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Game of October 15, 2011 at 15:19, 6 players
1. 620 pts PIThompson
2. 494 pts sunshine12
3. 488 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeehos   H8    24    24   seethe
 2. deijosv  14F    41    65   jedis
 3. aenrstz   G7    39   104   zantes
 4. ?afgioo  12A    32   136   goatfish
 5. giostwy   A8    42   178   twiggy
 6. aeeltuv   C7    76   254   evaluate
 7. ahnorsu  15A    45   299   rash
 8. eimqrtu   J8    36   335   requits
 9. delootv   8J    39   374   revolt
10. beemntw   B2    28   402   bewent
11. aailnor   2B    62   464   baronial
12. adinopu   1C    50   514   dupion
13. aemoorx  13H    65   579   extrema
14. acdmnop  12L    38   617   damp
15. abknnor  14L    41   658   bark
16. giilnno   5B    68   726   eloining
17. cdioruy  15N    42   768   yo
18. ccdforu  14B    27   795   feu
19. ccdioor   M3    26   821   rococo

Remaining tiles: di

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7725 FilePIThompson  8 17:25  -201  620     1.7725 PIThompson  8 17:25  -201  620 
  2.6684 Filesunshine12  5 21:52  -327  494            Group: intermediate
  3.5985 FileHasni       3 20:45  -333  488     1.6684 sunshine12  5 21:52  -327  494 
  4.5369 Fileginalee     3 22:11  -400  421            Group: novice
  5.5977 Filenarisa      1 13:27  -516  305     1.5985 Hasni       3 20:45  -333  488 
  6.4944 Fileleobill     0  4:11  -759   62     2.5369 ginalee     3 22:11  -400  421 
                                             3.5977 narisa      1 13:27  -516  305 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4944 leobill     0  4:11  -759   62 

On 1st draw, SEE(T)HE H8 24 --- SEETHE to surge or foam as if boiling [v]
Other tops: HEE(Z)ES H4 24, HE(R)OES H4 24, HE(X)OSE H4 24, SHEE(P)O H3 24, SHEE(V)E H3 24, (C)HEESE H3 24, (P)HEESE H3 24
Other moves: HEE(D)S H4 22, HEE(L)S H4 22, HEE(Z)E H4 22, H*b*S H4 22, HE(L)ES H4 22
HE(R)OES H4 24 PIThompson
(C)HEESE H3 24 sunshine12
HOSE(S) H4 22 ginalee
SHEE(P) H8 14 Hasni

On 2nd draw, JEDIS 14F 41 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEDI 14F 38, SIJO 14H 36, JIVED 14D 34, JIVES 14D 32, VIDEOS 14F 30
SIJO 14H 36 PIThompson
JIVED 14D 34 sunshine12
JOES 10F 27 Hasni
JES(T) 11E 20 ginalee

On 3rd draw, ZANTES G7 39 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: HAZERS 12H 36, RAZEES 10D 35, TEAZES 10G 35, HAZER 12H 34, HAZES 12H 34
ZETAS J10 34 PIThompson
ZEAS 15D 34 sunshine12
ZESTS J10 34 ginalee
ZEES 10F 33 Hasni

On 4th draw, GOA(T)FISH 12A 32 --- GOATFISH a tropical fish [n]
Other moves: GOAF F8 27, FOGASH 12C 26, FOG(Y)ISH 12B 26, GA(R)FISH 12B 26, (D)OGFISH 12B 26
FA(H) I9 23 PIThompson
F(L)ASH 12D 20 ginalee
FOO(D) 15D 20 sunshine12, Hasni

On 5th draw, TWIGGY A8 42 --- TWIGGY twiglike [adj]
Other moves: EGOITY 13H 31, G*Y 13C 29, GOOSY B10 26, YGO 13B 26, YOGAS C9 26
TWIGGY A8 42 PIThompson
SWAY C10 20 ginalee
GIGS A12 18 leobill
OY B12 5 sunshine12

On 6th draw, EVALUATE C7 76 --- EVALUATE to determine the value of [v]
Other moves: VELETA 15A 39, ELEVATE 13H 27, VELATE C9 26, UVEAL 15C 23, VALUATE C8 22
VELATE C9 26 PIThompson
TEE 11C 19 Hasni
LEET B7 17 sunshine12
VALET C11 16 ginalee
LAVA C11 14 leobill

On 7th draw, RASH 15A 45 --- RASH a skin eruption [n] --- RASH acting without due caution or forethought [adj] --- RASH to slash [v]
Other tops: NOSH 15A 45, RUSH 15A 45
Other moves: HUSO 15A 36, SURAH 15C 35, ONRUSH 15J 32, ONRUSH 6A 31, AHS 15A 30
RASH 15A 45 PIThompson, Hasni, ginalee
NOSH 15A 45 sunshine12
HAS 15A 30 leobill
OAFS E10 14 narisa

On 8th draw, REQUITS J8 36 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other tops: QUIMS J10 36, REQUIT B2 36
Other moves: QUIM D4 34, QUITS J10 34, REQUIT D2 32, QUIET D3 30, QUIRE D3 30
QUIMS J10 36 Hasni, PIThompson
REQUITS J8 36 ginalee
QUITS J10 34 narisa

On 9th draw, REVOLT 8J 39 --- REVOLT to rise up against authority [v]
Other moves: DOVE 6C 24, RETOLD 8J 24, ROOTED 8J 24, TOLEDO B2 24, LOVED K5 23
REVOLT 8J 39 ginalee, sunshine12, PIThompson
LOVED D3 21 narisa
DE K12 8 Hasni

On 10th draw, BEWENT B2 28 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: BETWEEN K3 26, BETEEM K4 24, BEWENT D2 24, BEE 14B 23, BELTMEN N6 23
BETWEEN K3 26 narisa
WEE 7M 23 Hasni, sunshine12
WEMB B4 21 PIThompson

On 11th draw, BARONIAL 2B 62 --- BARONIAL pertaining to a baron [adj]
Other moves: NOTARIAL O6 59, RATIONAL O6 59, LORAN A1 32, LANA A1 27, RANA A1 27
LORAN A1 32 PIThompson
LANA A1 27 Hasni
RAN C1 14 narisa

On 12th draw, DUPION 1C 50 --- DUPION a double cocoon [n]
Other moves: DOPA 1E 36, PADI 1H 35, PAID 1H 35, PAND 1H 35, DANIO 1H 32
DOPA 1E 36 sunshine12
PAID 1H 35 Hasni, PIThompson
PAD 1H 32 narisa
PANDA H1 30 ginalee

On 13th draw, EXTREMA 13H 65 --- EXTREMUM a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n]
Other moves: REMEX 3A 55, EXTRA 13H 37, REMEX K5 37, RELAX N6 30, WAXER 4B 30
WAXER 4B 30 narisa, sunshine12
DAME C1 27 PIThompson
EX C4 23 Hasni
EX K8 18 ginalee

On 14th draw, DAMP 12L 38 --- DAMP moist [adj] --- DAMP to lessen in intensity [v]
Other moves: DAMP 14L 33, MAND 12L 32, PAND 12L 32, POND 12L 32, CAMAN N10 30
DAMP 12L 38 PIThompson
DAMP 14L 33 sunshine12
MAND 12L 32 narisa
MOP 12L 30 Hasni
MACED K5 23 ginalee

On 15th draw, BARK 14L 41 --- BARK to cry like a dog [v]
Other tops: BANK 14L 41
Other moves: BANK 3D 40, BONK 3D 40, KBAR 3G 36, NARK 14L 35, KNOB 3G 34
BANK 14L 41 PIThompson
BARK 14L 41 sunshine12
KA 14N 30 Hasni
BAKER K5 24 ginalee
MARK N12 20 narisa

On 16th draw, ELOINING 5B 68 --- ELOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: GI 15N 34, GO 15N 34, LI 15N 30, LO 15N 30, OWLING 4A 22
GO 15N 34 Hasni, PIThompson
LO 15N 30 sunshine12
OWING 4A 20 narisa
WING 4B 16 ginalee

On 17th draw, YO 15N 42 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: DI 15N 34, DO 15N 34, DOY 6D 33, CODIFY E8 30, DEY 3A 28
YO 15N 42 sunshine12, Hasni, PIThompson
COY D4 16 ginalee
CRUDE K4 16 narisa

On 18th draw, FEU 14B 27 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other tops: FORCED K4 27
Other moves: CUFFO E9 26, COFF E10 24, COFF E9 24, COOF D4 24, CORF D4 24
FORCED K4 27 narisa
FED 3A 24 PIThompson
CUFF E9 24 ginalee
FA B14 20 sunshine12
CURED K5 19 Hasni

On 19th draw, ROCOCO M3 26 --- ROCOCO a style of architecture and decoration [n]
Other moves: COORIED K3 23, CEDI K7 21, COLIC N6 21, COOED K5 19, CORED K5 19
COORIED K3 23 Hasni
CEDI K7 21 PIThompson, sunshine12
RICED K5 19 narisa
CODER K5 18 ginalee

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