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Game of October 15, 2011 at 14:33, 4 players
1. 598 pts PIThompson
2. 515 pts Hasni
3. 407 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dgginor   H7    20    20   roding
 2. ?enopvw  13C    32    52   wovens
 3. aeelort  10C    62   114   aerolite
 4. aaegrsy  12A    35   149   gray
 5. ?ginops   A8   149   298   proggins
 6. biikmot  11J    24   322   moki
 7. abeottw   E5    36   358   battero
 8. delotwx   F2    62   420   detox
 9. deilorr   D4    32   452   rorie
10. deeilns   L8    82   534   silkened
11. abcehit  15F    45   579   batched
12. aadelrs   M9    30   609   sailed
13. aacinru  14J    28   637   cred
14. afijnsu   K5    35   672   fujis
15. aeiinvz   9A    42   714   riz
16. aeintuy   N6    36   750   aunty
17. aefnpuv   L1    35   785   fauve
18. aeilmnq   3I    38   823   maqui
19. aehilnu   O1    32   855   inhale

Remaining tiles: puw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7716 FilePIThompson  7 14:56  -257  598     1.7716 PIThompson  7 14:56  -257  598 
  2.5980 FileHasni       3 24:41  -340  515            Group: intermediate
  3.5367 Fileginalee     2 20:39  -448  407     1.6546 marcous     2 14:17  -498  357 
  4.6546 Filemarcous     2 14:17  -498  357            Group: novice
                                             1.5980 Hasni       3 24:41  -340  515 
                                             2.5367 ginalee     2 20:39  -448  407 

On 1st draw, RODING H7 20 --- RODING a wood-cock's evening flight [n]
Other tops: GORING H4 20, GORING H7 20, GR*NG* H4 20, GR*NG* H8 20
Other moves: DINGO H4 18, DOING H4 18, DOING H8 18, GOING H4 18, GOING H8 18
GRIND H4 18 Hasni

On 2nd draw, WOVEN(S) 13C 32 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: POWNE(Y) 6D 27, (G)OWPEN 6D 27, POW(R)E 6D 26, V(I)EW 6F 26, PE(R)V 6G 25
V(I)EW 6F 26 PIThompson
VOW(I)NG 12C 24 Hasni
NOPE 11H 12 ginalee

On 3rd draw, AEROLITE 10C 62 --- AEROLITE a meteorite containing more stone than iron [n]
Other moves: RELATE G6 21, ELATE G7 20, LEAT 12A 19, ORAL 12A 19, REAL 12A 19
ORAL 12A 19 PIThompson
LATE G6 15 Hasni
TORE D12 10 ginalee

On 4th draw, GRAY 12A 35 --- GRAY of a color between white and black [adj] --- GRAY to make gray [v]
Other moves: GYRES 11B 31, YAGGERS 12F 31, YEAS 12A 31, GREY 11C 30, ARSEY 11B 29
GRAY 12A 35 PIThompson, marcous, Hasni
GORY D12 24 ginalee

On 5th draw, P(R)OGGINS A8 149 --- PROGGINS the proctor of a college [n]
Other tops: SPONGI(N)G A8 149, SPO(N)GING A8 149
Other moves: OP(P)OSING 8H 83, O(P)POSING 8H 83, SPONGI(N)G A5 83, SPO(N)GING A5 83, (U)PGOINGS A6 83
G(R)OPING A6 30 ginalee
PO(R)GING A9 30 PIThompson
P(A)GING A10 27 marcous
POSING K8 27 Hasni

On 6th draw, MOKI 11J 24 --- MOKI (Maori) a New Zealand sea fish [n]
Other tops: KO 9C 24, NIMBI 11H 24
Other moves: KIMBO B4 23, KIMBO F6 23, KIMBO G3 22, MO 14F 22, NIMB 11H 22
MOKI 11J 24 PIThompson
KO 9C 24 Hasni
MO 14F 22 marcous

On 7th draw, BATTERO E5 36 --- BATTERO a cudgel [n]
Other moves: BOTTE 12K 34, WATE 12K 33, WATT 12K 33, OBA 12J 31, WAT 12K 31
WATT 12K 33 marcous, PIThompson
WATE 12K 33 Hasni
WOKE L9 22 ginalee

On 8th draw, DETOX F2 62 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: WEX F4 58, WOX F4 58, EXO F5 57, DEX F4 56, LEX F4 55
DETOX F2 62 ginalee, PIThompson
WOX F4 58 marcous, Hasni

On 9th draw, RORIE D4 32 --- RORIE noisy [adj]
Other moves: OREIDE D5 31, RIDER 12K 31, DIRE G3 29, DORE G3 29, DROLE D3 29
DIRE G3 29 PIThompson
RODE G3 27 Hasni
DO 12K 21 marcous
LIKED L9 20 ginalee

On 10th draw, SILKENED L8 82 --- SILKEN to make soft and smooth [v]
Other moves: ENISLED N8 81, ENSILED N9 81, LINSEED N8 81, SIDELINE M6 72, TINSELED 4F 70
SNIDE 12J 34 marcous
SINED 12K 32 PIThompson
DINES 12K 31 Hasni
SLIDE N11 23 ginalee

On 11th draw, BATCHED 15F 45 --- BATCH to collect together [v]
Other tops: BITCHED 15F 45
Other moves: BACHED 15G 42, HABITED 15F 39, BATHED 15G 36, BEECH 14J 36, ITCHED 15G 36
BATCHED 15F 45 PIThompson, ginalee
BITCHED 15F 45 marcous
SH*T 8L 21 Hasni

On 12th draw, SAILED M9 30 --- SAIL to move across the surface of water by the action of wind [v]
Other tops: SAIRED M9 30
Other moves: AREADS 14J 27, AREDES 14J 27, SAILER M9 27, AREAD 14J 25, AREDE 14J 25
LADES G1 24 PIThompson
LASED N9 19 Hasni
DREADS 2B 16 ginalee
SEAS 8L 12 marcous

On 13th draw, CRED 14J 28 --- CRED credibility [n]
Other moves: UREDIA 14J 27, ANURIC K4 23, URANIC K4 23, AURIC K5 21, CRANIA K4 21
CRED 14J 28 Hasni, PIThompson
LAC 10L 11 marcous
DRAIN 2F 8 ginalee

On 14th draw, FUJIS K5 35 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: (R)AJ 9A 34, FUJI K5 30, JAI B6 30, FAS G3 27, FUSAIN K4 23
(R)AJ 9A 34 PIThompson
JA C3 20 Hasni
JA C9 17 ginalee

On 15th draw, (R)IZ 9A 42 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other tops: (R)EZ 9A 42
Other moves: AVIZE L1 41, AZINE J1 39, AVIZED 2A 38, VIZIED 2A 38, ZINE J2 38
(R)IZ 9A 42 PIThompson
LAZE 10L 33 ginalee, Hasni

On 16th draw, AUNTY N6 36 --- AUNTY an aunt [n]
Other tops: UNITY N6 36
Other moves: UEY J4 32, YENTA L1 29, AUNTY L1 26, UNITY L1 26, TINY L2 22
UNITY N6 36 PIThompson
NYE 14A 18 Hasni
LAY 10L 14 ginalee

On 17th draw, FAUVE L1 35 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FANE O5 31, VANE O5 31, VENA O5 31, NAPE O5 30, PANE O5 28
VANE O5 31 PIThompson
NAPE O5 30 Hasni
PAVED 2B 22 ginalee

On 18th draw, MAQUI 3I 38 --- MAQUI a thick underbrush [n]
Other moves: MALINE O3 37, ANIME O4 36, MANQUE 3H 36, AMINE O4 34, INFAME 1J 33
MALINE O3 37 PIThompson
QUINE 3K 28 ginalee
MINE O5 28 marcous
QUAIL 3K 28 Hasni

On 19th draw, INHALE O1 32 --- INHALE to take into the lungs [v]
Other tops: INHAUL O1 32, UNHEAL O1 32
Other moves: LAH 2H 31, NAH 2H 31, AH 2I 30, EH 2I 30, UH 2I 30
NAH 2H 31 marcous
LAH 2H 31 PIThompson
HA O7 26 Hasni
FAIL 1L 21 ginalee

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