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Game of October 13, 2011 at 18:13, 5 players
1. 640 pts jeff
2. 633 pts PIThompson
3. 448 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acejnot   H4    98    98   jaconet
 2. adelpru   7G    67   165   poularde
 3. ?aakoww   L2    42   207   warwork
 4. afhistt   O2   104   311   fattish
 5. adenrtu   G9    68   379   daunter
 6. eginnos  11A    85   464   enginous
 7. acehilu  15D    45   509   charlie
 8. ?beiinz   A8   212   721   zibeline
 9. aeglsxy   N5    59   780   exes
10. adeooru   K1    31   811   rodeo
11. abeorsv   K9    87   898   bravoes
12. eimqrty  14J    38   936   metier
13. aadfinr  O12    36   972   fard
14. agilopy   M1    36  1008   ply
15. agimotv   B7    28  1036   matin
16. eginuuv  F10    30  1066   voe
17. ginooru   C4    25  1091   unrig
18. eglooqu   5E    28  1119   equal

Remaining tiles: giooy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7035 Filejeff        5 11:55  -479  640     1.7035 jeff        5 11:55  -479  640 
  2.7706 FilePIThompson  6 15:10  -486  633     2.7706 PIThompson  6 15:10  -486  633 
  3.5255 Filetonikay     0 22:32  -671  448            Group: novice
  4.4770 FileSuzette     1 13:39  -835  284     1.5255 tonikay     0 22:32  -671  448 
  5.5585 Filejimbo       0  9:15  -916  203     2.5585 jimbo       0  9:15  -916  203 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4770 Suzette     1 13:39  -835  284 

On 1st draw, JACONET H4 98 --- JACONET a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: JACONET H2 88, JACONET H3 84, JACONET H6 84, JACONET H7 84, JACONET H8 84
JETON H4 40 PIThompson
JOTA H5 22 jeff
JANE H7 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, POULARDE 7G 67 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: PREADULT 10A 65, PENDULAR 8F 62, UNDERLAP 8G 62, UPLANDER 8D 62, JARPED 4H 32
JAPED 4H 30 jeff
PEDAL G7 29 PIThompson
PALED I7 26 tonikay

On 3rd draw, WA(R)WORK L2 42 --- WARWORK work done during the war [n]
Other tops: WA(X)WORK L2 42
Other moves: (S)KAW O7 41, KAWA(S) 11D 38, WAKA(S) 11D 38, KAW(S) 11E 36, KOW(S) 11E 36
(S)KAW O7 41 PIThompson, jeff
WE N6 13 tonikay

On 4th draw, FATTISH O2 104 --- FATTISH somewhat fat [adj]
Other moves: FATTISH 11C 93, FATTISH G9 79, FATTISH I9 79, FLATTISH J6 74, STAITH O7 51
FATTISH O2 54 jeff
SHAFT O7 45 tonikay
SHIFT O7 45 Suzette
KAFS 8L 41 PIThompson

On 5th draw, DAUNTER G9 68 --- DAUNTER one that daunts [n]
Other tops: DAUNTER I9 68
Other moves: NATURED G9 65, NATURED I9 65, TRUANTED 10C 65, TRUANTED 10H 63, UNDERATE 9A 62
DEARN N6 24 PIThompson
DEAR N6 21 jeff
DAE I3 17 tonikay
DENTURE 9B 10 Suzette

On 6th draw, ENGINOUS 11A 85 --- ENGINOUS ingenious [adj]
Other moves: NEGRONIS 15D 80, NEGATIONS 10D 66, IGNEOUS 11B 33, INGENUS 11B 33, GENIUS 11C 31
SNORING 15D 27 jeff
RESIGN 15G 24 tonikay
RINGS 15G 18 Suzette, jimbo
GORES 15E 18 PIThompson

On 7th draw, CHARLIE 15D 45 --- CHARLIE charley [n]
Other moves: CHIRAL 15D 42, CHARE 15D 39, CHIRL 15D 39, CHIRU 15D 39, CHURL 15D 39
CHARLIE 15D 45 jeff, PIThompson
CHURL 15D 39 jimbo
CHILE A7 30 Suzette
HE H14 26 tonikay

On 8th draw, ZIBE(L)INE A8 212 --- ZIBELINE a soft fabric [n]
Other moves: ZIBE(L)INE A4 134, EBI(O)NIZE A4 107, BENZI(D)IN E4 86, BENZI(D)IN B4 72, ZIBELIN(E) J3 70
ZEE(S) 14F 66 PIThompson, jeff
ZINE(S) A8 39 Suzette
Z(O)NE A8 36 jimbo
Z(O) I3 28 tonikay

On 9th draw, EXES N5 59 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AXES N5 59
Other moves: SAXE N4 56, AXE N5 53, YEX M1 49, YALES 14J 45, LEX M1 43
AXES N5 59 jeff, PIThompson
YEX M1 49 tonikay
SAX 9L 28 jimbo
SEXY 14I 22 Suzette

On 10th draw, RODEO K1 31 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: ANODE B10 30, ODEA K2 29, RADON B7 28, DOUAR 14J 27, DOURA 14J 27
DOUAR 14J 27 tonikay
ODOUR K11 25 jimbo
RODE M1 22 PIThompson, jeff
GRAD C11 12 Suzette

On 11th draw, BRAVOES K9 87 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n]
Other moves: BRAVOES 14I 86, ABOVES 14I 46, BEVORS 14J 44, BRAVES 14J 44, BRAVOS 14J 44
BRAVES 14J 44 jeff
BRAVOES K9 37 PIThompson
BRAVER 1F 33 jimbo
RAVES K11 29 tonikay, Suzette

On 12th draw, METIER 14J 38 --- METIER a vocation [n]
Other moves: MERIT 14J 36, METER 14J 36, METRE 14J 36, TYE M2 34, EYE 14E 32
METER 14J 36 jeff
QI N1 32 tonikay, PIThompson
TRYER 1G 24 jimbo
YOW 2J 17 Suzette

On 13th draw, FARD O12 36 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v]
Other moves: FIRN O12 33, DIF N1 29, AFRAID D7 28, FAAN B6 28, FAIN 12D 28
FARD O12 36 PIThompson, Suzette, jeff
FAN B7 19 tonikay

On 14th draw, PLY M1 36 --- PLY to supply with or offer repeatedly [v]
Other moves: YO J2 34, AY J1 32, AYE 14E 32, OY J1 32, OYE 14E 32
PLY M1 36 PIThompson
OYE 14E 32 jeff
PAY I3 25 tonikay
GLOP C11 14 Suzette

On 15th draw, MATIN B7 28 --- MATIN a morning song, as of birds [n]
Other tops: VOMIT D8 28
Other moves: MOAI F10 27, MOOI F10 27, TOMO F8 27, VIATOR 1F 27, VIGOR 1G 27
VIGOR 1G 27 PIThompson
VIA B6 25 jeff
MAT I3 19 tonikay
GAM C11 12 Suzette

On 16th draw, VOE F10 30 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: GIVER 1G 27, VEG C6 26, VIG C6 26, VUG C6 26, VINER 1G 24
GIVER 1G 27 PIThompson, jeff
GIVE D10 16 tonikay

On 17th draw, UNRIG C4 25 --- UNRIG to divest of rigging [v]
Other moves: NOG C6 23, RIG C6 23, RUG C6 23, UG C7 22, RIGOUR 1F 21
UNRIG C4 25 jeff, PIThompson
GO I3 14 tonikay

On 18th draw, EQUAL 5E 28 --- EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: GOEL D4 25, QI M13 22, UG J1 21, GU I9 19, DEG M7 18
EQUAL 5E 28 jeff, PIThompson
LOG I3 17 tonikay

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