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Game of October 15, 2011 at 02:22, 1 player
1. 109 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegiluv   H4    28    28   vagile
 2. ?deegot   5D    86   114   dogeates
 3. ehinprz   4B    53   167   phiz
 4. ?aeforv   8A    92   259   overfall
 5. adeioos   3C    37   296   sado
 6. aadilnr   A8    80   376   ordalian
 7. efiosty   6J    41   417   fisty
 8. aboprst   C7    30   447   besport
 9. aceinos   M1    72   519   aconites
10. deilrru   E8    74   593   flurried
11. eennoru   2G    74   667   renounce
12. ehiintw   1C    56   723   whiten
13. abgnwxy   B4    31   754   pyx
14. aeejmtw   8J    48   802   jetsam
15. abegnoo  15C    33   835   bodega
16. akmoqtu   2A    34   869   qua
17. klmotuw  14D    33   902   mew
18. ceiklnu   J8    25   927   juke
19. ciilnot   K8    28   955   enolic

Remaining tiles: it

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4834 FileSuzette     0  7:17  -846  109     1.4834 Suzette     0  7:17  -846  109 

On 1st draw, VAGILE H4 28 --- VAGILE free to move about [adj]
Other tops: GLAIVE H8 28
Other moves: VAGUE H4 26, GLAIVE H4 24, VALUE H4 24, GAVEL H4 22, GLAIVE H3 22
VAGUE H4 26 Suzette

On 2nd draw, DOGEATE(S) 5D 86 --- DOGEATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: DE(R)OGATE 5C 68, GOAT(W)EED 5F 68, DOGE(A)TE G9 65, DOGE(A)TE I9 65, GO(R)GETED 6E 64
VE(R)TED 4H 18 Suzette

On 3rd draw, PHIZ 4B 53 --- PHIZ a face or facial expression [n]
Other moves: ZINE 4A 52, HIZEN 4A 50, PREZ 4B 47, PIZE 4A 42, HIZEN 6J 41
PRIZE 9D 26 Suzette

On 4th draw, OVERFA(L)L 8A 92 --- OVERFALL to fall over [v]
Other moves: FOR(G)AVE I7 82, FAVORE(D) G9 76, FAVORE(D) I9 76, FAVORE(R) G9 76, FAVORE(R) I9 76
F(L)OP B1 16 Suzette

On 5th draw, SADO 3C 37 --- SADO a Japanese tea ceremony [n]
Other tops: ODAS 3C 37, SADE 3C 37, SADI 3C 37
Other moves: ODA 3C 35, SAD 3C 35, TIDS I5 29, TODS I5 29, DESI 6C 28
SAID I8 23 Suzette

On 6th draw, ORDALIAN A8 80 --- ORDALIAN pertaining to ordalium [adj]
Other moves: LANIARD 2F 66, NADIRAL 2F 66, LANIARD I9 63, NADIRAL I9 63, (L)ANDRAIL G8 63

On 7th draw, FISTY 6J 41 --- FISTY like a fist [adj]
Other moves: SOFTY B11 40, EYOTS B10 38, FEISTY 4J 38, FEYS 9C 35, ASEITY 14A 34

On 8th draw, BESPORT C7 30 --- BESPORT to disport [v]
Other moves: BASTO B11 28, BAP 2B 27, BARPS 2F 27, PROBS 2F 27, BOARTS 2F 26

On 9th draw, ACONITES M1 72 --- ACONITE a poisonous herb [n]
Other moves: ACINOSE I9 64, ARIOSE D7 28, SING 6E 28, SONG 6E 28, OSE I7 25

On 10th draw, FLURRIED E8 74 --- FLURRY to confuse [v]
Other moves: LURIDER I9 64, RUDERAL 1H 27, UREDIAL 1H 27, DERAIL 1J 24, DRICE 2J 24

On 11th draw, RENOUNCE 2G 74 --- RENOUNCE to disown [v]
Other moves: NEURONE I9 62, ENDERON 15C 27, ENDURE 15C 24, ENDURO 15C 24, REDONE 15C 24

On 12th draw, WHITEN 1C 56 --- WHITEN to make white [v]
Other moves: HEWN 1H 54, HEW 1H 49, THEW 1E 47, HEW 1F 44, WHEN 1E 38

On 13th draw, PYX B4 31 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: DWANG 15E 30, SAX 8M 30, WEX 14D 29, YEX 14D 29, ABY 1M 28

On 14th draw, JETSAM 8J 48 --- JETSAM goods cast overboard [n]
Other moves: DWAM 15E 30, JA 2B 28, MEET F10 28, TAJ N8 28, ADEEM 15D 27

On 15th draw, BODEGA 15C 33 --- BODEGA a grocery store [n]
Other tops: DOGBANE 15E 33
Other moves: ADOBE 15D 27, ADOBO 15D 27, DEBAG 15E 27, *B* B10 23, OBA B10 23

On 16th draw, QUA 2A 34 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: AMOK 14G 27, EMU 14E 24, JAK J8 24, KA A5 24, KO A5 24

On 17th draw, MEW 14D 33 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other moves: KNOW 4L 30, LEW 14D 29, TEW 14D 29, WEM 14D 29, EMU 14E 24

On 18th draw, JUKE J8 25 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other moves: TICKEN L8 24, TICKLE L8 24, LIKEN 14H 21, ALKINE N8 20, LEKU 14H 20

On 19th draw, ENOLIC K8 28 --- ENOL a chemical compound [adj] --- ENOLIC pertaining to an enol [adj]
Other moves: ONTIC K10 24, OTIC K10 22, ENOL K8 20, INTIL K10 20, INTI K10 18

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