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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of October 14, 2011 at 23:22

Word find
Word played
1 ELNOSTU STOLEN H3 14 -52 14 1/4 LENTOUS H2 66 66 1/4
2 ?ABGIIU BIA(S) G3 20 -16 34 2/3 BAITI(N)G 5E 36 102 2/4
3 AAEERTV VAT 4D 18 -53 52 3/4 VALERATE 2F 71 173 2/4
4 DLOOPRT DROOP 4B 24   76 1/3       197 2/4
5 DEILMOS SMOILED N2 48 -50 124 1/3     98 295 2/4
6 AEGISTU SATE O5 27 -59 151 2/3 AUGITES O8 86 381 2/4
7 CEIKOPR KIPE N11 36 -67 187 1/3 POCKIER M7 103 484 2/4
8 ?AEILMT LEAM 6C 30 -56 217 1/3 (C)LEMATIS 8A 86 570 1/4
9 ENRTUWY WEY 6D 38   255 1/3       608 1/4
10 DILNOUY YOND L12 32 -4 287 2/3 NODDY B2 36 644 1/4
11 AEGINTT GETTING K5 18 -43 305 1/2 GNATTIER 13F 61 705 1/4
12 ACENRRR CARE H12 27 -6 332 1/2 ARCANE H10 33 738 1/4
13 DENOVWX WEXED 3G 59   391 2/2       797 1/4
14 AFHIRSZ FIZ A1 58   449 2/2       855 1/4
15 ABELNQS QUEAN 7G 46   495 1/3 QUENA 7G   901 1/4
16 AHORRSV HAS 9E 27 -38 522 2/3 OVERRASH 15F 65 966 1/4
17 BIJNOUU JO M4 20 -18 542 2/2 NORI C2 38 1004 2/4
18 BFHJLUU FEH M1 32 -2 574 2/2 BHELS L11 34 1038 2/4

Total: 574/1038 or -464 for 55.29%
Rank: 6336

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