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Game of October 13, 2011 at 08:12, 6 players
1. 532 pts charmz
2. 508 pts Hasni
3. 493 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeghm   H4    30    30   hamed
 2. ?eeglnr   8A    83   113   largened
 3. cdeiotu   4D    78   191   outchide
 4. bgilort   F6    69   260   ringbolt
 5. eoorruy  E10    28   288   oye
 6. adefnru   A1    89   377   dearnful
 7. aceklms   L4    66   443   smack
 8. ?ainoos   C6    68   511   boronias
 9. elnoouv  D12    32   543   vole
10. ehiprrs  15A   167   710   spherier
11. beeiqty   3I    45   755   qi
12. anoprtw   2A    34   789   enwrap
13. aeflstu  13F    76   865   tasteful
14. aeittwz   8L    51   916   kazi
15. eeijnot   1E    49   965   joint
16. aeeginu   2J    31   996   guinea
17. abetwxy   O1    63  1059   waxy
18. adeeitv   O8    89  1148   ideative

Remaining tiles: bot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6440 Filecharmz      5 21:07  -616  532     1.6440 charmz      5 21:07  -616  532 
  2.5968 FileHasni       4 22:13  -640  508     2.6991 yab         1 14:49  -739  409 
  3.4937 Filefatcat      2 18:13  -655  493     3.6289 babsbedi    1 10:04  -967  181 
  4.6991 Fileyab         1 14:49  -739  409            Group: novice
  5.5404 Filemarigold    3  9:32  -906  242     1.5968 Hasni       4 22:13  -640  508 
  6.6289 Filebabsbedi    1 10:04  -967  181     2.5404 marigold    3  9:32  -906  242 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4937 fatcat      2 18:13  -655  493 

On 1st draw, HAMED H4 30 --- HAME to go home [v]
Other moves: HEAME H4 28, HEDGE H4 28, DEGAME H8 26, HAMED H8 26, DEGAME H4 24
HAMED H4 30 babsbedi, Hasni
HEDGE H4 28 yab, fatcat

On 2nd draw, L(A)RGENED 8A 83 --- LARGEN to enlarge [v]
Other tops: L(A)NGERED 8A 83, L(I)NGERED 8A 83
Other moves: ENLARGE(D) 5E 82, ENLARGE(N) 5E 82, ENLARGE(R) 5E 82, ENLARGE(S) 5E 82, ENLA(R)GER 5E 82
ENLARGE(R) 5E 32 yab
GENE I3 18 charmz
ANGLER 5H 14 fatcat
GEE I3 13 Hasni
ME(A)GRE 6H 8 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, OUTCHIDE 4D 78 --- OUTCHIDE to surpass in chiding [v]
Other moves: EDUCTION F1 67, OUTCRIED C4 65, CITED I3 29, COTED I3 29, COEDIT I2 26
COTED I3 29 charmz, babsbedi
CUTE G3 20 Hasni
COATED 5F 18 yab
DICE I1 15 fatcat

On 4th draw, RINGBOLT F6 69 --- RINGBOLT a type of eyebolt [n]
Other moves: BIGOT 5A 22, BIGOT I3 22, BIOG 3I 22, BIOG 5B 22, BLOG 5B 22
BIGOT 3K 20 yab
BROIL 3K 18 babsbedi
GLOB 3A 18 Hasni
BEG G7 18 charmz
MOB 6H 13 fatcat

On 5th draw, OYE E10 28 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other moves: OY E10 24, ROOTY 13C 24, RORTY 13C 24, OYER 3J 22, ROGUERY D6 22
OYE E10 28 Hasni, charmz
OY E10 24 yab
YOUR 5B 20 babsbedi
DRYER J4 17 fatcat

On 6th draw, DEARNFUL A1 89 --- DEARNFUL mournful [adj]
Other moves: UNFEARED K1 74, FARDEN L1 60, FUNDER L1 60, FAND L1 56, FARD L1 56
FUNDER L1 60 fatcat
FEND L1 56 Hasni
DEAF D12 32 yab, charmz
FINED I3 26 babsbedi

On 7th draw, SMACK L4 66 --- SMACK to strike sharply [v]
Other moves: SAMEK L4 62, SLACK L4 62, SKELM L4 58, KAES L1 56, KEAS L1 56
SMACK L4 66 fatcat, charmz
MAKS L1 56 Hasni
KAMES 3I 50 babsbedi
SKA 3H 38 yab

On 8th draw, (B)ORONIAS C6 68 --- BORONIA an Australian shrub [n]
Other tops: ORA(R)IONS C7 68, ORA(T)IONS C7 68
Other moves: OSTINA(T)O 13D 66, (A)NOO(P)SIA B8 66, O(R)ARIONS C5 59, (U)NSHAMED H1 39, SMACKIN(G)S L4 32
IKONS 8K 27 yab
KINS 8L 24 Hasni, fatcat
SKAN(K) 8K 24 charmz

On 9th draw, VOLE D12 32 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: VOE D12 28, VOL D12 28, KENO 8L 24, KOEL 8L 24, KOLO 8L 24
KENO 8L 24 yab
OVEN M8 17 charmz
NAVEL 12B 16 Hasni
EVEN 2A 14 fatcat

On 10th draw, SPHERIER 15A 167 --- SPHERY resembling a sphere [adj]
Other moves: PERISHER 15C 89, SHIP 3H 41, HIKERS 8J 39, EPRIS B10 37, SHIR 3H 37
HIKERS 8J 39 charmz, yab
KIPE 8L 30 Hasni
SHEEP 15A 30 fatcat

On 11th draw, QI 3I 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: KYTE 8L 33, KIBE 8L 30, TYEE B2 27, BEY 3I 26, BEATY 6J 24
QI 3I 45 yab, charmz, marigold, Hasni
KITE 8L 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, ENWRAP 2A 34 --- ENWRAP to cover by wrapping [v]
Other moves: KNOW 8L 33, KNAP 8L 30, KNOP 8L 30, KOAP 8L 30, ENTRAP 2A 28
KNOW 8L 33 fatcat, yab
KART 8L 24 charmz
OW 3C 15 Hasni
PROW D2 9 marigold

On 13th draw, TASTEFUL 13F 76 --- TASTEFUL full of taste [adj]
Other moves: FAULTS 2J 49, FESTAL 2J 49, FLATUS 2J 49, FLUATE 2J 49, FLUTES 2J 49
FLUTES 2J 49 yab
FUTSAL 1E 36 marigold
FEAST 9I 27 fatcat
SKATE 8K 27 charmz
SMACKS L4 14 Hasni

On 14th draw, KAZI 8L 51 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: AZIDE J1 35, MIZ 6H 34, ZITE J10 33, ZEA 6J 32, WAITE 14G 30
KITE 8L 24 charmz
ZEAL M10 13 fatcat

On 15th draw, JOINT 1E 49 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JOIN 1E 46, JIZ N6 35, JEFE K11 28, JEAN 6J 27, JEAT 6J 27
JOINT 1E 49 charmz, Hasni, marigold
JOINT I9 20 fatcat

On 16th draw, GUINEA 2J 31 --- GUINEA a former British coin [n]
Other moves: GENIE 2J 29, GENUA 2J 29, GAN 9M 24, AINEE 12J 23, AGENE 2J 22
GENIE 2J 29 marigold
GAZE N6 18 fatcat
JOINTING 1E 18 Hasni
ZING N8 16 charmz

On 17th draw, WAXY O1 63 --- WAXY resembling wax [adj]
Other moves: AXE 14I 58, BAYE 1L 56, BAYT 1L 56, WEX 12J 54, YEX 12J 54
WAXY O1 63 fatcat, marigold, charmz
AXE 14I 58 Hasni

On 18th draw, IDEATIVE O8 89 --- IDEATIVE pertaining to ideation [adj]
Other moves: DATIVE 14J 44, AVIZED N5 31, TEADE 14G 30, VIED 14G 30, AIDE 14H 26
DAZE N6 18 Hasni
ZIT N8 14 fatcat
AVE N4 13 charmz
EVADES A10 11 marigold

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