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Game of October 16, 2011 at 11:39, 10 players
1. 624 pts PIThompson
2. 583 pts musdrive
3. 578 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. almopsw   H8    30    30   swamp
 2. addelst   8H    86   116   staddles
 3. ?adehir   K4    98   214   dihedral
 4. ?efiijv  J10    55   269   jefe
 5. aehknot   N2    48   317   thankee
 6. eillnou  11A    70   387   linoleum
 7. aaemnoy  10B    53   440   money
 8. agilopt   O1    33   473   taig
 9. aeeinrw   H8    45   518   swampier
10. defiitw   L1    41   559   wifed
11. abiostv  14B    80   639   obviates
12. acgnors  12A    35   674   agons
13. aioqrru  15A    42   716   qua
14. eilortx   J1    36   752   extol
15. ceoprry   1F    27   779   perce
16. ceeiruv   2A    32   811   cruive
17. beinoru   A2    30   841   coenuri
18. abginoy   C1    30   871   buoying

Remaining tiles: aortz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7720 FilePIThompson  5 13:45  -247  624     1.7720 PIThompson  5 13:45  -247  624 
  2.7243 Filemusdrive    2 16:49  -288  583     2.7243 musdrive    2 16:49  -288  583 
  3.7151 Filemylover81   3 13:25  -293  578     3.7151 mylover81   3 13:25  -293  578 
  4.7106 FileStranger    2 11:53  -301  570     4.7106 Stranger    2 11:53  -301  570 
  5.6554 Filemarcous     2 17:29  -396  475            Group: intermediate
  6.5989 FileHasni       1 16:47  -447  424     1.6554 marcous     2 17:29  -396  475 
  7.6440 Fileshanice     1 23:31  -485  386     2.6440 shanice     1 23:31  -485  386 
  8.4874 Filepaulineasb  1 19:58  -563  308            Group: novice
  9.5399 Fileginalee     0 11:22  -715  156     1.5989 Hasni       1 16:47  -447  424 
 10.5940 FileELCEE       0  5:07  -717  154     2.5399 ginalee     0 11:22  -715  156 
                                             3.5940 ELCEE       0  5:07  -717  154 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4874 paulineasb  1 19:58  -563  308 

On 1st draw, SWAMP H8 30 --- SWAMP to inundate [v]
Other moves: MOWAS H4 26, PAWLS H4 26, PLOWS H4 26, SWAMP H4 26, PALMS H4 24
SWAMP H8 30 PIThompson, musdrive, mylover81
PLOWS H4 26 Stranger, ELCEE
SWAMP H4 26 shanice

On 2nd draw, STADDLES 8H 86 --- STADDLE a platform on which hay is stacked [n]
Other tops: STADDLES 8A 86
Other moves: STADDLE 13H 83, TWADDLES 9G 66, STADDLE G2 63, DALEDS 13C 33, ADDLES 13C 31
STADDLE 13H 33 mylover81, PIThompson, Stranger
SADDLE 13H 31 shanice
SLATED 13H 29 musdrive

On 3rd draw, DIHEDRA(L) K4 98 --- DIHEDRAL the angle between two planes [n]
Other moves: AIRHE(A)DS O1 95, DIEHAR(D)S O1 95, RA(C)HIDES O1 95, RA(P)HIDES O1 95, RA(W)HIDES O1 95
HARDIE(S) K5 40 musdrive
(S)HARED 13H 38 Stranger, PIThompson, mylover81, Hasni
HEARD 10F 21 shanice
HAIRED L3 20 marcous

On 4th draw, JEF(E) J10 55 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other tops: JEF(F) J10 55, JE(F)F J10 55
Other moves: J(E)FE J10 54, JE(D)I J10 52, JE(E) J10 51, JE(T) J10 51, JE(U) J10 51
JEF(F) J10 55 mylover81
JEF(E) J10 55 PIThompson
JIVE(D) L1 51 Stranger, Hasni
J*(W) J10 51 ELCEE
JIVE(S) L1 51 shanice
J(A)I J10 50 musdrive
JIVE L1 50 marcous
JEE N6 26 paulineasb
JA 10J 25 ginalee

On 5th draw, THANKEE N2 48 --- THANKEE thank you [interj]
Other moves: KANEH L11 38, KOHA L1 38, HAKE L1 36, HOKA L1 36, HOKE L1 36
HAKE L1 36 PIThompson, mylover81, musdrive
HOKE L1 36 Hasni, marcous
KANE L1 32 Stranger
THANK 6J 24 paulineasb
HEN I13 18 shanice
HOT I13 18 ginalee

On 6th draw, LINOLEUM 11A 70 --- LINOLEUM a durable material used as a floor covering [n]
Other moves: ELOINS O3 25, LIEN O1 25, LION O1 25, LOIN O1 25, NOEL O1 25
LIEN O1 25 Stranger, PIThompson
LOIN O1 25 musdrive, shanice
NOEL O1 25 mylover81
NOIL O1 25 marcous
LONE L3 21 Hasni
NO O1 8 paulineasb
LINE M8 5 ginalee

On 7th draw, MONEY 10B 53 --- MONEY an official medium of exchange and measure of value [n]
Other moves: ANOMALY A6 48, MEANY O1 48, MEANLY A7 45, NAMELY A7 45, MANLY A8 42
MONEY 10B 53 marcous
MEANY O1 48 musdrive
MEANLY A7 45 Stranger, PIThompson
MANLY A8 42 ginalee, paulineasb
YEAN O1 34 mylover81
LOAMY A11 33 Hasni

On 8th draw, TAIG O1 33 --- TAIG a catholic (derogatory), Northern Ireland [n]
Other moves: PAIL O1 31, PIAL O1 31, PAOLI M1 30, POGONIA C7 30, GAIT O1 28
PAIL O1 31 PIThompson, mylover81, musdrive, shanice
PIAL O1 31 Stranger
PLOAT L1 28 Hasni
TOILS O4 19 paulineasb
AL M3 16 marcous

On 9th draw, SWAMPIER H8 45 --- SWAMPY marshy [adj]
Other moves: AREW 12A 39, AWE M3 33, WEAN M1 33, WEAR M1 33, REW 12B 32
SWAMPIER H8 45 PIThompson
AREW 12A 39 mylover81
REW 12B 32 Stranger, marcous, musdrive
LAWER A11 27 Hasni
W(E)ANER 13I 24 shanice
LEARN A11 18 paulineasb
MINER B10 14 ginalee

On 10th draw, WIFED L1 41 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIFE L3 36, DEW 12B 35, FETID L1 35, WITED L1 35, WIFE L1 34
WIFED L1 41 Hasni, PIThompson
DEW 12B 35 mylover81, marcous, shanice, musdrive
WIFE L1 34 Stranger
WIF(E) 13G 17 ginalee
REF 15H 6 paulineasb

On 11th draw, OBVIATES 14B 80 --- OBVIATE to prevent or eliminate by effective measures [v]
Other moves: VIBRATOS 15E 64, SABOT 14J 34, *B*S 12A 33, BOETS 14F 31, BOTS 12B 31
SABOT 14J 34 PIThompson, Stranger
BOETS 14F 31 Hasni
SOB 12B 28 mylover81
STAB 14J 24 marcous
BONITAS C9 24 ginalee
SOV 14J 24 musdrive
SAT 14J 21 paulineasb
VIES 14F 15 shanice

On 12th draw, AGONS 12A 35 --- AGON the dramatic conflict between the main characters in a Greek play [n]
Other tops: COGS 12B 35
Other moves: CROGS J2 32, ORC J4 32, COGS 9C 31, CONS 12B 31, CORS 12B 31
COGS 12B 35 mylover81
ORC J4 32 PIThompson
SCROW 1H 30 musdrive, Stranger, marcous
SCAR L11 14 paulineasb
GO 15A 11 ginalee, shanice

On 13th draw, QUA 15A 42 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI 15A 35, QUARRELS E5 34, LIQUOR M8 32, ARROW 1H 24, QUAIR J1 24
QUA 15A 42 PIThompson, marcous
QI 15A 35 Hasni, Stranger, mylover81, musdrive, paulineasb

On 14th draw, EXTOL J1 36 --- EXTOL to praise highly [v]
Other moves: ILEX L10 34, OXER 15E 24, TOILE J2 24, (E)XILER 13J 24, OX K1 23
EXTOL J1 36 musdrive
ILEX L10 34 PIThompson
(E)XILER 13J 24 Hasni
OX K1 23 marcous
LOX L11 22 Stranger
TEX L11 22 mylover81
(E)XILE 13J 22 paulineasb
OXIDE 4H 14 shanice

On 15th draw, PERCE 1F 27 --- PERCE to pierce [v]
Other tops: CREPE 1F 27, PYRE 1G 27, RYPE 1G 27
Other moves: CEPE 1G 24, COPE 1G 24, PLYER M7 24, PYE 1H 24, PYREX 2F 23
CREPE 1F 27 Stranger, paulineasb
PYRE 1G 27 shanice
COPE 1G 24 mylover81, PIThompson, musdrive
YORE 1G 21 marcous
CODE 4I 7 Hasni

On 16th draw, CRUIVE 2A 32 --- CRUIVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: CRUVE 2B 30, CURVE 2B 30, CUVEE 2B 30, ECURIE 2B 28, CREWE 9E 27
CRUIVE 2A 32 Stranger
CURVE 2B 30 shanice, musdrive, PIThompson, mylover81
RIEVE 2B 26 marcous
PREVUE F1 15 paulineasb
(E)VER 13J 12 Hasni

On 17th draw, COENURI A2 30 --- COENURUS a tapeworm larva [n]
Other moves: COIN I1 24, COIR I1 24, COUR I1 24, NORITE I4 24, BINIOU D1 22
ICER A1 21 Stranger, PIThompson
BINER D1 20 marcous, musdrive, mylover81
BIRO D1 18 Hasni
ECU A1 15 paulineasb
ICE A1 15 shanice

On 18th draw, BUOYING C1 30 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: BINGY D1 28, EBAYING 4A 26, BUYING C1 24, CAIN I1 24, COIN I1 24
BINGY D1 28 musdrive, PIThompson, mylover81
BINGO D1 22 Stranger
LAYING M8 22 Hasni, marcous
VANG E2 16 paulineasb
JAB 10J 12 shanice

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