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Game of October 14, 2011 at 07:54, 8 players
1. 438 pts babsbedi
2. 416 pts annelhynz
3. 406 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaepsu   H4    20    20   pause
 2. ?aaeery   7E    62    82   yeasayer
 3. aeoqstt   8D    29   111   qat
 4. ?aekmos   M7    98   209   sokeman
 5. dnnostu   K1    68   277   unstoned
 6. cdiorst  10G    67   344   cordites
 7. cinorrt  12H    78   422   contrair
 8. efilmnu   1J    42   464   fumuli
 9. behilnw  H12    36   500   chew
10. aegnort   L1    24   524   moten
11. agglnno   6F    21   545   gaun
12. deefiin   9C    29   574   fid
13. ehilnoo   3I    28   602   hostile
14. aegiluv   O3    30   632   eluvia
15. aegjprr   2F    34   666   jape
16. beglort   3C    30   696   begot
17. eiilnoy   4D    32   728   noy
18. abegiwx   5B    51   779   ibex
19. aeegirw  13B    32   811   reweigh
20. adilrvz   A5    74   885   vizard

Remaining tile: l

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6289 Filebabsbedi    4 15:23  -447  438     1.6289 babsbedi    4 15:23  -447  438 
  2.6048 Fileannelhynz   1 16:03  -469  416     2.6048 annelhynz   1 16:03  -469  416 
  3.5123 Filespellcheck  2 22:13  -479  406     3.6002 Hasni       1 17:01  -591  294 
  4.4921 Filefatcat      2 19:09  -481  404     4.6980 yab         0  1:54  -838   47 
  5.6002 FileHasni       1 17:01  -591  294     5.6441 charmz      0  0:27  -846   39 
  6.5407 Filemarigold    0  3:53  -821   64            Group: novice
  7.6980 Fileyab         0  1:54  -838   47     1.5123 spellcheck  2 22:13  -479  406 
  8.6441 Filecharmz      0  0:27  -846   39     2.5407 marigold    0  3:53  -821   64 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4921 fatcat      2 19:09  -481  404 

On 1st draw, PAUSE H4 20 --- PAUSE to stop temporarily [v]
Other tops: AP(N)EAS H3 20, AU(C)EPS H8 20, PAEA(N)S H4 20, PAESA(N) H4 20, PASEA(R) H4 20, PASE(L)A H4 20, PAUAS H4 20, PAUSA(L) H4 20, PAUSE(D) H4 20, PAUSE(R) H4 20, PAUSE(S) H4 20, PAU(S)ES H4 20, PA(R)EUS H4 20, SA(R)APE H8 20, UPASE(S) H3 20, UPA(S)ES H3 20
Other moves: A(H)EAP H8 18, PAA(L)S H4 18, PAEA(N) H4 18, PASE(O) H4 18, PASE(S) H4 18
PAUSE(D) H4 20 spellcheck
PA(C)ES H4 18 marigold
APES H8 12 fatcat

On 2nd draw, YEASA(Y)ER 7E 62 --- YEASAYER one that affirms something [n]
Other tops: (Y)EASAYER 7E 62
Other moves: AREA(W)AY 5E 36, APYRA(S)E 4G 22, E(M)PAYRE 4F 22, PEA(T)ARY 4H 22, PEA(T)ERY 4H 22
PA(P)ERY 4H 20 spellcheck
PRAYE(R) 4H 20 marigold
YEAR I3 19 annelhynz
PAR(R)Y 4H 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, QAT 8D 29 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT I3 28, QATS M4 26, ETATS M3 24, TATES M3 24, TEATS M3 24
QATS M4 26 marigold
STATE M7 19 annelhynz
TOASTY E2 18 spellcheck
YEAST E7 16 fatcat

On 4th draw, SOKEMA(N) M7 98 --- SOKEMAN a tenant by socage [n]
Other moves: MA(T)OKES M1 88, (C)OMAKES M1 88, (D)ARKSOME L5 86, (L)ARKSOME L5 86, (L)EUKOMAS 6F 84
KEA 6J 36 annelhynz
MAKES M3 36 fatcat
(S)MOKES M2 36 babsbedi
Q(U)AKES D8 36 spellcheck

On 5th draw, UNSTONED K1 68 --- STONE to pelt with stones (pieces of concreted earthy or mineral matter) [adj] --- UNSTONED not stoned [adj]
Other tops: DAUNTONS 5G 68
Other moves: UNSTONED 10G 65, DONUTS N10 36, DONUT N10 34, NODUS N8 31, QUODS D8 30
NOD N8 23 babsbedi
DOT N10 21 annelhynz
POUNDS 4H 18 fatcat
STUNNED 10H 14 spellcheck
STONED K3 14 Hasni

On 6th draw, CORDITES 10G 67 --- CORDITE an explosive powder [n]
Other moves: CITROUS 1F 30, DUROCS 1J 30, SIROC N10 29, CID 9C 27, CITRUS 1G 27
CURIOS 1J 27 babsbedi
CROUTS 1H 27 spellcheck
DOT N10 21 annelhynz
ORS 8M 9 Hasni
CRUST 1I 8 fatcat

On 7th draw, CONTRAIR 12H 78 --- CONTRAIR contrary [adj]
Other moves: OCTROI H10 27, NOMIC 11K 26, CISTRON 3I 24, COIR 9B 24, CROUT 1H 24
IRONIC K10 16 fatcat
TORN L12 15 annelhynz
ROC N12 13 babsbedi
SON N10 9 Hasni
COUNT 1I 8 spellcheck

On 8th draw, FUMULI 1J 42 --- FUMULUS a thin cloud [n]
Other moves: FILUM 1H 39, FUMULI 1H 36, FLUE 6F 33, LUMINE 1J 33, FEU 6F 30
RIFE O12 21 Hasni, annelhynz, spellcheck
MENU 1H 18 fatcat

On 9th draw, CHEW H12 36 --- CHEW to crush or grind with the teeth [v]
Other moves: CHIB H12 33, HEW L3 32, BLUE 6F 27, CHIN H12 27, CLEW H12 27
CHEW H12 36 fatcat, spellcheck, annelhynz, babsbedi
HIE 9C 27 Hasni

On 10th draw, MOTEN L1 24 --- MOTE a small particle [n]
Other tops: MATER L1 24
Other moves: ERG 6D 22, NORTENA 2F 22, GAUN 6F 21, GRANTEE 14B 20, MATE L1 20
GRANT O11 18 fatcat, spellcheck
GROAN O11 18 babsbedi
RAGE O12 15 annelhynz
TO I14 9 Hasni

On 11th draw, GAUN 6F 21 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: LONGAN I3 19, ARGOL O11 18, ARGON O11 18, GAU 6F 18, GAYAL E5 18
RANG O12 15 Hasni, fatcat
ANON 2J 15 babsbedi
OON I12 12 annelhynz
WAGON 15H 10 spellcheck

On 12th draw, FID 9C 29 --- FID a square bar used as a support for a topmast [n]
Other moves: FISTED 3I 28, FIE 9C 27, FREED O11 27, FRIED O11 27, INDIE 9A 25
FID 9C 29 babsbedi
FRIED O11 27 spellcheck, fatcat
RIFE O12 21 annelhynz, Hasni

On 13th draw, HOSTILE 3I 28 --- HOSTILE an unfriendly person [n]
Other tops: HISTONE 3I 28
Other moves: HOSTEL 3I 26, HOSTIE 3I 26, OHO G13 23, FOEHN C9 22, INHOOP 4C 22
HOSTILE 3I 28 fatcat
OOH I12 18 babsbedi
OHO 8M 18 Hasni
HI I3 13 annelhynz
WHOLE 15H 12 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ELUVIA O3 30 --- ELUVIUM a soil deposit [n]
Other moves: GRAVE O11 27, ERVIL O11 24, FAUVE C9 22, FAVEL C9 22, GLEAVE 14F 22
GRAVE O11 27 fatcat, babsbedi, Hasni
FAVEL C9 22 spellcheck
RIVE O12 21 annelhynz

On 15th draw, JAPE 2F 34 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAEGER 14F 32, JA 10B 30, JEEP 14F 29, AJEE 14E 27, JEER 14F 27
JA 10B 30 Hasni, babsbedi, annelhynz
JEER 14F 27 fatcat
GRAPE O11 24 spellcheck

On 16th draw, BEGOT 3C 30 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other moves: BO 1G 28, ERGOT 3C 26, GLOB 3D 26, GOB 3E 25, LOB 3E 24
BO 1G 28 babsbedi, annelhynz, Hasni
FLORET C9 18 spellcheck
ROBE O12 18 fatcat

On 17th draw, NOY 4D 32 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other tops: LOY 4D 32
Other moves: ENOL 4C 29, ONIE 4C 29, YEELIN D1 26, YONI 4B 25, FELONY C9 24
NOY 4D 32 babsbedi, Hasni
FELONY C9 24 fatcat
FINELY C9 24 spellcheck
NO 1G 21 annelhynz

On 18th draw, IBEX 5B 51 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other tops: WEX 5C 51
Other moves: EX 5D 43, AXE 10A 31, WEB 5C 31, AWEIGH 13C 30, ABEIGH 13C 28
WEX 5C 51 babsbedi
AXE 10A 31 annelhynz
AXE 14F 12 spellcheck
RAX O12 10 Hasni
WEB C1 8 fatcat

On 19th draw, REWEIGH 13B 32 --- REWEIGH to weigh again [v] --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: AWEIGH 13C 30, WRIER O11 24, WAG 2B 23, FEWER C9 22, WHEE 13G 20
WRIER O11 24 Hasni
AWE 10A 19 babsbedi
FAERIE C9 18 spellcheck
RAGE O12 15 yab
NEW J12 14 fatcat

On 20th draw, VIZARD A5 74 --- VIZARD a mask [n] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: VALID A5 44, VILD A5 41, VIRAL A5 41, RIZA O12 39, VAIL A5 38
RIZA O12 39 charmz
ZA 10B 36 annelhynz, babsbedi
RIZ F12 32 yab
RIVA O12 21 spellcheck
WIZARD 15H 20 fatcat

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