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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of October 14, 2011 at 15:39

Word find
Word played
1 ?OPRTTW POWT(E)R H4 26   26 1/4       26 1/4
2 BEGINST BESTING 10F 29 -50 55 1/5     79 105 1/5
3 AEGIILO GOALIE 11B 20   75 1/5       125 1/5
4 AAELMRU LAME I3 20 -16 95 4/5 MURAENA K5 36 161 2/5
5 ?CKNRYZ ZONK C10 34 -44 129 3/5 AZ(U)RY 8K 78 239 2/5
6 CELOPTV CLOVE L1 30 -3 159 2/5 COPE 12A 33 272 1/5
7 EFHNOSS CHEF A12 36   195 1/4       308 1/5
8 AEFILOT FLITE L1 28 -48 223 1/4 FLOATIER N1 76 384 1/5
9 AEOSTUV EAST O1 37 -148 260 1/4 VOUTSAFE 1H 185 569 1/5
10 DEINSWY WYES O3 32 -10 292 1/4 WINSEY 12H 42 611 1/5
11 DEILNTV WIVE H12 30   322 4/4       641 1/5
12 AACORST CASTOR N10 41 -22 363 1/4 CASTRATO 7B 63 704 1/5
13 DIINORT DORT 13L 23 -37 386 1/5 RETINOID 15G 60 764 1/5
14 AGHIKNR KING 14J 42 -18 428 2/5 HANGI 14J 60 824 1/5
15 BDDEJNO JUD 6J 27 -5 455 1/5 OBE 13M 32 856 1/5
16 ADDELMQ QUA 6J 32   487 1/5       888 1/5
17 DEIJNRU JEAN 4L 24 -18 511 2/5 JEU M3 42 930 1/5
18 DEIKLNN LEAK 4L 26 -14 537 2/4 ENLINK 14A 40 970 1/5
19 DDELMRU ME 2J 22 -6 559 1/4 MUDDERS D1 28 998 1/5

Total: 559/998 or -439 for 56.01%
Rank: 6937

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