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Game of October 13, 2011 at 13:34, 8 players
1. 573 pts una
2. 565 pts iwhist
3. 550 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?blsuvy   H7    28    28   usably
 2. aceinoq  10D    36    64   niqab
 3. ademnno   E5    94   158   mondaine
 4. aaceklr   8A    39   197   caked
 5. deorssu   I1    63   260   dousers
 6. aegloor   H1    40   300   algor
 7. aeiopsy   J1    44   344   sype
 8. aeeilrt  11H    66   410   laetrile
 9. ?fiiinu   F3    33   443   unify
10. agimopx   2B    56   499   axiom
11. adejlnt   1A    50   549   jeat
12. eehituv   O8    48   597   thieve
13. denootv   M6    78   675   devotion
14. abciprt   1H    42   717   adscript
15. aadilot   C1    26   743   axoid
16. aehltww  D12    44   787   whew
17. aabginr  14B    76   863   abearing
18. egirtuz   9G    45   908   zag
19. eeilrtu   A4    61   969   reticule

Remaining tiles: fo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6760 Fileuna         2 15:29  -396  573     1.6760 una         2 15:29  -396  573 
  2.6384 Fileiwhist      2 19:31  -404  565     2.6384 iwhist      2 19:31  -404  565 
  3.6440 Filecharmz      2 19:17  -419  550     3.6440 charmz      2 19:17  -419  550 
  4.5999 FileHasni       2 20:20  -503  466     4.6079 raggedy01   0  3:07  -922   47 
  5.5372 Fileginalee     0 20:10  -549  420            Group: novice
  6.5263 FileOasthouse1  1 17:42  -566  403     1.5999 Hasni       2 20:20  -503  466 
  7.6079 Fileraggedy01   0  3:07  -922   47     2.5372 ginalee     0 20:10  -549  420 
  8.4574 Filemaddie      0  1:45  -946   23     3.5263 Oasthouse1  1 17:42  -566  403 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4574 maddie      0  1:45  -946   23 

On 1st draw, US(A)BLY H7 28 --- USABLE capable of being used [adv] --- USABLY in a usable manner [adv]
Other tops: BLU(E)SY H7 28, BLU(E)YS H8 28, BL(O)USY H7 28, BUS(I)LY H7 28, LUV(V)Y H8 28, LU(V)VY H8 28, SLUB(B)Y H7 28, SLU(B)BY H7 28, SUB(T)LY H7 28, SU(A)BLY H7 28
Other moves: BLU(D)Y H8 26, BLU(E)SY H4 26, BLU(E)Y H8 26, BLU(E)YS H4 26, BL(O)USY H4 26
BLU(E)SY H7 28 una
BL(O)USY H7 28 Hasni
BLU(E)Y H8 26 iwhist
BL(E)YS H4 24 charmz

On 2nd draw, NIQAB 10D 36 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: COQUINA 7E 29, CAIQUE 7D 28, CINQUE 7D 28, QUINCE 7G 28, QUINOA 7G 26
QUINCE 7G 28 una, charmz, iwhist
QUINE 7G 25 Hasni
QUA 7G 23 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, MONDAINE E5 94 --- MONDAINE a person who lives in fashionable society [n]
Other tops: DEMONIAN E5 94
Other moves: UNMOANED 7H 63, MONDAIN E5 40, MAENAD G9 26, ADENOMA G4 25, DAEMON G9 25
MANNED D8 24 raggedy01
MANED 11A 24 iwhist
MONEY 12D 20 charmz
M(A)NNED 9G 19 una
LEMON 11H 14 Oasthouse1

On 4th draw, CAKED 8A 39 --- CAKE to form into a hardened mass [v]
Other moves: CRAKE D3 34, RACK D12 34, RECK D12 34, ARKED 8A 33, LAKED 8A 33
CAKED 8A 39 Oasthouse1, iwhist, charmz, Hasni
KA G9 21 una
CAKE 12B 20 ginalee

On 5th draw, DOUSERS I1 63 --- DOUSER one that douses [n]
Other moves: SCOURSED A7 62, RESODS I5 36, RODS I7 34, SODS I7 34, DROSS I6 32
SOUSED 13B 30 una
ROUSED 13B 30 Oasthouse1
DRESS 13A 24 Hasni, charmz
DOERS 13A 24 iwhist
ROSES 13A 22 ginalee

On 6th draw, ALGOR H1 40 --- ALGOR coldness [n]
Other moves: ALOE H1 31, GAOLED 1D 30, GLARED 1D 30, GOALED 1D 30, ARGLED 1D 27
GLARED 1D 30 una, iwhist, Hasni, charmz, ginalee
ADORE 1H 21 Oasthouse1

On 7th draw, SYPE J1 44 --- SYPE to soak [v]
Other moves: POSEY F2 41, POSEY 13C 40, PYES J2 39, PIOYE F3 37, SEPOY F2 37
SPY J1 36 una, charmz
PAYEE D4 31 ginalee
PAYS 13B 30 iwhist, Hasni
POSY 13C 30 Oasthouse1

On 8th draw, LAETRILE 11H 66 --- LAETRILE a drug derived from apricot pits [n]
Other moves: EARLIKE C3 26, RATLIKE C3 26, TEALIKE C3 26, LOYALER 2H 20, NEATER D10 20
TEARY 12D 16 ginalee
RELET D2 16 iwhist
EEL J6 12 una
RAT D4 12 Oasthouse1
LITRE 12A 12 charmz
TALE D2 12 Hasni

On 9th draw, UNIF(Y) F3 33 --- UNIFY to make into a coherent whole [v]
Other moves: NIF(E) F4 32, N(A)IF F3 31, N(E)IF F3 31, UF(O) F5 31, (C)UIF F3 31
(D)IF F4 30 iwhist
IF F5 30 una
FIN(S) 13B 23 Hasni
FINE O8 21 charmz, Oasthouse1, ginalee

On 10th draw, AXIOM 2B 56 --- AXIOM a self-evident truth [n]
Other moves: MOXIE O7 42, OXIME O7 42, AX 12N 36, MAXI D12 36, MOXA D12 36
MOXIE O7 42 una
AX 12N 36 charmz, ginalee
APEX 12C 26 iwhist
AXE J9 26 Hasni
MOPE O8 24 Oasthouse1

On 11th draw, JEAT 1A 50 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JEANED O7 48, JEANED O10 45, JAILED M9 44, JEANED 12A 44, JANTEE 12A 42
JEANED O7 48 una
JEANED O10 45 iwhist
JADE O8 36 Oasthouse1, Hasni, charmz, ginalee

On 12th draw, THIEVE O8 48 --- THIEVE to steal [v]
Other moves: EVITE O11 36, THIEVE O6 36, HUE 3A 35, HIVE D12 32, TEE 3B 32
THIEVE O8 48 charmz, iwhist
THIEVE O6 36 una, Oasthouse1
HIVE O8 30 Hasni, ginalee

On 13th draw, DEVOTION M6 78 --- DEVOTION the act of devoting [n]
Other moves: TENDU 3B 41, NED 3B 35, TED 3B 35, NET 3B 32, TEN 3B 32
TED 3B 35 Hasni
VOTED 14K 32 una, iwhist, charmz, ginalee
AXED C1 24 Oasthouse1

On 14th draw, ADSCRIPT 1H 42 --- ADSCRIPT a distinguishing symbol written after another character [n]
Other moves: CABRIT N2 31, BARP D12 30, BARP L9 30, CARPI N2 27, PICRA N2 27
BARP L9 30 una
CRAPE 12A 24 iwhist
PRICE 12A 24 ginalee
CRAB L4 23 charmz
CRAB B6 14 Oasthouse1
RAPE J8 12 Hasni

On 15th draw, AXOID C1 26 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: AXIAL C1 24, LAROID L9 24, TARDO L9 24, REDIA 5H 23, AXAL C1 22
AXIL C1 22 iwhist
AD 14N 20 charmz
TOAD D12 18 una
TOILED 12A 16 ginalee
PILOT N1 14 Oasthouse1
PLAT N1 12 Hasni

On 16th draw, WHEW D12 44 --- WHEW a whistling sound [n] --- WHEW to utter a sound of astonishment [v]
Other moves: WHEW L4 34, HAET 10J 32, HEAT 10J 32, THAW D12 32, THEW D12 32
WHEW L4 34 una
HEAT 10J 32 iwhist, charmz
WHALE 12A 30 ginalee
HA 10J 28 Hasni
WHEW 12C 26 Oasthouse1

On 17th draw, ABEARING 14B 76 --- ABEAR to bear [v]
Other moves: BARGAIN L9 36, WABAIN 15D 33, BRAWN 15A 30, WARAGI 15D 30, WARING 15D 30
WARING 15D 30 iwhist, Hasni
BRAWN 15A 30 ginalee, Oasthouse1, charmz
BRAW 15A 27 una

On 18th draw, Z(A)G 9G 45 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: Z(A)IRE 9G 45
Other moves: Z(A)TI 9G 44, ZA G9 41, Z(A) 9G 41, GAUZE B7 35, PRIZE N1 32
Z(A)G 9G 45 una
ZEE J10 32 Hasni, iwhist, charmz, ginalee
PRIZE N1 32 Oasthouse1

On 19th draw, RETICULE A4 61 --- RETICULE a woman's handbag [n]
Other moves: TREW 15A 27, ETUI 15F 25, PELITE N1 25, PLUTEI N1 25, PUTELI N1 25
TREW 15A 27 charmz, una, iwhist
TEIL 15G 23 maddie
PLIER N1 14 ginalee, Hasni

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