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Game of October 15, 2011 at 16:05, 6 players
1. 702 pts jeff
2. 618 pts sunshine12
3. 531 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehimvx   H7    26    26   exam
 2. acdejlo   I1    82   108   cajoled
 3. ?hiiitv  11H    87   195   shiviti
 4. ?eirttw   O8    92   287   twister
 5. deeiqrt  10N    62   349   qi
 6. bdekopr   1D    57   406   bedrock
 7. aabenot   5C    70   476   atonable
 8. aalnpss   J7    72   548   salpians
 9. eehilor   D3    74   622   hotelier
10. adfnopr   G7    44   666   fado
11. eeosttw  15L    63   729   wees
12. einotuy   F8    44   773   toy
13. aceentu   N2    74   847   cuneate
14. afgoprz   C2    53   900   gazar
15. fgnrsuy   2H    40   940   fays
16. degmnor   M3    36   976   monde
17. iloprru   C9    29  1005   poilu
18. giinnru  13F    72  1077   inurning

Remaining tiles: giruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7049 Filejeff        5 10:50  -375  702     1.7049 jeff        5 10:50  -375  702 
  2.6685 Filesunshine12  4 20:44  -459  618            Group: intermediate
  3.5984 FileHasni       2 14:14  -546  531     1.6685 sunshine12  4 20:44  -459  618 
  4.5387 Fileginalee     3 16:40  -561  516            Group: novice
  5.5977 Filenarisa      1 10:02  -792  285     1.5984 Hasni       2 14:14  -546  531 
  6.5701 Filesiuyee      0  1:59 -1025   52     2.5387 ginalee     3 16:40  -561  516 
                                             3.5977 narisa      1 10:02  -792  285 
                                             4.5701 siuyee      0  1:59 -1025   52 

On 1st draw, EXAM H7 26 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other tops: EXAM H5 26, EXAM H6 26, EXAM H8 26, HEX H6 26, HEX H7 26, HEX H8 26, MAVIE H4 26, MAXI H5 26, MAXI H6 26, MAXI H7 26, MAXI H8 26, VEX H6 26, VEX H7 26, VEX H8 26
Other moves: MAX H6 24, MAX H7 24, MAX H8 24, MIX H6 24, MIX H7 24
VEX H7 26 jeff
HEX H6 26 sunshine12
EXAM H6 26 ginalee
MIX H6 24 narisa

On 2nd draw, CAJOLED I1 82 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other tops: CAJOLED G1 82
Other moves: JOLED G9 44, JODEL G9 43, JADE G9 41, JOLE G9 40, JOE G9 39
JOLED G9 44 jeff, sunshine12
JADE G9 41 narisa, ginalee

On 3rd draw, (S)HIVITI 11H 87 --- SHIVITI a plaque with a Hebrew verse [n]
Other moves: (S)HIVITI J7 73, (S)HIVITI J6 72, VIT(R)IC 1D 42, VI(A)TIC 1D 42, H(O)I J2 36
H(A) J2 33 jeff, sunshine12
VICTI(M) 1G 30 ginalee
VIC(E) 1G 24 narisa

On 4th draw, TWI(S)TER O8 92 --- TWISTER one that twists [n]
Other tops: RETWI(S)T O6 92
Other moves: WRI(S)TLET 5D 90, W(H)ITTLER 5D 90, TWITC(H)ER 1E 89, WITTER(S) O5 89, W(H)ITRET G3 82
(S)WIRE O11 45 jeff, sunshine12
TWIRE(S) O6 36 Hasni
TWICER 1F 33 narisa
JITTER 3I 26 ginalee

On 5th draw, QI 10N 62 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI N10 62
Other moves: DIETER N10 37, RECITED 1G 33, RETILED 5E 32, QI J10 31, REDE G7 31
QI N10 62 jeff, Hasni, ginalee, sunshine12, narisa

On 6th draw, BEDROCK 1D 57 --- BEDROCK the rock under soil [n]
Other moves: BROCKED 1F 54, BOCKED 1G 51, BOKE G7 51, POCKED 1G 51, POKE G7 51
BROCKED 1F 54 jeff, narisa
BOKE G7 51 Hasni
POCKED 1G 51 ginalee
BOP J2 36 sunshine12

On 7th draw, ATONABLE 5C 70 --- ATONABLE able to be atoned for [adj] --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [adj]
Other moves: ABATE G6 36, BANE G7 35, BATE G7 35, BETA G7 35, BONA G7 35
BETA G7 35 jeff
BONE G7 35 Hasni
MOB 10H 28 sunshine12
BANE 2A 16 ginalee
AN J3 13 narisa

On 8th draw, SALPIANS J7 72 --- SALPIAN a free-swimming small marine animal [n]
Other tops: SALPIANS L7 72
Other moves: SAPANS 15J 63, SPANS 15K 60, PALS 15L 57, PANS 15L 57, PASS 15L 57
SAPANS 15J 63 sunshine12
SPANS 15K 60 jeff, Hasni
PLANS 15K 54 ginalee

On 9th draw, HOTELIER D3 74 --- HOTELIER a hotel manager [n]
Other moves: REH G7 35, AIRHOLE 2I 32, HELIO 4A 32, LOERIE 2B 29, HELE 4A 28
REH G7 35 jeff
HAO 2H 21 sunshine12
HER N13 21 Hasni
HOLE 2A 18 ginalee

On 10th draw, FADO G7 44 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: FAP G7 43, FOP G7 43, FANO G7 40, FAD G7 39, FONDA C9 37
FOP G7 43 Hasni
FAD G7 39 jeff
FA C2 20 sunshine12

On 11th draw, WEES 15L 63 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v]
Other tops: WETS 15L 63, WOES 15L 63, WOTS 15L 63
Other moves: TOWTS 15K 57, WEETS 15K 57, EWES 15L 54, EWTS 15L 54, OWES 15L 54
WOTS 15L 63 Hasni
WETS 15L 63 jeff, sunshine12
WEES 15L 63 ginalee

On 12th draw, TOY F8 44 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: TEENY 6B 35, OYE F9 34, AYONT 2I 33, NAY 2H 33, OY F9 33
TOY F8 44 jeff
NAY 2H 33 sunshine12, Hasni
JOINT 3I 24 ginalee
YEN C9 21 narisa

On 13th draw, CUNEATE N2 74 --- CUNEATE wedge-shaped; triangular [adj]
Other moves: CETANE C2 35, JUNCATE 3I 32, EJECTA 3H 30, JACENT 3I 30, JAUNCE 3I 30
JUNTA 3I 24 jeff, ginalee, siuyee
CHAT 3C 18 Hasni, sunshine12
CENTS 14F 13 narisa

On 14th draw, GAZAR C2 53 --- GAZAR silky sheer fabric [n]
Other tops: FORZA C9 53
Other moves: ZORI 8A 39, ZARF M6 38, ZARFS 14F 37, ZAP M6 34, DZO F1 33
DZO F1 33 jeff
ZA C2 32 Hasni
ZAG M6 32 sunshine12
ZIP L10 28 siuyee, ginalee

On 15th draw, FAYS 2H 40 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: FAY 2H 39, FUNGS C9 37, FRYING L8 34, NAYS 2H 34, RAYS 2H 34
FAYS 2H 40 jeff, sunshine12
GUYS 11A 20 Hasni
FURS 11A 19 ginalee

On 16th draw, MONDE M3 36 --- MONDE the world [n]
Other moves: MONGED C9 35, MODERN C9 33, MODGE C9 33, MONGER C9 33, MORGEN C9 33
MORNED C9 33 jeff
MOONED 4G 31 Hasni
MORN O3 18 sunshine12

On 17th draw, POILU C9 29 --- POILU a French soldier [n]
Other moves: POILU B6 26, PRIOR B6 26, PROUL B6 26, OUP B1 24, PIRL B6 23
OOP E4 22 jeff, Hasni
PURI 8A 18 ginalee, sunshine12

On 18th draw, INURNING 13F 72 --- INURN to put in an urn [v]
Other moves: RUINING L7 21, GUN B1 20, GUR B1 20, RINNING 13G 20, RUINING 13G 20
NUR B1 18 sunshine12
RULING 12A 16 ginalee
LUNG 12C 10 jeff
NE J4 4 Hasni

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