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Game of October 14, 2011 at 10:12, 5 players
1. 442 pts charmz
2. 330 pts Hasni
3. 189 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegopw   H4    28    28   weapon
 2. demorsu   8D    63    91   dormouse
 3. ahillst  10C    73   164   tallish
 4. eiklorv   K7    26   190   revoke
 5. delmovw  L10    45   235   wolved
 6. ?aaeftt   M5    77   312   taffeta
 7. acelmor  15E    89   401   clamored
 8. agginrt   N4    24   425   giga
 9. abefinr   O7    38   463   brief
10. degiorx   O1    56   519   redox
11. ioprstu   5C    70   589   roupiest
12. adeginy  14J    33   622   eyeing
13. abdnstu   2J    28   650   butane
14. aeinnos   O7    48   698   briefings
15. deeinot   1G    33   731   ditone
16. aeijnnz   4A    44   775   jean
17. aceinqy   2F    34   809   qi
18. acehiny   7E    39   848   heapy

Remaining tiles: cinuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6418 Filecharmz      1 19:55  -406  442     1.6418 charmz      1 19:55  -406  442 
  2.5997 FileHasni       0 21:55  -518  330     2.6685 sunshine12  1 11:24  -659  189 
  3.6685 Filesunshine12  1 11:24  -659  189     3.6604 GLOBEMAN    1  2:04  -791   57 
  4.5398 Filemarigold    0  6:52  -743  105            Group: novice
  5.6604 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:04  -791   57     1.5997 Hasni       0 21:55  -518  330 
                                             2.5398 marigold    0  6:52  -743  105 

On 1st draw, WEAPO(N) H4 28 --- WEAPON to supply with a weapon (an instrument used in combat) [v]
Other moves: GAWPE(D) H4 26, GAWPE(R) H4 26, GOWPE(N) H4 26, AG(L)OW H8 24, GAWPE(D) H3 24
POWE(R) H4 24 Hasni, charmz

On 2nd draw, DORMOUSE 8D 63 --- DORMOUSE a small rodent [n]
Other moves: DORMOUSE 8G 62, MOSED 10F 29, MUSED 10F 29, DORSUM 10E 28, ODEUM G4 28
DROMES 10C 26 Hasni
DOME I3 20 charmz

On 3rd draw, TALLISH 10C 73 --- TALLISH somewhat tall [adj]
Other moves: LATHIS 10C 28, SITELLA 5E 28, SITELLA K5 28, AHIS 10E 26, HAST 10F 26
HAST 10F 26 charmz
WITHS 4H 22 Hasni

On 4th draw, REVOKE K7 26 --- REVOKE to annul by taking back [v]
Other tops: EVOKER 5D 26, EVOKER 5H 26, EVOKER K4 26, EVOKER K8 26, KLAVIER 6F 26, REVOKE 5C 26, REVOKE 5G 26, REVOKE K3 26
Other moves: EVOKE 5D 24, EVOKE 5H 24, EVOKE K4 24, EVOKE K8 24, KERO 11B 24
REVOKE K7 26 charmz
KO I3 16 Hasni

On 5th draw, WOLVED L10 45 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other moves: MODEL 13I 37, WOLVE L10 37, VOWED 13G 35, MEOW L12 34, DOWEL 13K 33
VOWED 13G 35 charmz
WOWED 4H 24 marigold
DOME I3 20 Hasni

On 6th draw, TAF(F)ETA M5 77 --- TAFFETA a lustrous fabric [n]
Other moves: TA(F)FETA M5 73, TAF(F)ETAS J1 66, TA(F)FETAS J1 66, TAF(F)ETA 14H 34, AF(R)EET 14I 32
FEAT M9 27 Hasni
FEAT(E)D 15G 27 charmz
DEAF 15L 24 marigold

On 7th draw, CLAMORED 15E 89 --- CLAMOR to make a loud outcry [v]
Other moves: CLAMORED D1 82, CLAMORER F1 66, CAROM N2 42, CARVEL 13I 42, CELOM N2 42
CROMED 15G 33 charmz
MALE N2 14 marigold
(F)AE 8M 6 Hasni

On 8th draw, GIGA N4 24 --- GIGA a lively dance [n]
Other tops: GRATIN N1 24
Other moves: AGRIN N2 22, GRAIN N2 22, GRATIN L1 22, NGATI L3 22, RINGTAW 4B 22
NIGGARD D2 20 marigold
VANG 13L 16 Hasni
AGAIN D10 12 charmz

On 9th draw, BRIEF O7 38 --- BRIEF short [adj] --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other moves: NAIFER O7 36, BARF O7 35, ABRIN O6 33, NABE O5 33, ABRIN O1 31
BRAIN O7 29 charmz

On 10th draw, REDOX O1 56 --- REDOX a type of chemical reaction [n]
Other moves: DOXIE O1 49, EXO 11C 35, DERIG O1 32, GEOID O1 32, DOGIE O1 31
DEX I3 27 charmz
VOX 13L 26 Hasni
EX I5 20 sunshine12
EX 5H 9 marigold

On 11th draw, ROUPIEST 5C 70 --- ROUPY hoarse [adj]
Other tops: SPOUTIER 5B 70
Other moves: PITEOUS 5E 36, PUREST 14I 30, TOPERS 14I 30, POSTIE 2J 28, POTSIE 2J 28
OP N1 18 sunshine12
IS 12N 15 Hasni
ROPES 5E 14 marigold
BRIEFS O7 12 charmz

On 12th draw, EYEING 14J 33 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YEAD 4A 32, ANERGY C2 28, YEAN 4A 28, DENY 4B 27, AWEING 4G 26
DAY 4B 26 Hasni
DAINTY J1 20 charmz
YES I3 15 sunshine12

On 13th draw, BUTANE 2J 28 --- BUTANE a flammable gas [n]
Other tops: BAUD 4A 28, DAUB 4A 28
Other moves: BUAT 4A 24, SNAB 4A 24, SNUB 4A 24, STAB 4A 24, STUB 4A 24
STUB 4A 24 charmz
STAB 4A 24 sunshine12
AS 12N 15 Hasni

On 14th draw, BRIEFINGS O7 48 --- BRIEFING giving a short summary [n]
Other moves: ANIONS 1G 30, INSANE 1G 30, AEONS 1H 27, INANE 1H 27, NEONS 1H 27
NEONS 1H 27 charmz
AS 12N 15 sunshine12
NON 3K 14 Hasni

On 15th draw, DITONE 1G 33 --- DITONE an old musical scale interval [n]
Other moves: DENET 3I 28, DONEE 3I 28, NIDATE 6E 28, NOTED 3I 28, TINED 3I 28
DINO 1G 19 Hasni
TONED 1I 19 charmz
NED 4B 16 sunshine12

On 16th draw, JEAN 4A 44 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JIZ 7C 41, ZEIN 6B 39, ZIN 2F 37, NAZE 2D 36, NAZI 2D 36
ZIN 2F 37 charmz
ZA 2F 34 Hasni
ZOA D4 24 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QI 2F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIECE B2 31, CARNY C3 28, NAY 3K 28, QI 3I 26, AY 3B 24
QI 2F 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
NY 3B 24 Hasni
QI 7C 24 charmz

On 18th draw, HEAPY 7E 39 --- HEAPY resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another) [adj]
Other moves: YECH B3 33, HIYA 11B 31, NIECE B2 31, ANARCH C2 30, ECHE B4 30
HIN 3E 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
THEY C10 20 charmz

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