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Game of October 13, 2011 at 12:04, 9 players
1. 696 pts Stranger
2. 644 pts mylover81
3. 496 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?arsttx   H3    40    40   extras
 2. ?eiintt   5E    78   118   tintiest
 3. dehilnr   7G    68   186   hardline
 4. klnoosv   D1    40   226   volks
 5. abnoruv   O6    43   269   bravo
 6. aadenrt   L3    72   341   attainder
 7. eiopsty   8A    97   438   isotypes
 8. adeegno   1D    36   474   vendage
 9. deimpru   A5    66   540   peridium
10. afginou   B2    51   591   gonif
11. aceiruw   A1    32   623   caw
12. aeelsuz  N10    99   722   zeals
13. aeeglou  O12    30   752   gaol
14. bcehjno   M1    36   788   jobe
15. aeiinor   1M    30   818   joe
16. achinor   F8    69   887   parochin
17. eefiiuw   B8    30   917   sif
18. eituuwy  15D    45   962   winey
19. emqtuuu  11D    34   996   quotum

Remaining tiles: eu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7151 FileStranger    8 18:38  -300  696     1.7151 Stranger    8 18:38  -300  696 
  2.7147 Filemylover81   4 18:40  -352  644     2.7147 mylover81   4 18:40  -352  644 
  3.5983 FileHasni       4 19:58  -500  496            Group: intermediate
  4.4609 Fileremij       2 22:24  -562  434     1.6755 una         3  6:31  -721  275 
  5.6755 Fileuna         3  6:31  -721  275     2.6051 annelhynz   2  7:11  -732  264 
  6.6051 Fileannelhynz   2  7:11  -732  264     3.6438 charmz      2  6:37  -804  192 
  7.5374 Fileginalee     0 13:53  -777  219            Group: novice
  8.6438 Filecharmz      2  6:37  -804  192     1.5983 Hasni       4 19:58  -500  496 
  9.4882 Fileleobill     0  1:37  -974   22     2.5374 ginalee     0 13:53  -777  219 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4609 remij       2 22:24  -562  434 
                                             2.4882 leobill     0  1:37  -974   22 

On 1st draw, (E)XTRAS H3 40 --- EXTRA something additional [n]
Other tops: ST(O)RAX H7 40, ST(Y)RAX H7 40, S(U)RTAX H7 40
Other moves: R(E)TAX H8 38, ST(O)RAX H3 26, ST(O)RAX H4 26, ST(O)RAX H8 26, ST(Y)RAX H3 26
(E)XTRAS H3 40 Stranger
TAX(E)RS H4 26 mylover81, remij
TAX(E)RS H7 26 Hasni

On 2nd draw, TINTIE(S)T 5E 78 --- TINTY unevenly tinted [adj]
Other tops: NITTIE(S)T 5E 78
Other moves: ENTITI(E)S 8A 74, INTIT(L)ES 8A 74, STINTIE(R) 8H 74, STI(B)NITE 8H 74, (E)NTITIES 8A 74
EXT(E)NT 4G 24 Stranger
(U)NTIE I1 18 Hasni
TINE(S) G1 17 mylover81
EXIT 4G 11 ginalee
TENT 5H 8 remij

On 3rd draw, HARDLINE 7G 68 --- HARDLINE unyielding [adj]
Other moves: HELIX 4D 36, HIED 6J 32, HIE 6J 30, HIRED 6B 30, HEN G3 27
HIED 6J 32 mylover81, Stranger
HI 6J 27 annelhynz
HEIR 4J 24 Hasni
HINTED L2 20 remij, ginalee

On 4th draw, VOLKS D1 40 --- VOLK the Afrikaner people [n]
Other moves: KOLOS D1 36, VOLKS 4A 34, KOLOS 4A 30, SOOK 4L 30, LOOKS D1 28
VOLKS 4A 34 mylover81
SOOK 4L 30 Stranger
VOLT L2 14 ginalee

On 5th draw, BRAVO O6 43 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other tops: BOURN O4 43
Other moves: ARVO O6 34, BARON O5 34, BORNA O5 34, BURAN O5 34, UNROVE N2 34
BOURN O4 43 Stranger
BRAVO O6 43 mylover81
BRAVO 1A 30 ginalee
BON G3 23 Hasni
VERB N6 17 remij
BEAR N6 12 annelhynz

On 6th draw, ATTAINDER L3 72 --- ATTAINDER [n]
Other moves: TARTANED E5 68, VERANDA 1D 33, VERDANT 1D 33, TAVERNA 1B 30, DATER N10 27
DRAVE 1A 27 Stranger
DATER N10 27 mylover81
DEN G3 19 Hasni
DARN N10 16 remij
VEND 1D 8 ginalee

On 7th draw, ISOTYPES 8A 97 --- ISOTYPE a type of diagram [n]
Other moves: YIPES 12H 50, YIPES N10 49, PIOYS 12H 48, PYETS 12H 48, PYOTS 12H 48
YETIS 12H 46 mylover81
YITES N10 45 Stranger
SPY 12L 38 remij
STOVE 1A 24 ginalee

On 8th draw, VENDAGE 1D 36 --- VENDAGE the grape harvest [n]
Other tops: AVENGED 1C 36, DOGVANE 1A 36
Other moves: VENGED 1D 33, AVENGE 1C 30, OVENED 1C 30, DONGA N10 29, GEODE N10 29
VEGAN 1D 27 Hasni
VANED 1D 27 Stranger, mylover81
TANGOED D8 18 ginalee
YANG E8 16 remij

On 9th draw, PERIDIUM A5 66 --- PERIDIUM the covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi [n]
Other moves: PERIDIUM A3 64, PRIMED N10 44, PRIME N10 40, PUMIE N10 40, PURIM N10 40
PRIMED N10 44 Stranger, mylover81
DROME 2B 28 Hasni
TRUMPED D8 24 ginalee
PIMPED F8 19 remij

On 10th draw, GONIF B2 51 --- GONIF a thief [n]
Other tops: GANOF B2 51
Other moves: GANOF N10 33, GOAF B3 33, GONIF N10 33, GIF B4 32, NAIF B3 32
GOAF B3 33 Stranger
OF B5 30 mylover81
FA 2J 26 remij
YOUNG E8 18 ginalee
IF 10A 13 Hasni

On 11th draw, CAW A1 32 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: DAWEN G1 30, DEWAN G1 30, DIWAN G1 30, WICE N10 30, WE C3 29
CAW A1 32 Hasni, remij
WICE N10 30 Stranger
WIRE N10 28 mylover81
TWICE D8 20 ginalee

On 12th draw, ZEALS N10 99 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEALS 12H 70, ZEAL N10 64, ZEAS N10 64, ZEES N10 64, ZELS N10 64
ZEALS N10 99 Stranger, mylover81, Hasni, charmz, annelhynz
ZEAL N10 64 remij
ZAS N10 63 una
ZEE 10J 32 ginalee

On 13th draw, GAOL O12 30 --- GAOL to put in jail [v]
Other moves: OE C3 25, MOULAGE 12A 20, OLEA M11 19, EAGLE K10 18, EUGE M1 18
GAOL O12 30 Hasni, una
LOGE M1 18 Stranger
GOAL B11 17 mylover81
YALE E8 14 charmz
POLE F8 8 remij

On 14th draw, JOBE M1 36 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: BENJ K10 34, BENCH K10 32, B*CH* K10 32, JOB M1 32, CONJEE 10G 31
JOBE M1 36 Stranger
JOB M1 32 Hasni
HEN G3 27 una
JOE 10J 26 mylover81, charmz
JOE M1 24 annelhynz
JOB C7 23 remij

On 15th draw, JOE 1M 30 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JAI 1M 30, JAR 1M 30, JIN 1M 30, JOR 1M 30
Other moves: AEON N1 29, OE C3 25, ORA N1 24, AEON 9D 23, EOAN 9D 23
JIN 1M 30 remij
JAR 1M 30 una, Hasni, charmz
JOE 1M 30 mylover81, annelhynz, Stranger

On 16th draw, PAROCHIN F8 69 --- PAROCHIN a parish [n]
Other tops: PROCHAIN F8 69
Other moves: ORACH B10 34, ORACH N1 34, INARCH K9 31, HAIN M12 30, HAIR M12 30
OH 2I 29 Stranger
HAN G3 27 mylover81
HON G3 27 Hasni
HO 2J 26 annelhynz
HOC K10 25 una
HORN K10 23 remij
HARN B11 23 charmz

On 17th draw, SIF B8 30 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other tops: WIENIE 15C 30
Other moves: IF 2I 29, EF 6E 28, IF 6E 28, FEN G3 27, FEW K10 27
SIF B8 30 Stranger
EF 6E 28 mylover81
WEN G3 27 una
NIFE 15F 21 remij
WE 9C 20 annelhynz
NEW 15F 18 Hasni

On 18th draw, WINEY 15D 45 --- WINEY having the qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: WITNEY 15C 39, WITHY 13C 36, YE 2F 29, WEN G3 27, WEY K10 27
WINEY 15D 45 una, Stranger
YE 2F 29 mylover81
WEN G3 27 Hasni
NEWT 15F 21 remij

On 19th draw, QUOTUM 11D 34 --- QUOTUM a share [n]
Other tops: TUQUE 10H 34, TUQUE K10 34
Other moves: QUOTE 11D 28, TOQUE 11E 28, TUQUE D8 28, QUEY H12 26, UMU 2I 24
TUQUE 10H 34 mylover81, Stranger
QUOTE 11D 28 una
QUEY H12 26 annelhynz, remij
MEN G3 23 Hasni
QI E14 22 leobill

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