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Game of October 14, 2011 at 13:18, 7 players
1. 635 pts una
2. 605 pts jeff
3. 531 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bnnotv   H4    20    20   bonnet
 2. ?dioooy   I5    25    45   doy
 3. aehhrrt   J6    47    92   heath
 4. biilost   5E    30   122   bloods
 5. aelorsv   8A    83   205   oversale
 6. ?aegiuz  11E   127   332   aguized
 7. acderuy  12J    48   380   decury
 8. aaekmtv  N10    42   422   kerma
 9. adirstt   C2    74   496   striated
10. acoostx   O7    45   541   coxa
11. deilopu   B4    34   575   updive
12. aefilpr   A1    49   624   pelf
13. aeeglsv  15H   107   731   gleaves
14. afinqrt  12A    44   775   faqir
15. iiinoot  13C    35   810   into
16. aeirrtw   2C    65   875   strawier
17. eegimno   1H    40   915   gnome
18. einnouw  14J    28   943   we
19. iiijnou  A12    42   985   fuji

Remaining tiles: iinno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6785 Fileuna         6 17:06  -350  635     1.7041 jeff        4 15:52  -380  605 
  2.7041 Filejeff        4 15:52  -380  605            Group: intermediate
  3.6032 Fileannelhynz   2 17:58  -454  531     1.6785 una         6 17:06  -350  635 
  4.6015 FileHasni       1 25:53  -491  494     2.6032 annelhynz   2 17:58  -454  531 
  5.5391 Fileginalee     0 15:04  -630  355     3.6015 Hasni       1 25:53  -491  494 
  6.6538 Filemarcous     2  8:05  -752  233     4.6538 marcous     2  8:05  -752  233 
  7.5934 Fileworsie      0  7:12  -779  206            Group: novice
                                             1.5391 ginalee     0 15:04  -630  355 
                                             2.5934 worsie      0  7:12  -779  206 

On 1st draw, BONN(E)T H4 20 --- BONNET to put on a head covering tied with ribbon [v]
Other moves: BONN(E) H4 18, BONN(Y) H4 18, B(A)TON H4 18, B(E)NTO H4 18, B(E)TON H4 18
BONN(E)T H4 20 jeff, Hasni, una
VOT(E) H8 12 ginalee

On 2nd draw, DOY I5 25 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other tops: DOY(S) I5 25
Other moves: BOY(H)OOD 4H 24, DO(H)YO I3 24, D(A)Y I5 23, D(E)Y I5 23, D(O)Y I5 23
DOY I5 25 jeff, una
(S)OY 10H 20 Hasni
BOO(T)Y 4H 18 ginalee
YOD G3 18 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, HEATH J6 47 --- HEATH an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HEARTH J6 42, HEART J6 38, HETH J6 38, HEH J6 37, HAH J4 35
HEATH J6 47 una
HEH J4 35 annelhynz
HAH J4 35 jeff
HEARTH G8 24 Hasni

On 4th draw, BLOODS 5E 30 --- BLOOD to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) [v]
Other moves: ALIBIS 8J 27, BLIST 11G 26, STILB 11J 26, BOILS K8 25, BIST 11H 24
BOILS K8 25 annelhynz
SLOB 11J 24 ginalee
BIOS K8 23 jeff, Hasni
BOLTS 11F 19 una

On 5th draw, OVERSAL(E) 8A 83 --- OVERSALE the act of overselling [n]
Other moves: ABSOLVER E4 76, ALLOVERS F3 65, ALLOVERS F4 65, OVERSALT 9A 63, LAVERS 11E 31
SALVER 11J 31 una
SLAVER 11J 31 Hasni, ginalee
VALSE 11G 29 jeff
VAS 10F 22 annelhynz

On 6th draw, AGUIZE(D) 11E 127 --- AGUIZE to adorn [v]
Other tops: AGUIZE(S) 11E 127, GAUZIE(R) 11E 127
Other moves: AGUIZE(S) 10B 95, AGUIZE(S) 11D 94, AGE(N)IZE C2 52, AGUIZE C3 52, AGUIZE(D) C3 52
GAUZE(S) 11E 42 una
ZA(S) 10F 38 Hasni, annelhynz
AVIZE B7 37 jeff
GRAZE(D) D7 30 ginalee

On 7th draw, DECURY 12J 48 --- DECURY a group of ten soldiers in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: DARCY 12J 38, DARE 12H 38, DECAY 12J 38, DECRY 12J 38, ARCADE 8J 36
AD 12I 29 una
YEAD 7C 28 annelhynz
READY 12A 25 jeff
CRAY 12B 23 Hasni
YARD 12B 19 ginalee

On 8th draw, KERMA N10 42 --- KERMA a term in physics relating to kinetic energy [n]
Other tops: KARMA N10 42
Other moves: KARATE N10 40, KARAT N10 38, MARKET N10 36, MARKA N10 34, AKATEA 8J 33
KARMA N10 42 una
MEATY O8 30 jeff, Hasni, ginalee
TEA 13M 17 annelhynz

On 9th draw, STRIATED C2 74 --- STRIATE to mark with striae [v]
Other tops: STRAITED C2 74
Other moves: TARDIEST C3 72, STRADIOT A2 60, DAIRY O8 35, DAISY O8 35, DIARY O8 35
DIARY O8 35 annelhynz
ARTIST 15J 33 una
RAST 15L 27 jeff
TRADS 15J 19 Hasni
KERMAS N10 12 ginalee

On 10th draw, COXA O7 45 --- COXA the hip or hip joint [n]
Other moves: CAST 15L 39, COST 15L 39, COAST 15K 36, COOST 15K 36, OXO O8 36
COST 15L 39 ginalee
OXO O8 36 annelhynz, Hasni
COAX 12B 35 jeff, una

On 11th draw, UPDIVE B4 34 --- UPDIVE to spring upward [v]
Other moves: YELP O12 33, YODE O12 31, YELD O12 30, YOLD O12 30, DEVIL B6 27
YODE O12 31 una
PLIED 12A 25 ginalee
PILED 12A 25 jeff
DIVE B6 24 annelhynz
DO O14 12 Hasni

On 12th draw, PELF A1 49 --- PELF money or wealth [n]
Other moves: FLAP A1 44, FLIP A1 44, FRAP A1 44, ALEF A1 43, ALIF A1 43
FLAP A1 44 una
FLIP A1 44 jeff
FURL 4A 22 worsie
FILE 12B 16 annelhynz
FALL F2 15 Hasni

On 13th draw, GLEAVES 15H 107 --- GLEAVE a sword [n]
Other moves: SELVAGES 2C 72, GLEAVES M4 70, VASE 15L 45, VALSE 15K 39, YAGS O12 31
VASE 15L 45 una, jeff, annelhynz, worsie, marcous, Hasni
VEALS 12A 26 ginalee

On 14th draw, FAQIR 12A 44 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FIAR D1 40, AFT 14I 31, FA 14J 28, FAINT 12D 28, TIAR D1 28
FA 14J 28 jeff, annelhynz, una
QAT 12C 26 worsie
FAINT 12A 26 ginalee
IF B1 26 marcous
QI 12D 24 Hasni

On 15th draw, INTO 13C 35 --- INTO to a position within [prep]
Other tops: INTI 13C 35
Other moves: NIT 13B 32, TIN 13B 32, IN 13C 28, IO 13C 28, IT 13C 28
TIN 13B 32 jeff, una, annelhynz, marcous
NIT 13B 32 worsie, Hasni
FOOT A12 21 ginalee

On 16th draw, STRAWIER 2C 65 --- STRAWY resembling straw [adj]
Other moves: WARBONN(E)T H1 39, WAFTER A10 36, AWE 14I 31, EWT 14I 31, AW 14I 28
WAFTER A10 36 jeff
AWE 14I 31 annelhynz, una, Hasni
WE 14F 26 worsie, marcous
FRAT A12 21 ginalee

On 17th draw, GNOME 1H 40 --- GNOME a fabled little person [n] --- GNOME a pithy saying [n]
Other moves: NOME 1F 39, MOG 1F 36, NOM 1F 34, OGEE 1G 33, MEE 1H 31
NOME 1F 39 jeff
MOG 1F 36 Hasni
NOM 1F 34 marcous
MOE 1H 31 una
MEE 1H 31 annelhynz
OM 1G 29 worsie

On 18th draw, WE 14J 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: UNFINE A10 27, WE 14F 26, WO 14F 26, WEN 3I 23, WE 3I 22
WE 14J 28 annelhynz, una, jeff, marcous
WE 14F 26 worsie, Hasni
FINE A12 21 ginalee

On 19th draw, FUJI A12 42 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: JO M9 24, JOL I13 24, FINI A12 21, FINO A12 21, FOIN A12 21
FUJI A12 42 annelhynz, una, marcous, jeff
JO 8N 9 Hasni

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