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Game of October 15, 2011 at 22:05, 5 players
1. 574 pts rn.roselle
2. 557 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 423 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehhnsw   H3    32    32   whenas
 2. aeginuu   5E    32    64   eugenia
 3. ?deenor   8A    80   144   erodents
 4. ejnpstu   L1    53   197   jupes
 5. aeiirtv   F5    66   263   urinative
 6. ?bnotuz   7A    53   316   bozo
 7. acemotu   6B    45   361   macer
 8. eiknort  10B    72   433   knottier
 9. amrstuw   1L    42   475   jaws
10. aeinotu  12F    22   497   vauntie
11. adefino   N1    34   531   waifed
12. aalmotx  13C    57   588   latex
13. deoprtv   O5    33   621   dover
14. eggnopr  11K    28   649   pogge
15. adinrrt  M11    25   674   grind
16. aflottu  14J    32   706   fount
17. bhiloty  15F    47   753   bothy
18. acimors  12A    32   785   cram
19. illlosy  A12    27   812   cloy

Remaining tiles: iillqs

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6623 Filern.roselle  4 16:01  -238  574     1.6623 rn.roselle  4 16:01  -238  574 
  2.6406 FileGrace_Tjie  2 10:43  -255  557     2.6406 Grace_Tjie  2 10:43  -255  557 
  3.5055 Filegmills0     2 16:37  -389  423            Group: novice
  4.5596 Filemazscot     1 20:35  -403  409     1.5055 gmills0     2 16:37  -389  423 
  5.4888 FileBiddy       0 21:56  -478  334     2.5596 mazscot     1 20:35  -403  409 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4888 Biddy       0 21:56  -478  334 

On 1st draw, WHENAS H3 32 --- WHENAS at which time [conj]
Other tops: WASHEN H4 32, WHENAS H4 32
Other moves: HAWSE H4 30, WHENS H4 30, WASHEN H3 26, WASHEN H7 26, WASHEN H8 26
WASHEN H4 32 rn.roselle
WASHEN H8 26 mazscot
SHAWN H8 24 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, EUGENIA 5E 32 --- EUGENIA a tropical evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: AUNE G3 20, EINA I3 20, HAEING 4H 20, GAEN G2 19, GAUN G2 19
GEAN I2 19 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
HINGE 4H 18 mazscot

On 3rd draw, ERODEN(T)S 8A 80 --- ERODENT a caustic chemical [n]
Other moves: DE(B)ONERS 8A 77, ENDERO(N)S 8A 77, ENDOR(S)ES 8A 77, ENDO(W)ERS 8A 77, EN(C)ODERS 8A 77
DEER(S) L1 22 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
RIDE(R) J4 9 Biddy

On 4th draw, JUPES L1 53 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JUTES L1 49, JET 7C 40, JUPES 4K 39, JUPES 6B 38, JUTES 6B 36
JUPES L1 53 rn.roselle
JUTS L2 31 Grace_Tjie, gmills0
JUST L3 31 mazscot
JOTS C7 20 Biddy

On 5th draw, URINATIVE F5 66 --- URINATIVE [adj]
Other moves: JIVE 1L 42, RIVIERA B8 36, JEAT 1L 33, VAUTE 2J 32, ARET M1 29
JIVE 1L 42 gmills0, rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie, mazscot, Biddy

On 6th draw, BOZ(O) 7A 53 --- BOZO a dim-witted fellow [n]
Other tops: B(O)ZO 7A 53
Other moves: B(E)Z 7A 49, OUZ(O) 7A 49, TOZ(E) 7A 49, (O)UZO 7A 49, ZO(R)I 7C 47
ZO(R)I 7C 47 Grace_Tjie
ZO 7C 45 rn.roselle
B(R)ONZE 13A 32 mazscot
ZO(M)BI 11B 30 Biddy
JOT(S) 1L 30 gmills0

On 7th draw, MACER 6B 45 --- MACER an official who carries a ceremonial staff [n]
Other moves: CAM 6B 41, CATER 6B 41, MAC 6B 41, MATER 6B 41, JUCO 1L 39
MAC 6B 41 Grace_Tjie
JUTE 1L 33 rn.roselle
COMET 13C 20 gmills0
MOVE 12D 18 mazscot
EMOTE 13F 11 Biddy

On 8th draw, KNOTTIER 10B 72 --- KNOTTY full of knots [adj]
Other moves: KNOTTIER 10C 64, JERK 1L 45, JINK 1L 45, JOKE 1L 45, REJOIN 1J 39
JERK 1L 45 gmills0, mazscot
JOKE 1L 45 rn.roselle
JINK 1L 45 Grace_Tjie
TRINKET 10F 21 Biddy

On 9th draw, JAWS 1L 42 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAMS 1L 39, WAURST 2J 34, JARS 1L 33, JURA 1L 33, JUST 1L 33
JAWS 1L 42 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle, gmills0
JUST 1L 33 Biddy

On 10th draw, VAUNTIE 12F 22 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: ANOA M1 20, AUNE 2K 20, AUTO 2K 20, KATION B10 20, KENTIA B10 20
NATIVE 12B 18 gmills0
UTE 2L 18 rn.roselle
PINT 3L 12 mazscot
NATION C10 12 Biddy
NEAT 4B 11 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, WAIFED N1 34 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: FOINED I2 31, FIEND 4A 30, FINED 4A 30, FAINED 13B 29, FOINED 13B 29
NEF 6H 29 rn.roselle
KNIFED B10 28 gmills0
WIFED N1 24 Grace_Tjie
DEAF 11K 24 mazscot

On 12th draw, LATEX 13C 57 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: MALAX O5 49, MOXA O5 46, AXAL 11J 44, TAXOL O5 41, AMATOL O4 40
MOXA O5 46 rn.roselle
AX 11J 38 Grace_Tjie
AX G12 34 Biddy
MIX J4 28 gmills0

On 13th draw, DOVER O5 33 --- DOVER to doze [v]
Other tops: DEPORT O5 33, DEVOT O5 33, PEDRO M9 33
Other moves: REDTOP O5 32, ROVED O5 32, DEPORT M8 31, PROVE M11 31, DEPOT O5 30
DOVER O5 33 rn.roselle
DOVE O5 30 Grace_Tjie
PROVIDE K8 26 mazscot
PRIVET K10 22 Biddy
VIPER K11 20 gmills0

On 14th draw, POGGE 11K 28 --- POGGE a fish with bony scales [n]
Other moves: GENRO M9 27, GROPE M11 27, PORGE M10 27, PRONG M11 27, PENGO 11K 26
PRONG 11K 26 Biddy
GROPING K8 22 mazscot
PEG 11K 22 Grace_Tjie
PRE 11K 20 rn.roselle
GRIPE K10 16 gmills0

On 15th draw, GRIND M11 25 --- GRIND to wear, smooth, or sharpen by friction [v]
Other tops: GRAND M11 25
Other moves: AGRIN M10 23, GRAD M11 23, GRAIN M11 23, GRANT M11 23, GRID M11 23
DRAIN 4A 19 Biddy
DI 6J 16 Grace_Tjie
TRAD 4B 14 rn.roselle
DRAT 14A 14 mazscot
GRAND N11 14 gmills0

On 16th draw, FOUNT 14J 32 --- FOUNT a fountain [n]
Other moves: OF M3 29, FA 6J 28, FLAT 12A 28, FOAL 12A 28, LOAF 12A 28
FA 6J 28 rn.roselle
DOF 15M 21 Grace_Tjie, gmills0
FLAT 14A 18 mazscot
FAD 15K 8 Biddy

On 17th draw, BOTHY 15F 47 --- BOTHY a hut in Scotland [n]
Other moves: HOTLY 15F 41, HOLY 15G 38, HOY 15H 35, THY 15H 35, TOBY 15G 35
BOTHY 15F 47 mazscot
HOY 15H 35 Grace_Tjie
THY 15H 35 rn.roselle
BATH D12 26 gmills0
DOH 15M 23 Biddy

On 18th draw, CRAM 12A 32 --- CRAM to fill or pack tightly [v]
Other moves: CAROM 4A 29, CORAM 4A 29, SCAM 12A 28, CAMIS 4A 27, CAMOS 4A 27
CRAM 14A 22 mazscot
DAM 15M 20 Grace_Tjie
ISO O13 18 rn.roselle
CRIMS J3 15 gmills0
CRAW 3E 10 Biddy

On 19th draw, CLOY A12 27 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [v]
Other tops: COLY A12 27, COSY A12 27, COYS A12 27, YILLS 4A 27
Other moves: ILLY 14A 25, LILY 14A 25, OILY 14A 25, DOY 15M 23, SLY 14B 23
COSY A12 27 Grace_Tjie, gmills0
SLOWLY 3E 14 Biddy
YOWL 3F 12 mazscot

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