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Game of October 15, 2011 at 18:19, 7 players
1. 608 pts PIThompson
2. 535 pts yab
3. 411 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agilntx   H7    32    32   taxing
 2. adegiou   G5    25    57   guide
 3. ?aeioos   5E    82   139   oogamies
 4. acmnrtu   F2    31   170   carom
 5. ahilosv   H1    45   215   shiva
 6. beilstu  13C    87   302   bluiest
 7. adeinru  10D    72   374   uredinia
 8. ?dfnost   K8    72   446   standoff
 9. ilnnotw   8K    36   482   swoln
10. aegpqry  15H    45   527   arefy
11. adeilln   O6    60   587   landline
12. abceoor  N10    30   617   abore
13. egiootz   D3    46   663   tozie
14. moprtuy   4K    38   701   rumpy
15. efgortw  M10    41   742   gofer
16. aaknttw   3J    39   781   kawa
17. cehnoqt   E9    36   817   croquet
18. ehijnpv   O1    51   868   jivy

Remaining tiles: eehnpt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7727 FilePIThompson  6 16:56  -260  608     1.7727 PIThompson  6 16:56  -260  608 
  2.7016 Fileyab         3 22:05  -333  535     2.7016 yab         3 22:05  -333  535 
  3.6003 FileHasni       1 22:13  -457  411            Group: intermediate
  4.4099 Filelesft       1  5:05  -722  146     1.6003 Hasni       1 22:13  -457  411 
  5.5980 Filenarisa      1  9:11  -723  145     2.6674 sunshine12  0  8:06  -787   81 
  6.5830 Fileayoba       0  3:12  -785   83            Group: novice
  7.6674 Filesunshine12  0  8:06  -787   81     1.5980 narisa      1  9:11  -723  145 
                                             2.5830 ayoba       0  3:12  -785   83 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4099 lesft       1  5:05  -722  146 

On 1st draw, TAXING H7 32 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] --- TAXING imposition of taxes [n]
Other moves: AXING H8 30, TAXING H3 30, TAXING H4 30, TAXING H8 30, AXING H4 28
TAXING H7 32 PIThompson, yab, narisa
TAXI H5 22 ayoba

On 2nd draw, GUIDE G5 25 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other tops: AGIO I7 25, D*G* G8 25, DOGE G8 25, GUDE I8 25, IDEA G7 25
Other moves: GADE G6 24, GADI I6 24, GUDE G6 24, ODEA G9 24, ADIEU I5 23
DOGE G8 25 PIThompson
DEG G8 22 yab, ayoba
DOING 11E 14 narisa, Hasni

On 3rd draw, OOGA(M)IES 5E 82 --- OOGAMY the state of having dissimilar gametes [n]
Other moves: OOGA(M)IES 12F 66, OA(K)IES 13C 27, SOA(P)IE 13H 27, SOO(G)IE 13H 27, (L)OOIES 13C 27
OA(K)IES 13C 27 PIThompson
(L)OOIES 13C 27 yab
A(X)IS 13E 19 ayoba
SOO(N) 13H 19 Hasni
EXO(N)S 9G 12 narisa

On 4th draw, CAROM F2 31 --- CAROM to collide with and rebound [v]
Other moves: COMA F4 27, CRINUM 10F 26, NATRIUM 10D 25, NOMA F4 25, ROMA F4 25
COMA F4 27 PIThompson
CRAMS L1 24 narisa
MARC 4K 24 yab
NOM F4 21 Hasni
OM F5 20 ayoba

On 5th draw, SHIVA H1 45 --- SHIVA a period of mourning [n]
Other tops: HALVA H1 45
Other moves: ALOHA H1 36, SILVA H1 36, VIOLAS 13C 35, HAVIOR 4A 34, SHIVA 4J 33
VIOLAS 13C 35 yab
SHIVA 4J 33 PIThompson
SHA 13H 25 Hasni
HAILS L1 24 narisa

On 6th draw, BLUIEST 13C 87 --- BLUEY somewhat blue [adj]
Other moves: SUBTILE 13H 85, SUBTILE F9 73, BULGIEST 12E 72, BUSTLINE 11B 70, BLITES 13C 33
SUBTILE 13H 35 PIThompson, yab
BUTES 4K 24 Hasni
TUBES 13D 23 narisa

On 7th draw, UREDINIA 10D 72 --- UREDINIA uredia [n] --- UREDINIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: UNAIRED 6I 71, UREDINIA J1 63, DUNNIER 11E 32, URANIDE 11E 32, DEARN 14B 28
DEARN 14B 28 Hasni
DEI 6J 19 PIThompson
DINAR 10G 17 yab
DINES L1 16 narisa

On 8th draw, STANDO(F)F K8 72 --- STANDOFF a tie or draw, as in a game [n]
Other tops: STANDOF(F) K8 72
Other moves: O(U)TFINDS J1 63, SOFTEN(E)D K1 61, F(R)ONDS 6J 37, F(R)OND 6J 36, F(E)ODS 6J 34
F(R)ONDS 6J 37 PIThompson
F(E)TS 6J 30 yab
DEF F9 18 Hasni

On 9th draw, SWOLN 8K 36 --- SWELL to increase in size or volume [v]
Other tops: FLOWN 15K 36
Other moves: WOLF 15H 30, LOIN L10 28, FLINT 15K 27, STOWN 8K 27, NOINT 14B 26
FLOWN 15K 36 PIThompson, yab, Hasni

On 10th draw, AREFY 15H 45 --- AREFY to dry up [v]
Other tops: PERFAY 15H 45
Other moves: GRAPEY 4J 41, FAERY 15K 36, FAYER 15K 36, FAYRE 15K 36, REPAY 4K 34
AREFY 15H 45 PIThompson
FAERY 15K 36 yab
PAY 9M 25 Hasni

On 11th draw, LANDLINE O6 60 --- LANDLINE a line of communication on land [n]
Other tops: LANDLINE O2 60
Other moves: EXALTED 9G 33, LAID L10 31, LEAD L10 31, LAIN L10 28, LEAN L10 28
LEAD L10 31 PIThompson
DINE 4K 17 yab
(F)AIL 14K 11 Hasni

On 12th draw, ABORE N10 30 --- ABEAR to bear [v]
Other moves: OBEY L12 29, BRACE 4J 28, BONA I8 26, BONE I8 26, BRACE N2 26
COBRA N2 26 PIThompson, yab
CRABS L1 24 Hasni

On 13th draw, TOZIE D3 46 --- TOZIE a shawl [n]
Other moves: ZEA 7M 45, OOZE D3 44, TOZE D3 44, TOZIE 4K 36, TOZIE N2 36
ZEA 7M 45 PIThompson
ZOOT 14B 34 Hasni
OOZES L1 30 yab
ZIG F12 17 sunshine12

On 14th draw, RUMPY 4K 38 --- RUMPY a Manx cat [n]
Other tops: TUMPY 4K 38
Other moves: PORTY 4K 36, POUTY 4K 36, PURTY 4K 36, ROUPY 4K 34, UMPY 4L 34
PURTY 4K 36 PIThompson
MOY M12 32 yab
PLOY D12 26 lesft
HOY 2H 17 Hasni
PUTT 3A 12 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GOFER M10 41 --- GOFER an employee who runs errands [n]
Other moves: OFTER 6I 36, FEW M12 35, WOF M12 35, ORFE 14D 34, OUTFLEW D9 34
WOF M12 35 Hasni, yab
ORFE 14D 34 PIThompson
FLOW D12 28 lesft

On 16th draw, KAWA 3J 39 --- KAWA protocol (Maori) [n]
Other moves: TAKY O1 33, TAWA 3J 31, AWAY O1 30, AWNY O1 30, KANA 3J 30
KAWA 3J 39 PIThompson
WANY O1 30 yab
TIKA F12 18 Hasni
WART E8 14 lesft
KAB C11 9 sunshine12

On 17th draw, CROQUET E9 36 --- CROQUET to play a game with balls, mallets and hoops [v]
Other moves: ROQUET E10 30, THEY O1 30, HONE I8 28, ROQUE E10 28, CONY O1 27
THEY O1 30 Hasni, PIThompson
CONY O1 27 lesft
HOT 2M 20 yab
NON I8 19 sunshine12

On 18th draw, JIVY O1 51 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JIN 2M 32, ENVY O1 30, INEPT 15A 30, VINY O1 30, PINY O1 27
JIVY O1 51 lesft, PIThompson, yab
JIN 2M 32 Hasni
HIP C2 24 sunshine12

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