17. bdeeotu  14A    22   744   autoed
18. ceijoru  15E    38   782   roji
19. bcegiru  15L    21   803   dice

Remaining tiles: bgru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6380 Fileiwhist      3 16:52  -297  506     1.6380 iwhist      3 16:52  -297  506 
  2.6076 Fileraggedy01   3 21:42  -396  407     2.6076 raggedy01   3 21:42  -396  407 
  3.4796 Filepaulineasb  1 11:28  -594  209     3.6746 immy        1  1:52  -713   90 
  4.  -  Filecc7up714    0  8:43  -680  123            Group: not rated
  5.6746 Fileimmy        1  1:52  -713   90     1.4796 paulineasb  1 11:28  -594  209 
  6.4881 Filejayveed     0  3:20  -779   24     2.  -  cc7up714    0  8:43  -680  123 
  7.4770 FileSuzette     0  0:31  -787   16     3.4881 jayveed     0  3:20  -779   24 
                                             4.4770 Suzette     0  0:31  -787   16 

On 1st draw, VESPA H4 28 --- VESPA a common wasp [n]
Other tops: PAREV H8 28, PAVERS H4 28
Other moves: AVERTS H3 26, PAREV H4 26, PARVE H4 26, PAVER H4 26, PAVES H4 26
PAVERS H4 28 raggedy01, immy, iwhist
PAVERS H8 24 cc7up714

On 2nd draw, EUTE(X)IAS 5E 78 --- EUTEXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: SUIVA(N)TE 4E 70, AU(G)ITES 9B 69, AU(N)TIES 9B 69, SITU(L)AE 9H 69, SI(N)UATE 9H 69
VI(R)TUES 4H 18 immy
U(N)TIES 9C 18 cc7up714
U(N)ITES 9C 18 raggedy01
STA(R)E 9H 16 Suzette
VISTA 4H 16 iwhist

On 3rd draw, MATOOK(E)S K4 76 --- MATOOKE plantain used as food [n]
Other moves: OUTSMOK(E) F4 75, M(I)STOOK 9F 74, MATOOK(E)S 8G 68, MUSK(R)OOT F4 67, M(I)STOOK G8 67
KOTOS 4K 30 immy, iwhist
MOSK 9F 27 raggedy01
MOOSE E1 7 cc7up714

On 4th draw, REFRINGE E4 74 --- REFRINGE to deflect [v]
Other moves: REFRING(E) 10D 73, FING(E)RER 10G 67, FINGER(E)R 10E 65, FINGERER E1 62, RESIFT 6F 39
FINGER J10 34 iwhist
FINGERS 11E 22 cc7up714
MEN 4K 14 immy
FEERING E4 11 raggedy01

On 5th draw, ALEXIN 8A 63 --- ALEXIN a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n]
Other moves: HEXOSAN L1 54, HOXES L1 46, EXON L7 45, EXO L7 43, HALON L8 42
AXE D7 39 iwhist
HOAX L10 34 raggedy01

On 6th draw, ATROPHIA 8H 48 --- ATROPHIA a wasting away of the body or any of its parts [n]
Other moves: HAITH J10 41, PARTI L8 36, RHAPHE C3 36, HAITH D11 35, HAITH L11 35
HAH J10 31 iwhist
PAR 7C 24 raggedy01
HAIR A7 7 cc7up714

On 7th draw, MATZA 4K 38 --- MATZA an unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: ZARF 6B 36, GAZAL B4 35, N(E)RTZ 10J 35, AGAZ(E) 10G 34, GAZAR 4A 34
ZAS L3 32 iwhist
PAR L8 12 raggedy01
GARNET 11A 7 cc7up714

On 8th draw, AIZLE N2 32 --- AIZLE hot ashes [n]
Other moves: LEAZE N1 28, LAZE N2 26, LAZO N2 26, L*Z N2 24, ALINE 9B 22
LAZE N2 26 raggedy01, iwhist
OLLA O1 12 cc7up714

On 9th draw, MOVES 12A 39 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: MOROSE 12A 35, OMOVS 12A 35, REMOVES C3 34, MOERS 12A 33, MOORS 12A 33
MOVES 12A 39 raggedy01
HOOVERS M8 28 paulineasb
LOVERS B8 17 cc7up714
OM O1 16 iwhist

On 10th draw, WEEDY J10 42 --- WEEDY resembling a weed [adj]
Other moves: WOODY B10 40, YOWED J10 38, DOWERY 4A 35, WOOED B10 34, EMYDE A11 33
YOWED J10 38 iwhist
MEOW A12 27 raggedy01
MODE A12 21 paulineasb
SEWED 11K 9 cc7up714
WOES 11H 7 jayveed

On 11th draw, WHANGEE M7 38 --- WHANGEE an Asian grass [n]
Other moves: NEWER 7A 34, EWER 7B 31, WARE 7C 31, WERE 7C 31, WERO 7C 31
MOWN A12 27 paulineasb
WE O1 17 iwhist
DOWN 13J 16 raggedy01
WAGON O7 9 jayveed

On 12th draw, TYMBAL A10 39 --- TYMBAL a large drum [n]
Other moves: EMBAY A11 36, YITE N10 35, ABLY L12 34, LAYER 7A 34, YBET L12 34
AMBLE A11 27 paulineasb, raggedy01
BY O1 26 iwhist
BAY 14H 8 jayveed

On 13th draw, QINDAR 2J 36 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QI O1 35, EIDER N10 28, DINER 9C 25, ENERVED C8 24, DERE 7C 23
QI O1 35 iwhist
DINE D1 18 raggedy01
QAID O7 14 paulineasb

On 14th draw, FOID L12 32 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other tops: FOOD L12 32, FORD L12 32
Other moves: FINO 9C 31, SIFT 6H 29, FIDO D1 28, FIN 9C 28, FOR 7C 28
FOR 7C 28 iwhist
FER 12L 12 paulineasb
QI J2 11 raggedy01

On 15th draw, HORI 7C 31 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other tops: HERO 7C 31, HORE 7C 31
Other moves: HER 7C 28, HIN 9C 28, HERO D1 26, HIRE D1 26, HONE D1 26
HORE 7C 31 iwhist
HONE D1 26 raggedy01
THING 10A 17 paulineasb

On 16th draw, LUNCHEON C3 28 --- LUNCHEON a noonday meal [n]
Other moves: LEUCHEN C3 26, ALENCON 14A 22, CLOU D1 22, CLUE D1 22, COLE D1 22
NON 9C 21 iwhist
DUCE 15L 21 raggedy01
DONE 15L 15 paulineasb

On 17th draw, AUTOED 14A 22 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other tops: DEBE I12 22, DEBT I12 22
Other moves: DEB I12 21, DEBE 15L 21, DEBT 15L 21, DOB I12 21, OUD N10 20
DEBT 15L 21 raggedy01
DOTE 15L 15 paulineasb, iwhist

On 18th draw, ROJI 15E 38 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: UREIC 15D 32, GJU 10E 27, RICE 15E 23, JOE B1 22, DECO 15L 21
JOE B1 22 iwhist
JURE 12G 12 paulineasb

On 19th draw, DICE 15L 21 --- DICE to cut into small cubes [v]
Other tops: DIEB 15L 21, DRIB 15L 21, DRUB 15L 21, DUCE 15L 21, DUCI 15L 21
Other moves: REB I12 19, RIB I12 19, BI 3I 18, DREG 15L 18, DRUG 15L 18
DICE 15L 21 paulineasb, iwhist, raggedy01

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