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Game of October 15, 2011 at 10:44, 6 players
1. 493 pts marigold
2. 227 pts dabbler
3. 127 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. giinrst   H7    70    70   tirings
 2. ??eipst   8A    83   153   rispetti
 3. aeghipt   A7    64   217   graphite
 4. abelstz  15A    78   295   sez
 5. cddeilu  11G    74   369   included
 6. dfnoruw   E3    28   397   frowned
 7. aeekost   4D    76   473   kreasote
 8. aelmrty   C6    80   553   masterly
 9. eijnorv   3G    41   594   jin
10. einorvx   5I    47   641   nixer
11. aelnorv   N8    78   719   rondavel
12. abdehru   L1    56   775   header
13. aenotvy   8K    45   820   ovary
14. efgotuw  15L    42   862   wolf
15. abceioo   1H    36   898   beach
16. abilotu   3K    24   922   labia
17. aeoqtuu   O1    45   967   quate
18. agimnou   B1    42  1009   gonium

Remaining tiles: aoou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5382 Filemarigold    1 17:36  -516  493     1.7129 Stranger    0  2:14  -945   64 
  2.5947 Filedabbler     3  6:39  -782  227            Group: intermediate
  3.5120 Filespellcheck  2  5:49  -882  127     1.6009 Hasni       0  2:33  -960   49 
  4.7129 FileStranger    0  2:14  -945   64            Group: novice
  5.4837 FileSuzette     1  2:19  -954   55     1.5382 marigold    1 17:36  -516  493 
  6.6009 FileHasni       0  2:33  -960   49     2.5947 dabbler     3  6:39  -782  227 
                                             3.5120 spellcheck  2  5:49  -882  127 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4837 Suzette     1  2:19  -954   55 

On 1st draw, TIRINGS H7 70 --- TIRING the act of tiring [n]
Other tops: STIRING H6 70
Other moves: STIRING H2 68, STIRING H3 68, STIRING H4 68, STIRING H7 68, STIRING H8 68
STIRING H6 20 Stranger, marigold

On 2nd draw, (R)ISPET(T)I 8A 83 --- RISPETTO an Italian folk-song with eight-line stanzas [n]
Other tops: ST(A)PE(D)II 8A 83, (R)ISPE(T)TI 8A 83
Other moves: EPIN(A)ST(Y) 11E 82, PET(U)NI(A)S 11D 82, PI(A)N(I)STE 11E 82, PI(M)ENT(O)S 11D 82, P(A)INTE(R)S 11E 82
P(R)IESTS 13B 18 Stranger
PRIEST 9G 12 marigold

On 3rd draw, G(R)APHITE A7 64 --- GRAPHITE a soft variety of carbon [n]
Other moves: GAHNITE 11E 44, HATPEGS 13B 30, HATPEGS C2 30, SPIGHT 13H 30, SPIGHT C8 30
PATHING 11C 26 Stranger
PHAGES 13C 26 marigold

On 4th draw, SEZ 15A 78 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: SAZ 15A 78
Other moves: STABLE 15A 75, SLAB 15A 69, STAB 15A 69, SABLE 15A 66, SABE 15A 63
SEZ 15A 78 marigold

On 5th draw, INCLUDED 11G 74 --- INCLUDE to take in as part of a whole [v]
Other moves: CUZ C13 28, SCUDDLE 13H 28, EDILE B11 26, CUDDIES C2 24, CUDDLES C2 24
CUDDLES C2 24 marigold

On 6th draw, FROWNED E3 28 --- FROWN to wrinkle the brow with displeasure [v]
Other tops: SWOUND 13H 28, SWOUND C8 28
Other moves: FONDU L8 26, FROWNS 13C 26, FROWNS C3 26, FONE B12 25, FORE B12 25
PO 10A 6 marigold

On 7th draw, KREASOTE 4D 76 --- KREASOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other tops: KERATOSE 4C 76
Other moves: ATOK 12L 37, STEAK D1 35, STEEK D1 35, AKEES D1 31, SEEK D2 31
STOKES 13H 22 marigold
ATE B13 12 Hasni

On 8th draw, MASTERLY C6 80 --- MASTERLY very skillful [adj]
Other tops: MASTERLY 13F 80
Other moves: MATURELY K8 63, MATEY 12K 43, YEALM 3I 41, MARLY 3I 37, MATEY 3I 37
MEATY 3I 37 Hasni
MAY 3G 33 marigold

On 9th draw, JIN 3G 41 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JEON 3I 40, JIN 3I 39, JO 3G 36, JEER F2 34, JINS H1 33
JO 3G 36 marigold

On 10th draw, NIXER 5I 47 --- NIXER (Australian slang) a spare-time job [n]
Other moves: NIXER 12K 46, NIXE 5I 45, NIX 5I 43, NOX 5I 43, REX 5I 43
VEXER M10 30 marigold
XI G10 18 dabbler

On 11th draw, RONDAVEL N8 78 --- RONDAVEL a South African round hut [n]
Other tops: RONDAVEL L8 78
Other moves: ALONE 6I 30, ANOLE 6I 30, VALOR 3K 29, VELAR 3K 29, VENAL 3K 29
VANE 3K 27 dabbler
LEAVER M10 18 marigold

On 12th draw, HEADER L1 56 --- HEADER a grain harvester [n]
Other moves: BEADER L1 52, BARDE L1 50, BREDE L1 50, HEDERA L2 48, DEBAR L4 46
HERB 8L 39 dabbler
HELD 15L 36 marigold

On 13th draw, OVARY 8K 45 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other moves: OVATELY 15I 42, VARY 8L 42, VERY 8L 42, TAVERN 8J 39, VOTARY 8J 39
VEALY 15K 36 marigold

On 14th draw, WOLF 15L 42 --- WOLF a carnivorous mammal [n] --- WOLF to devour voraciously [v]
Other tops: FOWTH 1H 42, WHEFT 1K 42
Other moves: FOUGHT 1H 39, HOWF 1L 39, FELT 15L 33, FOUTH 1H 33, THEOW 1K 33
WOLF 15L 42 dabbler
WELT 15L 33 marigold
HEFT 1L 30 spellcheck

On 15th draw, BEACH 1H 36 --- BEACH to drive onto the shore by a lake or the sea [v]
Other moves: CORE 6J 35, COR 6J 32, BOOKIE D1 30, CHIAO 1K 30, COOKIE D1 30
BEACH 1H 36 dabbler, spellcheck
CAVE 13L 18 marigold

On 16th draw, LABIA 3K 24 --- LABIUM a fold of the vulva [n]
Other tops: BIOTA B2 24, BITOU B2 24, TABLA 3K 24
Other moves: OKTA D3 23, TABI 3K 22, TABU 3K 22, LATE B12 21, LOTE B12 21
PAL D8 11 marigold
STAB 13H 7 spellcheck

On 17th draw, QUATE O1 45 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: EQUATE 14I 42, QUAT O1 42, QUATE 14J 41, QUOTE 14J 41, QUATE B2 38
QUATE O1 45 spellcheck, dabbler, Suzette
QUOTE B2 38 marigold

On 18th draw, GONIUM B1 42 --- GONIUM an immature reproductive cell [n]
Other moves: ONIUM B2 38, GUE 2J 29, ANIMA 12J 28, GAMA 12K 27, MOI B6 27
MOO 9M 20 dabbler
GAME 14K 16 marigold
JAI G3 10 Suzette
LONG J11 9 spellcheck

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