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Game of October 16, 2011 at 03:19, 4 players
1. 587 pts TwoFold
2. 583 pts Zweep
3. 495 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??bcers   H2    74    74   escribe
 2. aefnotv   5E    52   126   overfat
 3. adelntz   1D    81   207   lazed
 4. deginor   C1    89   296   groined
 5. iorsttu   B3    72   368   tourist
 6. adegnoo   1A    60   428   deglazed
 7. illmotu   A5    36   464   muti
 8. aadeiny  10A    35   499   dyne
 9. abeinos   K3    60   559   botanise
10. ceiirty  11K    42   601   ricey
11. aejklrs  N10    64   665   jerks
12. himnopu   J8    47   712   hump
13. aaeginw   G8    69   781   wainage
14. aafhinr  H10    45   826   farina
15. elootux   L1    46   872   ulex
16. aeehotw   M3    46   918   towhee
17. alooqtv   1K    42   960   quota
18. agiilno   O7    33   993   inlay
19. giloopv   E7    25  1018   ovoli

Remaining tiles: gp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6658 FileTwoFold     1 18:21  -431  587     1.6658 TwoFold     1 18:21  -431  587 
  2.6375 FileZweep       1 16:41  -435  583     2.6375 Zweep       1 16:41  -435  583 
  3.5213 Filetonikay     0 21:21  -523  495            Group: novice
  4.3952 FileMissDinty   1 11:56  -900  118     1.5213 tonikay     0 21:21  -523  495 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3952 MissDinty   1 11:56  -900  118 

On 1st draw, (E)SCR(I)BE H2 74 --- ESCRIBE to construct a circle touching a triangle externally [v]
Other tops: BECR(U)S(T) H2 74, BECR(U)S(T) H4 74, BEC(U)RS(E) H2 74, BEC(U)RS(E) H4 74, BEC(U)RS(T) H2 74, BEC(U)RS(T) H4 74, BEC(U)R(L)S H2 74, BEC(U)R(L)S H4 74, BESC(O)(U)R H4 74, BR(A)CE(R)S H4 74, BR(A)C(H)ES H4 74, BR(O)C(H)ES H4 74, B(A)C(K)ERS H2 74, B(A)C(K)ERS H4 74, B(E)C(U)RSE H2 74, B(E)C(U)RSE H4 74, B(I)C(K)ERS H2 74, B(I)C(K)ERS H4 74, B(I)RC(H)ES H4 74, B(O)R(A)CES H4 74, B(O)R(A)CES H8 74, B(R)(A)CERS H4 74, B(U)C(K)ERS H2 74, B(U)C(K)ERS H4 74, CE(M)BR(A)S H4 74, CR(A)(M)BES H4 74, CR(A)(M)BES H8 74, C(A)BR(I)ES H2 74, C(A)BR(I)ES H4 74, C(A)B(L)ERS H2 74, C(A)B(L)ERS H4 74, C(A)RB(I)ES H4 74, C(A)R(I)BES H4 74, C(A)R(I)BES H8 74, C(A)(M)BERS H4 74, C(H)ER(U)BS H4 74, C(H)ER(U)BS H7 74, C(O)B(B)ERS H2 74, C(O)B(B)ERS H4 74, C(O)RBE(L)S H4 74, C(O)RB(I)ES H4 74, C(O)(B)BERS H4 74, C(O)(M)BERS H4 74, C(U)RBE(R)S H4 74, C(U)(M)BERS H4 74, C(U)(R)BERS H4 74, ESCR(I)B(E) H2 74, ESCR(I)B(E) H7 74, REB(A)C(K)S H2 74, REB(A)C(K)S H8 74, REB(E)C(K)S H2 74, REB(E)C(K)S H8 74, REC(O)(M)BS H2 74, REC(O)(M)BS H7 74, R(E)BEC(K)S H2 74, R(E)BEC(K)S H8 74, R(U)B(A)CES H2 74, R(U)B(A)CES H8 74, SCR(I)BE(D) H3 74, SCR(I)BE(D) H8 74, SCR(I)BE(R) H3 74, SCR(I)BE(R) H8 74, SCR(I)BE(S) H3 74, SCR(I)BE(S) H8 74, SCR(O)BE(S) H3 74, SCR(O)BE(S) H8 74, SC(R)(I)BER H3 74, SC(R)(I)BER H8 74, SC(U)(M)BER H3 74, SC(U)(M)BER H8 74, S(U)BER(I)C H2 74, S(U)BER(I)C H6 74, S(U)BR(A)CE H2 74, S(U)BR(A)CE H7 74, (A)SCR(I)BE H2 74, (A)SCR(I)BE H7 74, (D)EC(A)RBS H2 74, (D)EC(A)RBS H7 74, (E)SCR(I)BE H7 74, (O)BSC(U)RE H3 74, (S)CR(I)BES H3 74, (S)CR(I)BES H8 74, (S)CR(O)BES H3 74, (S)CR(O)BES H8 74
Other moves: BECR(U)S(T) H3 70, BECR(U)S(T) H7 70, BEC(U)RS(E) H3 70, BEC(U)RS(E) H7 70, BEC(U)RS(E) H8 70
BR(A)CES H4 24 tonikay, Zweep
BR(A)CE(R)S H4 24 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, OVERFAT 5E 52 --- OVERFAT too fat [adj]
Other moves: FOVEAT(E) 2B 28, FOVEAS 3C 26, CENTAVO 4H 24, COVENT 4H 22, FAVER 5D 22
FEAT I6 20 Zweep
FONT I6 20 TwoFold
FATE G8 13 tonikay

On 3rd draw, LAZED 1D 81 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other moves: ADZE 1G 75, DAZE 1H 75, ADZ 1G 72, ZED 1F 72, DENTAL 1H 57
ZED 4J 39 TwoFold
ADZ 4C 37 Zweep
LAZE 4J 30 tonikay

On 4th draw, GROINED C1 89 --- GROIN to build with intersecting arches [v]
Other moves: GROINED 9G 76, ERODING 9G 75, IGNORED 9B 75, ERODING 9E 74, GROINED 9B 74
GORED C1 31 tonikay
GORED 6J 24 TwoFold
DON(E) 2E 24 Zweep

On 5th draw, TOURIST B3 72 --- TOURIST one who tours for pleasure [n]
Other tops: TOURIST 9C 72
Other moves: TOURIST 9E 71, TOURIST D6 71, TOURIST B6 68, TORTIOUS E4 66, BITTOURS 7H 62
TOT(E)S 2E 23 Zweep
TRUST 9E 19 TwoFold
ROTS 9E 17 tonikay

On 6th draw, DEGLAZED 1A 60 --- DEGLAZE to remove the glaze from [v]
Other moves: GENOA A5 37, D*G* A5 36, DOGE A5 36, GADE A5 36, DONA A5 32
GOAD A7 31 tonikay
DEAN A7 28 TwoFold, Zweep

On 7th draw, MUTI A5 36 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other tops: MILO A5 36, MOTI A5 36, MOTU A5 36
Other moves: MOULT A7 35, MOIL A7 32, MOIT A7 32, MUIL A7 32, MOI A7 29
MOIL A7 32 tonikay, Zweep
MOIT A7 32 TwoFold

On 8th draw, DYNE 10A 35 --- DYNE a unit of force [n]
Other tops: NYED 10A 35, YEAD 10B 35
Other moves: AYIN 10A 34, DYE 10A 34, YAD 10B 34, YEAN 10B 34, Y*D 10B 34
DYE 10A 34 TwoFold
YEA 10B 33 tonikay
Y*D 6J 30 Zweep

On 9th draw, BOTANISE K3 60 --- BOTANISE to collect plants for study [v]
Other tops: BOTANIES K3 60
Other moves: DOBIES A10 36, COBIAS 4H 31, RIBOS(E) 2C 30, COBIA 4H 29, BASION 6J 28
BAN(E)S 2E 27 Zweep
SOBA E10 21 tonikay
NOISE E7 19 TwoFold

On 10th draw, RICEY 11K 42 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other moves: RICY 11K 40, CRY 11J 38, CITER 11G 36, DICIER A10 36, ICIER 11G 36
RICEY 11K 42 TwoFold
TAY J4 29 tonikay
AY J5 26 Zweep

On 11th draw, JERKS N10 64 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other moves: JAKEYS O7 63, JAKEY O7 57, JERKY O7 57, JACKERS M9 56, JEELS N10 56
JERKY O7 57 Zweep, TwoFold
JOKERS 4J 45 tonikay
RESALE N6 10 MissDinty

On 12th draw, HUMP J8 47 --- HUMP to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v]
Other moves: UMPH J9 42, IMP J9 38, OPAH J3 38, UMP J9 38, DUPION A10 36
PAH J4 33 TwoFold
PINKO 13K 22 Zweep
HOM 4J 21 tonikay
BUM 3K 14 MissDinty

On 13th draw, WAINAGE G8 69 --- WAINAGE land under cultivation [n]
Other moves: WAINAGES 14G 64, DAWING A10 45, DEWING A10 45, DEWANI A10 42, AWAY O8 39
DAWING A10 45 TwoFold
AWAY O8 39 Zweep
WANE L6 25 tonikay
GIVEN F3 11 MissDinty

On 14th draw, FARINA H10 45 --- FARINA a fine meal made from cereal grain [n]
Other moves: HAAF L1 42, FRAY O8 39, FAH F12 38, AAH F8 35, FARINHA 12A 34
FRAY O8 39 TwoFold, Zweep
HAN F10 31 tonikay
RAINS 14J 7 MissDinty

On 15th draw, ULEX L1 46 --- ULEX a plant of the gorse genus [n]
Other moves: LEX L2 42, LOX L2 42, TEX L2 42, EX L3 40, OX L3 40
LOX L2 42 TwoFold, Zweep, tonikay

On 16th draw, TOWHEE M3 46 --- TOWHEE a common finch [n]
Other moves: AHOY O8 39, TWAY O8 39, WHEATEAR 12A 36, THRO 12L 33, TOW M3 32
AHOY O8 39 TwoFold
WAT 6J 27 Zweep
WATE L6 25 tonikay
OE M4 12 MissDinty

On 17th draw, QUOTA 1K 42 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: LOVAT E10 25, VOLTA E8 25, RATO 2C 23, ROTA 2C 23, ROTO 2C 23
QUOTA 1K 42 Zweep, MissDinty
QATS 14K 13 TwoFold
OVA F4 8 tonikay

On 18th draw, INLAY O7 33 --- INLAY to set into a surface [v]
Other tops: ONLAY O7 33
Other moves: LONGA F7 32, LANG F7 28, LONG F7 28, DIALOG A10 27, DOLING A10 27
DOLING A10 27 Zweep
AIL O13 17 TwoFold
GAY O9 16 tonikay
ALIGN O1 8 MissDinty

On 19th draw, OVOLI E7 25 --- OVOLO a convex moulding [n]
Other tops: GLOOP E9 25
Other moves: GOL(E) 2E 24, GOPIK 13J 24, GLOP E9 23, GOLP E8 23, OOP O13 23
PI F14 21 tonikay
PO F14 21 TwoFold
OIL O13 17 Zweep
OP O14 14 MissDinty

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