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Game of October 13, 2011 at 12:50, 5 players
1. 521 pts una
2. 474 pts Hasni
3. 185 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinntv   H4    28    28   vinted
 2. aeforuy   I5    26    54   fuero
 3. abdgotw   J6    30    84   bag
 4. ?aiiprx   K1    33   117   praxis
 5. gimnosz   2J    38   155   grosz
 6. eistuwy   O1    55   210   wytes
 7. aaeinrt   M2    70   280   santeria
 8. aaeosst   1H    30   310   ataps
 9. adeenpw   L8    39   349   pawned
10. ?eikoor  11E    94   443   oerlikon
11. deeenov  12A    32   475   vendee
12. deilmrt   N6    32   507   merl
13. adhhotu  13I    34   541   houdah
14. ceiloty  14F    42   583   coley
15. adinotu   C5    62   645   nudation
16. cgiilrs   8A    36   681   glacis
17. bijmntu   2F    32   713   jib
18. iimnoru   B1    40   753   ionium

Remaining tiles: eflqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6760 Fileuna         3 19:21  -232  521     1.6760 una         3 19:21  -232  521 
  2.5984 FileHasni       2 22:48  -279  474     2.6384 iwhist      0  0:51  -694   59 
  3.5367 Fileginalee     1  7:12  -568  185            Group: novice
  4.6384 Fileiwhist      0  0:51  -694   59     1.5984 Hasni       2 22:48  -279  474 
  5.4893 Fileleobill     0  1:40  -705   48     2.5367 ginalee     1  7:12  -568  185 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4893 leobill     0  1:40  -705   48 

On 1st draw, VINTED H4 28 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: VINED H4 26, VENIN H4 24, VINTED H7 24, VINED H8 22, VINTED H3 22
VINTED H4 28 Hasni, una

On 2nd draw, FUERO I5 26 --- FUERO a code of law [n]
Other moves: AERIFY 5E 24, AURIFY 5E 24, AVOYER 4G 24, *F*Y I7 24, VOYEUR 4H 24
FOYER I8 21 Hasni
FAN 6F 14 una

On 3rd draw, BAG J6 30 --- BAG to put into a bag (a flexible container) [v]
Other moves: GAWD J7 27, GOWD J8 25, BA J6 24, DAWT J7 24, WADT J7 24
BA J6 24 una
WAB J9 17 Hasni

On 4th draw, PRAXI(S) K1 33 --- PRAXIS practical use of a branch of learning [n]
Other moves: IXIA(S) K2 27, (O)RIXA K8 26, AXI(S) K3 25, XI(S) K4 23, PIRAI(S) K1 19
PRAXI(S) K1 33 Hasni
(S)IX 10I 19 una

On 5th draw, GROSZ 2J 38 --- GROSZ a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: MAZING 3J 36, MIS L3 34, GIMPS 1H 33, SOZIN K8 33, GAZONS 3J 32
ZO J3 31 una, Hasni

On 6th draw, WYTES O1 55 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other moves: WYES O1 52, WYTE O1 52, WEYS O1 49, YEWS O1 49, WYE O1 46
WYES O1 52 una
YEWS O2 33 ginalee
IS L4 24 Hasni

On 7th draw, SANTERIA M2 70 --- SANTERIA a religion of the Caribbean region [n]
Other tops: SEATRAIN M2 70
Other moves: ENRAPT 1G 33, INAPT 1H 30, ENTRAP 1F 27, EXTINE 4J 26, AZINE N1 25
ENRAPT 1G 33 una
TAT 3M 21 Hasni
STRAIN M2 14 ginalee

On 8th draw, ATAPS 1H 30 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other tops: ERGOTISE 8H 30, SOAPS 1H 30, STAPS 1H 30
Other moves: SATES 10I 25, SEATS 10I 25, STOAS 10I 25, AXON 4J 22, EXON 4J 22
SATES 10I 25 una
STOAS 10I 25 Hasni
SITS 8L 15 ginalee

On 9th draw, PAWNED L8 39 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other tops: WIPE 8L 39
Other moves: PAWED L8 37, PAWNEE L8 37, WIDE 8L 36, WIND 8L 36, PEANED L8 33
WIPE 8L 39 ginalee, una
PAWED L9 26 Hasni

On 10th draw, OER(L)IKON 11E 94 --- OERLIKON a type of Swiss aircraft [n]
Other moves: (B)ROOKIE 2B 92, KOO(K)IER 2B 76, (B)OOKIER 2B 76, (H)OOKIER 2B 76, (H)OOKIER N9 76
PIKE 8L 30 una, Hasni
PI(C)K 8L 27 ginalee

On 11th draw, VENDEE 12A 32 --- VENDEE a buyer [n]
Other moves: VENDED 13I 30, VENDEE 10B 29, VENDEE 13I 28, EVENED 12A 27, OVENED 12A 27
(L)OVED H11 27 Hasni, una, ginalee

On 12th draw, MERL N6 32 --- MERL a blackbird [n]
Other moves: DIVERT A10 30, MET N6 28, MIDDLER 13I 28, DERM 10C 27, MIDDLE 13I 26
DIVERT A10 30 ginalee
TERM 10C 26 una
VIDE A12 24 Hasni

On 13th draw, HOUDAH 13I 34 --- HOUDAH a seat on an elephant's back [n]
Other moves: HOTHEAD B8 32, HATH M12 31, HOHA M12 31, HAH M12 29, HOH M12 29
(L)OATH H11 24 una
HAH 2F 22 Hasni

On 14th draw, COLEY 14F 42 --- COLEY a type of cod [n]
Other moves: LEVITY A10 36, CLOY 14G 35, COY 14H 34, TOEY 14G 33, LEY 14H 32
COY 14H 34 Hasni, una
VICE A12 27 leobill

On 15th draw, NUDATION C5 62 --- NUDATION the act of making bare [n]
Other moves: AVOID A11 27, DAN 15G 27, DIN 15G 27, DIT 15G 27, DON 15G 27
DAN 15G 27 Hasni
NOT 15G 23 una
VINO A12 21 leobill

On 16th draw, GLACIS 8A 36 --- GLACIS a slope [n]
Other moves: CLAGS 8A 30, CRAGS 8A 30, CRAIGS 8A 30, GLEIS B10 29, SIC O13 29
SIC O13 29 una
SI 13C 27 Hasni

On 17th draw, JIB 2F 32 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: BIN 15G 31, BIT 15G 31, NIM 15G 31, BENJ B11 30, J*SM F6 29
JIB 2F 32 una
JIB 10B 28 iwhist
JEE F10 26 Hasni

On 18th draw, IONIUM B1 40 --- IONIUM an isotope of thorium [n]
Other moves: ONIUM B2 38, MIR 15G 31, MON 15G 31, MOR 15G 31, NIM 15G 31
ROM 15G 31 iwhist, una
MON 15G 31 Hasni

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