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Game of October 15, 2011 at 00:52, 2 players
1. 149 pts Suzette
2. 10 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeors   H2    64    64   serosae
 2. ?bceitu   2A    76   140   brucites
 3. aegiopr   4G    72   212   progeria
 4. deorrsu   A2    86   298   bordures
 5. afgittu   3K    27   325   fag
 6. eintuvy   5K    41   366   yeti
 7. cehmpsy   O1    52   418   hyps
 8. chilotv   B5    29   447   oh
 9. aeeimnn   G6    69   516   enamine
10. ddoorst  H11    31   547   odors
11. delnouv  15F    63   610   unsolved
12. abilort   B9    74   684   orbital
13. acefmnu   F6    57   741   fanum
14. eiilntw   M9    30   771   wintled
15. adeinvx  15A    57   828   ilex
16. aaginwz  12A    50   878   zigan
17. aadkltw   D2    42   920   catwalk
18. deijqtv   C1    28   948   jud
19. ceiiqtv  14A    25   973   qat

Remaining tiles: ceiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4841 FileSuzette     0  8:37  -824  149     1.5239 tonikay     0  0:57  -963   10 
  2.5239 Filetonikay     0  0:57  -963   10            Group: not rated
                                             1.4841 Suzette     0  8:37  -824  149 

On 1st draw, SERO(S)AE H2 64 --- SEROSA a thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities [n]
Other tops: AERO(B)ES H2 64, AERO(B)ES H3 64, AERO(B)ES H4 64, AERO(B)ES H6 64, AERO(B)ES H7 64, AREO(L)ES H2 64, AREO(L)ES H3 64, AREO(L)ES H4 64, AREO(L)ES H6 64, AREO(L)ES H7 64, ARE(N)OSE H2 64, ARE(N)OSE H3 64, ARE(N)OSE H4 64, ARE(N)OSE H6 64, ARE(N)OSE H7 64, ARE(N)OSE H8 64, A(C)EROSE H2 64, A(C)EROSE H4 64, A(C)EROSE H6 64, A(C)EROSE H7 64, A(C)EROSE H8 64, OREA(D)ES H2 64, OREA(D)ES H3 64, OREA(D)ES H4 64, OREA(D)ES H6 64, OREA(D)ES H7 64, O(V)ERSEA H2 64, O(V)ERSEA H4 64, O(V)ERSEA H6 64, O(V)ERSEA H7 64, O(V)ERSEA H8 64, REA(R)OSE H2 64, REA(R)OSE H3 64, REA(R)OSE H4 64, REA(R)OSE H6 64, REA(R)OSE H7 64, REA(R)OSE H8 64, ROSEA(T)E H2 64, ROSEA(T)E H3 64, ROSEA(T)E H4 64, ROSEA(T)E H6 64, ROSEA(T)E H8 64, SERO(S)AE H3 64, SERO(S)AE H4 64, SERO(S)AE H6 64, SERO(S)AE H7 64, (R)EAROSE H2 64, (R)EAROSE H3 64, (R)EAROSE H6 64, (R)EAROSE H7 64, (R)EAROSE H8 64, (S)EROSAE H2 64, (S)EROSAE H3 64, (S)EROSAE H6 64, (S)EROSAE H7 64, (S)EROSAE H8 64
Other moves: AERO(B)ES H5 62, AERO(B)ES H8 62, AREO(L)ES H5 62, AREO(L)ES H8 62, ARE(N)OSE H5 62
REE(F)S H8 10 tonikay

On 2nd draw, B(R)UCITES 2A 76 --- BRUCITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: B(R)UCITE G7 73, B(R)UCITE I7 73, BRUCITE(S) 4G 72, TUBICO(L)E 5C 72, BACU(L)ITE 7G 68

On 3rd draw, PROGERIA 4G 72 --- PROGERIA premature aging [n]
Other tops: PROGERIA 4C 72
Other moves: P(R)OGERIA B1 62, GAPER G5 25, ABORE A1 24, GAPE G5 23, GAPO G5 23

On 4th draw, BORDURES A2 86 --- BORDURE a border surrounding a shield [n]
Other tops: BOURDERS A2 86
Other moves: ORDURES I6 67, ORDURES G8 62, DORSER O1 37, DOUSER O1 37, ROUSED O1 37

On 5th draw, FAG 3K 27 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FUG 3K 27
Other moves: FAG G7 24, FAT 3K 23, FAUT G7 23, IF 5J 23, AFT G6 22

On 6th draw, YETI 5K 41 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other moves: TYNE 5K 38, YEN 5K 37, YET 5K 37, NYE 5K 34, TYE 5K 34

On 7th draw, HYPS O1 52 --- HYP hypochondria [n] --- HYP to offend [v]
Other moves: MYCS O1 49, HEYS O1 46, HYES O1 46, MESHY B6 46, SYPH O5 44

On 8th draw, OH B5 29 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: CHOLIC D2 26, HOC G7 26, THO 3C 25, CHICO D2 24, CHIV D2 24

On 9th draw, ENAMINE G6 69 --- ENAMINE a type of amine [n]
Other moves: ENAMINE G7 67, ENAMINE I7 67, ENAMINE G8 63, ENAMINE I8 63, AM N1 27

On 10th draw, ODORS H11 31 --- ODOR the property of a substance that affects the sense of smell [n]
Other moves: DODO H12 29, DODS H12 29, DODO F8 27, DODOS 13C 27, DOOR H12 26
DOORS 13C 25 Suzette

On 11th draw, UNSOLVED 15F 63 --- SOLVE to find the answer or explanation for [adj] --- UNSOLVED not solved [adj]
Other moves: UDON F9 27, DOVENED 12B 24, LOUNDER 14B 24, ROVED 4A 24, DOLE F10 23
VINED E1 18 Suzette

On 12th draw, ORBITAL B9 74 --- ORBITAL a subdivision of a nuclear shell [n]
Other moves: LABORITE L8 72, TRILOBAL J8 64, TABOR F8 37, ABORT F9 34, OBITAL B9 30
BAILED 12C 18 Suzette

On 13th draw, FANUM F6 57 --- FANUM a cape worn by the pope [n]
Other moves: MANE A12 44, FAME F6 42, CLEF 15A 39, FANE F6 38, FLAM 15A 36
FAMED M11 22 Suzette

On 14th draw, WINTLED M9 30 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other moves: LINE A12 28, LITE A12 28, TILE A12 28, TINE A12 28, LWEI C8 27
WILTED M10 20 Suzette

On 15th draw, ILEX 15A 57 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: NIXER 14D 55, VEX 14D 54, DEX 14D 52, NIX 14D 51, AX 14E 50

On 16th draw, ZIGAN 12A 50 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZING 12A 48, WIZ 10L 35, GAZED 12D 32, AZAN E10 31, ZAG C7 31
ZIT 12K 24 Suzette

On 17th draw, CATWALK D2 42 --- CATWALK a narrow walkway [n]
Other moves: KAWA 14A 31, KAW C7 29, WAKA L8 28, WEAK 14L 27, WEKA 14L 27

On 18th draw, JUD C1 28 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other tops: JEDI 10J 28, JUTE C1 28
Other moves: QAT 14A 25, TED 6L 25, DJIN 11J 24, JUT C1 24, QI 1E 24
JIVE 10L 22 Suzette

On 19th draw, QAT 14A 25 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 1E 24, QI L10 24, VINIC 11K 20, CIVIE 10J 18, ETIC 12L 18

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