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Game of October 16, 2011 at 13:07, 6 players
1. 605 pts musdrive
2. 534 pts Kenpachi
3. 459 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcelny   H3    30    30   bylane
 2. ?acegoo   5E    36    66   collage
 3. ?hiknno   L4    88   154   inkhorn
 4. aaeirst  11I    78   232   aristae
 5. eegistu   J8    63   295   guerites
 6. aeinoos   M5    34   329   saine
 7. ceilopt  15C    89   418   toeclips
 8. aelrstu   8A    77   495   resalute
 9. fghiopr   O8    42   537   prief
10. aelnotv   C1    74   611   volantes
11. efmtuxy   N6    37   648   fe
12. adeiuvw   1A    42   690   vivda
13. adhiooq  N10    70   760   qaid
14. dgiortw   6F    33   793   woad
15. bdemruz  14B    41   834   bez
16. adegorr  13E    62   896   garroted
17. ijotuxy  13A    42   938   joy
18. himnrtu   D7    27   965   harmin
19. motuuwx   D3    38  1003   ox

Remaining tiles: mtuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7249 Filemusdrive    5 14:55  -398  605     1.7249 musdrive    5 14:55  -398  605 
  2.6536 FileKenpachi    3 15:25  -469  534            Group: intermediate
  3.5377 Fileginalee     1 22:43  -544  459     1.6536 Kenpachi    3 15:25  -469  534 
  4.5981 FileHasni       0 23:34  -620  383     2.6041 JennyB      0  7:18  -856  147 
  5.6041 FileJennyB      0  7:18  -856  147     3.6408 shanice     0  7:07  -900  103 
  6.6408 Fileshanice     0  7:07  -900  103            Group: novice
                                             1.5377 ginalee     1 22:43  -544  459 
                                             2.5981 Hasni       0 23:34  -620  383 

On 1st draw, BYLANE H3 30 --- BYLANE a side lane [n]
Other moves: BEANY H8 28, BELAY H8 28, BYLANE H4 28, LACEY H8 28, BAYLE H4 26
BELAY H8 28 musdrive
BEANY H8 28 shanice
CABLE H4 24 Kenpachi
CLAY H7 18 ginalee

On 2nd draw, CO(L)LAGE 5E 36 --- COLLAGE to arrange materials in a collage (a kind of artistic composition) [v]
Other tops: ECOLOG(Y) 5E 36
Other moves: BOCAGE 3H 24, BOCAGE(S) 3H 24, BO(S)CAGE 3H 24, ECO(L)OGY 4B 24, AGE(N)CY 4C 22
CO(L)LAGE 5E 36 musdrive
CAGEY 4D 22 ginalee
(S)CAG 9H 20 Kenpachi

On 3rd draw, INKHO(R)N L4 88 --- INKHORN a small container for ink [n]
Other tops: HONKIN(G) L3 88
Other moves: INKHO(R)N G7 75, HONKIN(G) G8 70, HONKIN(G) I8 70, HOKIN(G) L1 42, KNI(S)H L4 40
HOKIN(G) L1 42 musdrive
HONK(S) L1 39 Kenpachi
HIK(E) 4K 25 ginalee, JennyB
KIN(S) L2 23 Hasni

On 4th draw, ARISTAE 11I 78 --- ARISTA a bristlelike structure or appendage [n]
Other tops: ATRESIA 11H 78
Other moves: ATRESIA 9D 71, ARISTAE G7 65, ARISTAE I7 65, ASTERIA I7 65, ATRESIA G7 65
AIREST 11H 26 musdrive
AREAS 11H 24 ginalee
RATES 11H 24 Kenpachi
TIERS 11H 24 JennyB
AIR M6 18 Hasni

On 5th draw, GUERITES J8 63 --- GUERITE a turret [n]
Other moves: GEITS M1 25, EGEST O11 24, GETS M2 23, GITS M2 23, GUTS M2 23
EGEST O11 24 musdrive
GUTS M2 23 Kenpachi, JennyB
TIGES O8 21 ginalee
GITES 9D 19 Hasni
SIEGE O7 18 shanice

On 6th draw, SAINE M5 34 --- SAINE to say (Spencer) [v] --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: SAIN M5 30, SIEN M5 30, SOON M5 30, SAE M5 27, SAI M5 27
SOON M5 30 JennyB
IONS M2 21 Kenpachi
SEASON 15G 21 musdrive
NOOSES 15G 21 ginalee
AIN M6 18 Hasni
OO M6 15 shanice

On 7th draw, TOECLIPS 15C 89 --- TOECLIP a foot holder on a pedal [n]
Other moves: TOECLIP G8 65, POETICS 15D 42, POLICES 15D 42, TOECLIP O9 42, SEPTIC 15J 39
POETICS 15D 42 musdrive
CLIPES 15E 30 Kenpachi
PILOTS 15E 24 shanice
COPE O8 24 ginalee
PET N7 18 Hasni

On 8th draw, RESALUTE 8A 77 --- RESALUTE to salute again [v] --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other tops: RESALUTE O4 77
Other moves: RUSTABLE 3C 74, LUSTRATE 13G 70, TUTELARS 13H 68, RESALUTE E8 66, RESALUTE 10C 62
STEALER O9 24 ginalee
STEALER O6 24 musdrive
GRONES 8J 21 Hasni, JennyB
TALES 9D 18 Kenpachi
STEER O8 18 shanice

On 9th draw, PRIEF O8 42 --- PRIEF a proof [n]
Other moves: EPHOR O11 39, GOPHER O7 39, GRIEF O8 39, PIROGHI 12D 35, HOPER O8 33
GOPHER O7 39 ginalee
GRIEF O8 39 Hasni
HOAR 6F 31 musdrive
GROPE O7 24 JennyB
HARP N10 17 Kenpachi

On 10th draw, VOLANTES C1 74 --- VOLANTE a two-wheeled horse vehicle [n]
Other moves: LAEVO N10 29, LAVE 13L 25, LOVE 13L 25, NAVE 13L 25, VALE 13L 25
VANE 14B 20 Kenpachi
NOVELS C3 20 musdrive
VOE B6 14 Hasni
LOVE E8 14 ginalee

On 11th draw, FE N6 37 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: YE N6 37
Other moves: MOTEY 2B 36, FUMY 14B 35, FOXY 2B 34, MYXO D12 32, ME N6 31
FOXY 2B 34 Kenpachi, musdrive
EXAM 4A 28 Hasni
TUX M11 20 ginalee

On 12th draw, VIVDA 1A 42 --- VIVDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other tops: VIVAED 1A 42, VIVAED 1C 42
Other moves: ADVEW 1A 39, WAVED 1A 39, WIVED 1A 39, AVOWED 2A 34, VIVA 1A 33
WAVED 1A 39 Kenpachi, musdrive, ginalee
VOWED 2B 32 Hasni

On 13th draw, QAID N10 70 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAID 14B 35, QAID 14A 33, HAO N10 32, AHA N9 30, QAID 12H 29
QAID 14A 33 Kenpachi
HAO N10 32 musdrive
QAT C13 24 ginalee
QI 14B 24 Hasni

On 14th draw, WOAD 6F 33 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DROW D1 30, TROW M11 26, TRIGO M11 24, WOAD 4A 24, GODWIT C10 22
WOAD 6F 33 musdrive
OW D3 22 Kenpachi
DRAW 4A 20 ginalee
WIG 14B 19 Hasni

On 15th draw, BEZ 14B 41 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: TREZ M11 38, REZ 14B 37, EMBRUED B8 36, MEZE 7B 32, ZED 14B 31
BEZ 14B 41 Kenpachi, musdrive
REZ 14B 37 Hasni
DEBUT C11 16 ginalee

On 16th draw, GARROTED 13E 62 --- GARROTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: RAGDE 13A 39, GARRED 13C 38, RADGER 13C 36, RAGED 13C 36, ARDOR 13B 35
RAGED 13C 36 musdrive
ARD 13B 31 Kenpachi
GARE 13C 30 Hasni
DRAG 4A 16 ginalee

On 17th draw, JOY 13A 42 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JIAO 4A 38, OX D3 38, JOT 13A 30, JOY I1 28, OXY I1 28
JOY 13A 42 musdrive, Kenpachi
OX D3 38 ginalee
JET C13 20 Hasni

On 18th draw, HARMIN D7 27 --- HARMIN an alkaloid used as a stimulant [n]
Other moves: UNETH B6 24, HUM 12D 23, INERM B6 21, METH B7 21, HERM B7 20
HUM 12D 23 Hasni
HM 2E 18 Kenpachi
HAM 4B 16 ginalee
HUNG E10 16 musdrive

On 19th draw, OX D3 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: MUX 10D 28, MIXT 11C 26, OXIM 11B 26, WAX 4B 26, MAX 4B 24
OX D3 38 musdrive, Kenpachi, ginalee

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