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Game of October 16, 2011 at 02:35, 5 players
1. 475 pts Zweep
2. 389 pts tonikay
3. 374 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeioy   H3    26    26   eyelid
 2. aaceimr   5E    44    70   camerae
 3. aiilnos   9D    69   139   liaison
 4. ?eeglow   6J    34   173   weblog
 5. acdfirt   4J    36   209   fracti
 6. adegosw   O2    39   248   swigged
 7. abehnpu   2J    34   282   bhunas
 8. eelnrst   K9    72   354   slenter
 9. noopttu  15F    30   384   outport
10. hopqstu  14B    63   447   quoth
11. aadeinu  15A    34   481   dine
12. abnosxz  14J    66   547   zeas
13. aaeimrr  12G    72   619   marinera
14. aginpry  13C    62   681   gripy
15. abfijko   1H    42   723   jiao
16. deeilnv   8A    36   759   vined
17. befkntu  10D    36   795   keb
18. eflnotu   M9    26   821   fueros

Remaining tiles: lnotvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6373 FileZweep       3 14:30  -346  475     1.6373 Zweep       3 14:30  -346  475 
  2.5208 Filetonikay     1 21:52  -432  389     2.6661 TwoFold     2  8:41  -584  237 
  3.4864 Filepaulineasb  3 21:04  -447  374            Group: novice
  4.6661 FileTwoFold     2  8:41  -584  237     1.5208 tonikay     1 21:52  -432  389 
  5.5376 Filemarigold    0  2:07  -777   44     2.5376 marigold    0  2:07  -777   44 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4864 paulineasb  3 21:04  -447  374 

On 1st draw, EYE(L)ID H3 26 --- EYELID the lid of skin that can be closed over an eyeball [n]
Other tops: DIOE(C)Y H7 26
Other moves: DEE(D)Y H8 24, DEE(L)Y H8 24, DEI(F)Y H8 24, DEI(T)Y H8 24, DEO(X)Y H8 24
(N)EEDY H8 24 Zweep
DOI(L)Y H8 24 tonikay

On 2nd draw, CAMERAE 5E 44 --- CAMERA a judge's chamber [n]
Other moves: ARAME G4 28, CAMERA I1 28, AMERCE 3C 26, AMICE G6 26, CAREME 3C 26
MACER G7 25 tonikay
MARE G3 24 Zweep
DICER 8H 9 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, LIAISON 9D 69 --- LIAISON a means for maintaining communication [n]
Other moves: LIAISON G7 66, NOMAS G3 21, LARIS I3 19, LORAN I3 19, LORIS I3 19
SNAIL 9H 16 paulineasb
SAIL 9H 15 Zweep
AILS 9E 15 tonikay

On 4th draw, WE(B)LOG 6J 34 --- WEBLOG a website that contains an online personal journal [n]
Other moves: WE(D)GE 6J 33, WE(N)GE 6J 33, WEL(K)E 6J 32, WE(D)EL 6J 32, W(A)(L)E 6F 31
GLEE(S) 8A 22 tonikay
GLOWE(D) D8 22 paulineasb
AWE F5 14 Zweep

On 5th draw, FRACTI 4J 36 --- FRACTUS a ragged cloud [n]
Other moves: ADRIFT 8J 35, CIGAR O4 33, CRAFTED 3C 32, FARCIED 3C 32, FRACT 4J 32
GRIFT O6 27 Zweep
GRAFT O6 27 marigold
FLIRT D8 24 paulineasb

On 6th draw, SWIGGED O2 39 --- SWIG to drink deeply or rapidly [v]
Other tops: WAGED 8A 39
Other moves: WAMED G3 37, SAWED 8A 36, SOWED 8A 36, WIGGED O3 36, DOSAGE 8A 35
WAGED 8A 39 Zweep, paulineasb
WADES 8A 35 tonikay

On 7th draw, BHUNAS 2J 34 --- BHUNA (Urdu) an Indian sauce [n]
Other moves: EPHA 8A 33, PUHA 8A 33, BAUCHLE M1 30, PEBA 8A 30, PUBE 8A 30
PUBE 8A 30 Zweep
PANE 8A 24 tonikay
EH 8D 14 paulineasb

On 8th draw, SLENTER K9 72 --- SLENTER a trick [n]
Other moves: NESTLER 10I 67, RELENTS 10I 67, LISTENER E8 66, SILENTER E8 66, RENEST 8A 28
STEEL 8A 23 Zweep, tonikay
TERES 8A 23 paulineasb
RELENTS 10I 17 marigold

On 9th draw, OUTPORT 15F 30 --- OUTPORT a port of export or departure [n]
Other moves: NOUP J11 28, PRONTO 15J 27, PROTON 15J 27, PRUTOT 15J 27, UPTORN 15G 27
PRONTO 15J 27 Zweep
PO J14 22 tonikay
POUR 15H 18 paulineasb

On 10th draw, QUOTH 14B 63 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: QUOTH 10B 62, QOPHS 6B 52, QOPHS M11 48, QOPHS 14B 46, QOPH 6B 45
QUIPS E7 32 Zweep
QUITS E7 28 tonikay
QIS 7G 23 paulineasb

On 11th draw, DINE 15A 34 --- DINE to eat dinner [v]
Other moves: AINE 15A 31, NAIAD 8A 27, DIN 15A 25, NAMED G3 25, DAINT L11 23
DINE 15A 34 Zweep, TwoFold, paulineasb, tonikay

On 12th draw, ZEAS 14J 66 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZEA 14J 65, BONZA 1F 52, OX 10E 52, AZLONS D7 50, AXON 1K 45
OX 10E 52 TwoFold
AX 1K 39 Zweep
ZEX 3G 37 paulineasb
SAX F8 26 tonikay

On 13th draw, MARINERA 12G 72 --- MARINERA a Peruvian folk-dance [n]
Other moves: ATMA 13J 33, MARAE 1G 30, RIMAE 1G 30, ATRIA 13J 29, RAMATE 13G 27
MARE 8A 24 Zweep, tonikay
MATE 13I 24 TwoFold
MARRIES M8 20 paulineasb

On 14th draw, GRIPY 13C 62 --- GRIPY causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj]
Other tops: GRAPY 13C 62
Other moves: GAPY 13D 39, GRAINY 10A 37, GRIP 13C 35, RAINY 10B 35, PINY 10C 34
YA 13G 22 TwoFold, Zweep
PAY F4 16 tonikay
PUN C13 10 paulineasb

On 15th draw, JIAO 1H 42 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAO 1G 37, BAJRIS M9 36, JAKE 11H 32, JARKS M10 32, JOKE 11H 32
JAY 4F 26 TwoFold
JAB 8C 20 tonikay
JO 11N 18 Zweep
JO 1I 13 paulineasb

On 16th draw, VINED 8A 36 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: LIVED 8A 36
Other moves: DEVEL 8A 35, NEVEL 8A 32, VEINED 10B 31, DIVE 8A 30, VIDE 8A 30
LIVED 8A 36 Zweep, paulineasb, TwoFold
VINED 10C 22 tonikay

On 17th draw, KEB 10D 36 --- KEB to give birth to a premature lamb [v]
Other moves: KENAF F2 30, UNKET 10B 28, BUKE 10B 27, KENT 10D 27, KEF 10B 26
BUKE 10B 27 TwoFold
KNIFE B6 24 paulineasb, Zweep
KEB 11J 19 tonikay

On 18th draw, FUEROS M9 26 --- FUERO a code of law [n]
Other moves: FOOTER I7 25, OUTFEEL 3C 24, FOOL I7 23, FOOT I7 23, FOUTRES M8 22
FOOL I7 23 Zweep
FORTS M10 16 TwoFold
FLED 8L 12 paulineasb
FAWN J4 10 tonikay

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