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Game of October 13, 2011 at 07:25, 4 players
1. 210 pts Hasni
2. 207 pts charmz
3. 94 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aghoru   H8    26    26   rough
 2. ailoruy  12H    26    52   hoarily
 3. aenotuu  13G    24    76   atone
 4. abioort  N10    32   108   boyar
 5. ?aeiios   H7    36   144   broughtas
 6. aaemrsw  15L    50   194   wasm
 7. dehiort   O5    90   284   theroid
 8. ?fllotu  15A    92   376   outfalls
 9. aabmnoo  11J    29   405   bam
10. aeenpry   N2    33   438   payee
11. eiopstu   8A    83   521   spoutier
12. diinnor   B2    24   545   nondrip
13. eegnqst   D7    30   575   queens
14. defitvw   O1    36   611   few
15. adeiktv   M3    42   653   dak
16. egilnrt   F3    65   718   tireling
17. ceiinvz   A1    49   767   zine
18. acdgitu   L1    36   803   igad
19. ceituvv   1G    36   839   uveitic

Remaining tiles: ceijvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5963 FileHasni       2 10:44  -629  210     1.6439 charmz      1  7:10  -632  207 
  2.6439 Filecharmz      1  7:10  -632  207     2.6284 babsbedi    1  3:35  -752   87 
  3.5404 Filemarigold    0  4:27  -745   94            Group: novice
  4.6284 Filebabsbedi    1  3:35  -752   87     1.5963 Hasni       2 10:44  -629  210 
                                             2.5404 marigold    0  4:27  -745   94 

On 1st draw, ROUGH H8 26 --- ROUGH having an uneven surface [adj] --- ROUGH to make the surface uneven [v]
Other tops: A(N)OUGH H7 26, GAU(C)HO H8 26, GH(E)RAO H3 26, GROU(C)H H7 26, GROU(G)H H7 26, GUR(R)AH H7 26, GU(R)RAH H7 26, RAUGH(T) H8 26, ROUGH(S) H8 26, ROUGH(T) H8 26, ROUGH(Y) H8 26, (B)ROUGH H7 26, (C)URAGH H7 26, (D)URGAH H7 26, (G)ROUGH H7 26, (T)ROUGH H7 26
Other moves: A(A)RGH H8 24, GAR(T)H H8 24, GRA(P)H H8 24, GUR(S)H H8 24, G(E)RAH H8 24

On 2nd draw, HOARILY 12H 26 --- HOARILY in a hoary manner [adv]
Other moves: HOURLY 12H 24, YOU G9 24, RIYAL 13F 23, ROYAL 13F 23, ARYL 13F 22
HAIRY 12H 22 Hasni

On 3rd draw, ATONE 13G 24 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: OATEN 13F 22, TONE 13H 22, TUNE 13H 22, EOAN 11K 21, ETNA 13G 21

On 4th draw, BOYAR N10 32 --- BOYAR a former Russian aristocrat [n]
Other moves: ABORT 14J 28, BOTA 11J 27, RIBA 11J 27, BAT 11J 23, BIO 11J 23

On 5th draw, (B)ROUGHTAS H7 36 --- BROUGHTA an extra piece added to food to encourage further sales [n]
Other moves: A(R)IOSE 15J 29, A(R)IOSI 15J 29, (L)IAISE 15J 29, IO(D)ISE 15J 26, IO(N)ISE 15J 26

On 6th draw, WASM 15L 50 --- WASM an outmoded policy [n]
Other moves: WASE 15L 44, MASA 15L 38, MASE 15L 38, MESA 15L 38, SMEW O8 36
SWEAR O7 30 marigold

On 7th draw, THEROID O5 90 --- THEROID resembling a beast [adj]
Other moves: RIGHTED 11F 42, THROED O6 37, DITHER O6 36, RHODIE O6 36, RIGHTO 11F 35

On 8th draw, OUTF(A)LLS 15A 92 --- OUTFALL the outlet of a body of water [n]
Other moves: F(A)LLOUTS 15A 83, F(A)LLOUT G3 72, FOLL(Y) M9 33, FLO(R)ULA 14B 24, FOUG(H)T 11E 23

On 9th draw, BAM 11J 29 --- BAM to strike with a dull resounding noise [v]
Other tops: MANOAO N1 29, MOB 11J 29
Other moves: BAA 11J 23, BOA 11J 23, BOO 11J 23, BOOM G6 23, MAA 11J 23

On 10th draw, PAYEE N2 33 --- PAYEE one to whom money is paid [n]
Other moves: PYA 14A 32, PYE 14A 32, YEP I7 32, PANEER N2 31, YAE 14B 29

On 11th draw, SPOUTIER 8A 83 --- SPOUTY having a spout [adj]
Other moves: POUTIEST C8 72, PITEOUS G3 71, POSIT 14A 30, PISTOU B10 28, POSE 14A 27
PET O1 21 marigold

On 12th draw, NONDRIP B2 24 --- NONDRIP not liable to drip [adj]
Other tops: INION 14A 24
Other moves: ARID 14H 23, AND 14H 22, ARD 14H 22, DON M3 22, DOR M3 22
DOR M3 22 Hasni
RID O1 19 marigold

On 13th draw, QUEENS D7 30 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other tops: QUEEST D7 30
Other moves: GENE A1 25, QAT 3M 24, NETE A1 22, SENE A1 22, TENE A1 22
QAT 3M 24 marigold
GET O1 18 charmz
GEN O1 18 Hasni

On 14th draw, FEW O1 36 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: VIDE A1 35, WIDE A1 35, FEW A1 34, DEWITT E4 33, WAFT 14G 32
FEW O1 36 Hasni
FEW A1 34 charmz

On 15th draw, DAK M3 42 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other tops: KAT M3 42
Other moves: DAK M1 41, DIKA A1 41, DIKE A1 41, KA 14J 40, TAK M1 39
KAT M3 42 Hasni
DAK M1 41 charmz

On 16th draw, TIRELING F3 65 --- TIRELING a tired animal [n]
Other tops: RETILING F3 65, TINGLIER F3 65
Other moves: GIRTLINE F3 63, GLINTIER F3 63, RETILING F5 63, TRINGLE I1 62, LANG 14G 26
GLIT E5 21 charmz
GI 14B 14 Hasni

On 17th draw, ZINE A1 49 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other moves: ZIN A1 40, ZEE 10B 32, VINE A1 31, COZE 3A 30, ZINC 11B 30
ZINE A1 49 babsbedi, charmz
ZONE 3A 26 Hasni

On 18th draw, IGAD L1 36 --- IGAD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: CAD L2 34, CAG L2 34, DAG L2 32, GAD L2 32, CAT L2 30
DA 14J 22 charmz
CAY 4L 16 babsbedi, Hasni

On 19th draw, UVEITIC 1G 36 --- UVEITIC pertaining to uveitis [adj] --- UVEITIS inflammation of the uvea [adj]
Other moves: CRUIVE 5E 22, CURVET 5D 22, EVICT 4D 22, VITE E2 22, CITE E2 20
VITE E2 22 charmz
EVICT 4D 22 babsbedi
VEE 10B 14 Hasni

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