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Game of October 15, 2011 at 19:03, 4 players
1. 502 pts Hasni
2. 471 pts yab
3. 262 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeinuz   H4    30    30   azine
 2. ?deehir   5C    90   120   heroized
 3. aalnstv   4A    31   151   vasa
 4. aaegnot   A4    33   184   vantage
 5. ?eikoos  11A    82   266   stookie
 6. cdeiiot   3C    30   296   idiot
 7. enoorst  12B    83   379   enroots
 8. blnnoot  10F    26   405   blot
 9. agprrtu   2F    24   429   patu
10. aeloqsy  13C    42   471   yeas
11. abcelmn   1D    52   523   clame
12. egghirw   4H    34   557   aweigh
13. einqrtw   M3    30   587   threw
14. egjloqr  H12    33   620   sjoe
15. dfiinqu   7C    26   646   quinin
16. afflnry  I13    30   676   aff
17. blnouxy  14A    38   714   box
18. gilnpuy   9I    68   782   uplying
19. delnruv   O6    24   806   dunger

Remaining tiles: cdlmrrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5997 FileHasni       1 19:34  -304  502     1.7022 yab         5 18:53  -335  471 
  2.7022 Fileyab         5 18:53  -335  471            Group: intermediate
  3.6656 Filesunshine12  0 13:09  -544  262     1.6656 sunshine12  0 13:09  -544  262 
  4.4113 Filelesft       1 10:58  -645  161            Group: novice
                                             1.5997 Hasni       1 19:34  -304  502 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4113 lesft       1 10:58  -645  161 

On 1st draw, AZINE H4 30 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: AZINE H8 30
Other moves: AZINE H5 28, AZINE H6 28, AZINE H7 28, NAZE H5 26, NAZE H6 26
AZINE H4 30 yab
AZINE H7 28 lesft
ZINE H8 26 Hasni
ZINE H5 26 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, HER(O)IZED 5C 90 --- HEROIZE to make heroic [v]
Other moves: DEA(T)HIER 4F 72, HED(G)IER G6 72, HE(A)DIER G6 72, (B)RAEHEID 4F 72, (C)HARIDEE 4F 72
HER(O)IZED 5C 40 yab
HE(A)DER I3 34 Hasni
ZI(N)E 5H 24 sunshine12
H(A)ZE 5F 15 lesft

On 3rd draw, VASA 4A 31 --- VAS an anatomical duct [n]
Other tops: VAST 4A 31
Other moves: LAVS 9E 26, SAVANT 9H 26, TAVS 9E 26, AVAST 9E 25, VASAL 9F 25
VAST 4A 31 yab
VANTS 9D 24 Hasni
VALET D2 16 lesft

On 4th draw, VANTAGE A4 33 --- VANTAGE superiority over a competitor [n] --- VANTAGE to benefit [v]
Other moves: AGATE 3C 30, AGENT 3C 30, AGONE 3C 30, TANGA 3B 29, TANGO 3B 29
VANTAGE A4 33 Hasni, lesft
ANTAE 3C 27 yab

On 5th draw, S(T)OOKIE 11A 82 --- STOOKIE (Scots) a statue [n]
Other moves: (B)OOKSIE 9D 81, S(T)OOKIE 9H 76, ROOI(N)EKS E5 72, ROOKIES(T) E5 72, SKIDOOE(D) J2 66
SKI(D)OO 11A 30 yab
SKIE(D) 11A 28 Hasni
KOSHE(R) C2 24 lesft

On 6th draw, IDIOT 3C 30 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other tops: IDIOT 12C 30
Other moves: COSHED C2 28, DITE 3B 28, IDIOT 12B 28, TIDE 3B 28, DIT 3B 26
COSHED C2 28 lesft
DOT 12D 22 Hasni
IDE 12E 15 yab

On 7th draw, ENROOTS 12B 83 --- ENROOT to implant firmly [v]
Other moves: ENROOTS 12G 68, ENROOTS I7 65, ENROOTS 10G 61, ENROOTS 2G 61, ENROOTS I8 61
STONE H11 29 Hasni
NOTERS 12D 28 yab
SOON D10 8 lesft

On 8th draw, BLOT 10F 26 --- BLOT to spot or stain [v]
Other moves: BOIL 6F 25, BLOT 13A 23, LOB 13B 23, NOB 13B 23, BOI 6F 22
BLOT 10F 26 yab
STOB H12 18 Hasni
BOON C9 9 lesft

On 9th draw, PATU 2F 24 --- PATU a Maori club [n]
Other tops: PARR 2F 24, PART 2F 24, PUG 2F 24, PURR 2F 24
Other moves: PAR 2F 23, PAT 2F 23, PUR 2F 23, PUT 2F 23, PA 2F 22
PART 2F 24 yab
SPAG H12 21 Hasni

On 10th draw, YEAS 13C 42 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: LYASE 1D 41, AYES 13B 38, EYAS 13B 38, LYES 13B 38, LAYS 1G 35
SAY 1G 32 yab
SLADE J2 19 Hasni

On 11th draw, CLAME 1D 52 --- CLAME a call [n]
Other tops: BLAME 1D 52
Other moves: CAMEL 1G 42, ENCALM 1H 41, AMBLE 1H 40, CAME 1E 40, MABE 1E 40
CAMEL 1G 42 Hasni, yab

On 12th draw, AWEIGH 4H 34 --- AWEIGH hanging just clear of the bottom -- used of an anchor [adj]
Other moves: SHEW H12 30, GIGHE 3I 29, HEW 2A 28, EH 6E 27, SIGH H12 24
SHEW H12 30 yab, Hasni
EH 6E 27 sunshine12

On 13th draw, THREW M3 30 --- THROW to propel through the air with a movement of the arm [v]
Other moves: TWINER 13H 28, WHINER M3 26, WHITEN M3 26, WHITER M3 26, WHINE M3 24
WHITER M3 26 sunshine12
WHEN M3 20 Hasni

On 14th draw, SJOE H12 33 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: JOE 2A 27, JOE N1 22, JO N2 20, LOGE N6 16, REGO N6 16
JOE 2A 27 sunshine12
JOE N1 22 yab
JO N2 20 Hasni

On 15th draw, QUININ 7C 26 --- QUININ an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: DIF 2A 24, QI N2 24, QUINE 15D 24, QUINE 8D 24, FID 2A 22
QUINE 15D 24 Hasni
DIF 2A 24 sunshine12
EF 6M 13 yab

On 16th draw, AFF I13 30 --- AFF off [adv]
Other moves: AFF 2A 28, AFFY 11I 28, WENA I4 27, YAFF L6 27, NAFFLY L6 26
YAFF L6 27 sunshine12
FAY L6 23 Hasni
ALF 2A 22 yab

On 17th draw, BOX 14A 38 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: ONYX N7 35, LOX 14A 34, LUX 14A 34, NOX 14A 34, BOXY L6 33
ONYX N7 35 yab, sunshine12
BOXY L6 33 Hasni

On 18th draw, UPLYING 9I 68 --- UPLYING pertaining to upland, elevated [adj]
Other moves: JAPINGLY 13H 42, YU 15A 38, JANGLY 13H 34, JAUPING 13H 34, JAPING 13H 32
YU 15A 38 Hasni
YIP 2A 25 sunshine12

On 19th draw, DUNGER O6 24 --- DUNGER (New Zealand) a dilapidated car or machine [n]
Other tops: ED 15A 24, LUNGED O6 24, NUDGER O6 24
Other moves: DYNEL L8 22, DERN N6 21, LUGED O7 21, LUNGER O6 21, NUDGE O6 21
NUDGER O6 24 yab
VEG O7 21 sunshine12
DUNG O6 18 Hasni

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