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Game of October 16, 2011 at 15:30, 8 players
1. 638 pts mylover81
2. 567 pts iwhist
3. 471 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aafopz   H8    50    50   topaz
 2. bdehoop   I9    45    95   hoboed
 3. aaefosx   J8    63   158   fox
 4. ?aemsty   8A    86   244   amethyst
 5. egirstv   A4    66   310   virgates
 6. adfilrr  B10    47   357   filar
 7. delnpru   G1    63   420   plunders
 8. aeinqtw   1D    36   456   tawpie
 9. eemrsst   2I    76   532   mesters
10. egikotu  A13    32   564   keg
11. aeeinov   8J    48   612   foveae
12. abinrtu  C10    38   650   train
13. deiinot   N7    72   722   taenioid
14. gilnoqu  M13    47   769   qi
15. cejlruw  D12    48   817   clew
16. adnoouy  15D    36   853   woody
17. aaghilr   5E    48   901   hidalga
18. bijnruu   4K    33   934   jib
19. acnnruu   1L    28   962   unau

Remaining tiles: cnnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7145 Filemylover81   4 17:16  -324  638     1.7145 mylover81   4 17:16  -324  638 
  2.6438 Fileiwhist      2 17:21  -395  567            Group: intermediate
  3.5979 FileHasni       1 23:30  -491  471     1.6438 iwhist      2 17:21  -395  567 
  4.4898 FileSuzette     1 23:07  -541  421            Group: novice
  5.5323 FileAndy1990    1 14:45  -675  287     1.5979 Hasni       1 23:30  -491  471 
  6.5393 Fileginalee     0  7:01  -781  181     2.5323 Andy1990    1 14:45  -675  287 
  7.3649 FileZEHAVARON   0 10:39  -792  170     3.5393 ginalee     0  7:01  -781  181 
  8.4944 Fileleobill     0  1:05  -946   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4898 Suzette     1 23:07  -541  421 
                                             2.3649 ZEHAVARON   0 10:39  -792  170 
                                             3.4944 leobill     0  1:05  -946   16 

On 1st draw, (T)OPAZ H8 50 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other tops: ZOP(P)A H4 50, ZO(P)PA H4 50
Other moves: ZOA(E)A H4 46, FO(R)ZA H4 40, P(L)AZA H4 36, FO(R)ZA H8 34, FO(R)ZA H5 32
FO(R)ZA H4 40 mylover81
P(L)AZA H4 36 Suzette
FAZ(E) H6 30 iwhist

On 2nd draw, HOBOED I9 45 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other moves: HOBO I9 41, BOHO I9 39, BOOHED I6 34, POOHED I6 34, HOPED I7 33
HOBO I9 41 mylover81
HOPED I11 30 Hasni, iwhist
BOPPED 10F 21 Suzette
BOOZED 12E 18 ginalee

On 3rd draw, FOX J8 63 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: SOX J8 60, OX J9 59, SAXE J11 44, FAXES G11 43, FAX G11 41
FOX J8 63 mylover81, iwhist
FAXES G11 43 Hasni
AX H14 30 ginalee
POXES 10H 30 Suzette

On 4th draw, AMET(H)YS(T) 8A 86 --- AMETHYST a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: AM(N)ESTY K2 80, MASTE(R)Y K2 80, MA(J)ESTY K2 80, ST(R)EAMY K2 80, FAYEST 8J 48
ABYS 11H 35 Hasni
YAMS K10 34 iwhist
F(R)AMES 8J 33 ginalee
ZOEAS 12H 28 mylover81
MES(S)Y K4 26 Suzette

On 5th draw, VIRGATES A4 66 --- VIRGATE an early English measure of land area [n]
Other tops: VITRAGES A4 66
Other moves: FIVERS 8J 48, ZORGITES 12H 38, ZORGITE 12H 34, FRIGES 8J 33, GRIEVES C3 32
FIVERS 8J 48 ginalee, mylover81
EVERTS C8 26 Suzette
STIR J12 25 iwhist
VIM B6 16 leobill
ZOS 12H 12 Hasni

On 6th draw, FILAR B10 47 --- FILAR pertaining to a thread [adj]
Other moves: FIAR B10 30, FID B10 30, FILA B10 30, FAD G11 29, FARD G11 29
FILA B10 30 mylover81
FIR B10 29 iwhist
IF H14 18 Hasni
AD J12 18 Suzette
FRAIL 8J 9 ginalee

On 7th draw, PLUNDERS G1 63 --- PLUNDER to rob of goods by force [v]
Other moves: FUNDER 8J 33, FURLED 8J 33, ZONED 12H 30, ZONULE 12H 30, ZONURE 12H 30
ZONED 12H 30 mylover81, Andy1990
PED A13 24 iwhist
PRELUDE C2 24 Suzette
PER A13 21 Hasni
PALED 13A 16 ginalee

On 8th draw, TAWPIE 1D 36 --- TAWPIE a foolish young person [n]
Other moves: AINE H1 34, EINA H1 34, QAID 14F 34, ZOWIE 12H 34, ANTIQUE 3B 32
WAY F6 32 iwhist, mylover81
PAWN 1G 27 ginalee, Andy1990
PAINT 1G 21 Suzette
QUANT 3F 15 Hasni

On 9th draw, MESTERS 2I 76 --- MESTER (English dialect) master [n]
Other moves: RESTEMS 2I 74, SEMESTER C2 74, SEMESTER 6D 68, SEMESTER 6F 64, ZOSTERS 12H 32
SEEMS J1 21 iwhist, Andy1990, Suzette
MEE A13 21 mylover81
MET A13 21 Hasni

On 10th draw, KEG A13 32 --- KEG a small barrel [n] --- KEG to store in a keg (a small barrel) [v]
Other moves: KITE C11 31, KET A13 29, KOI A13 29, KUE A13 29, ETUI 1L 28
KOI A13 29 iwhist
KET A13 29 mylover81
TOKING 4C 26 Hasni
KEG M1 16 Suzette
(H)OKE E8 14 Andy1990

On 11th draw, FOVEAE 8J 48 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: AINEE 1K 33, ZOOEAE 12H 30, NAVE G11 28, ZOEAE 12H 28, ZONAE 12H 28
NAVE G11 28 mylover81
ANE J12 24 iwhist
VEIN M1 14 Andy1990
FIVE 8J 14 Hasni
OZONE 12G 14 Suzette

On 12th draw, TRAIN C10 38 --- TRAIN to instruct systematically [v]
Other tops: BAIRN C11 38, RIBA C11 38
Other moves: ABRI C12 35, NAB C11 33, NIB C11 33, RIB C11 33, TAB C11 33
BAT C13 31 Hasni
TAB C13 27 iwhist
TAB G11 25 mylover81
BRAIN N6 15 Andy1990
ZONA 12H 13 Suzette

On 13th draw, TAENIOID N7 72 --- TAENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: IDEATION N5 65, INDITED 5E 36, OZONIDE 12G 34, ZONOID 12H 32, ZOONED 12H 32
ZOONED 12H 32 mylover81
ZONED 12H 30 Andy1990
ODE J12 26 iwhist
DOE 1M 23 Hasni
DENOTE M1 14 Suzette

On 14th draw, QI M13 47 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUINOL 2B 45, QUODLIN 14F 39, QUID 14F 34, QUOD 14F 34, QUODLIN 5D 34
QI M13 47 mylover81, Suzette, Hasni
QUOD 14F 34 iwhist
QUINT D4 28 Andy1990

On 15th draw, CLEW D12 48 --- CLEW to roll into a ball [v]
Other moves: JEWEL 6F 33, WEY F6 32, JEWEL M1 30, WE D12 30, J*W 6F 29
JEWEL 6F 33 Andy1990, Suzette, Hasni
JEWEL M1 30 iwhist
J*W 6F 29 mylover81

On 16th draw, WOODY 15D 36 --- WOODY a wood-panelled station wagon [n] --- WOODY containing or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: YAUD K10 32, YAY F6 32, YOND K10 32, YOU 1M 31, YAD K10 30
WOODY 15D 36 mylover81, iwhist
YAY F6 32 Hasni
TONY L2 14 Suzette
WAND 15D 8 Andy1990

On 17th draw, HIDALGA 5E 48 --- HIDALGA a gentlewoman [n]
Other moves: AAH F4 32, HAY F6 32, AHA J12 30, AHI J12 30, ASHLAR O1 30
HAY F6 32 Hasni, iwhist
HA 14F 29 mylover81
HAIL 2B 18 Andy1990
HEAR 6F 15 Suzette

On 18th draw, JIB 4K 33 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: BUNJIE C3 32, BIND 14F 31, JIN 4K 29, JUN 4K 29, INJURE C3 28
JIB 4K 33 Andy1990, mylover81
JUN 4K 29 Hasni
JO F14 25 iwhist, Suzette

On 19th draw, UNAU 1L 28 --- UNAU a two-toed sloth [n]
Other moves: CAN G11 25, CAR G11 25, NANDU 14F 22, NUANCE C3 22, NAN G11 21
ARC 4C 17 mylover81
CRAN 2B 16 Andy1990
AN J12 16 iwhist
NA 4D 9 Hasni
CANE C5 7 Suzette

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