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Game of October 16, 2011 at 20:15, 6 players
1. 689 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 689 pts sunshine12
3. 651 pts musdrive

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehorst   H8    78    78   earshot
 2. ?ehijry  15H    63   141   shyer
 3. ?eeknop  11F    76   217   respoken
 4. fmorstu   9D    67   284   foumarts
 5. aceijnu  12A    47   331   jaunce
 6. aefgiov  A12    42   373   jive
 7. elnoost   K2    66   439   solonets
 8. adeiinu  12J    26   465   nide
 9. aacelrs   3G    74   539   acerolas
10. aadgiru   6D    64   603   guardian
11. aeiilnn   2A    70   673   aniline
12. abdotwy   A1    48   721   bawdy
13. abdioor  14J    45   766   boord
14. elmopwx  O12    57   823   plex
15. aegitwz   1E    59   882   gaze
16. agioqtv   8A    38   920   gavot
17. fiimqtw  C11    30   950   quim
18. fiittuw  B14    31   981   if

Remaining tiles: iittuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6558 FileGLOBEMAN    5 18:57  -292  689     1.7245 musdrive    5 17:55  -330  651 
  2.6696 Filesunshine12  5 19:14  -292  689            Group: intermediate
  3.7245 Filemusdrive    5 17:55  -330  651     1.6558 GLOBEMAN    5 18:57  -292  689 
  4.6668 Filern.roselle  3 18:26  -354  627     2.6696 sunshine12  5 19:14  -292  689 
  5.4963 FileSuzette     1 15:29  -557  424     3.6668 rn.roselle  3 18:26  -354  627 
  6.3661 FileZEHAVARON   0 10:38  -829  152            Group: not rated
                                             1.4963 Suzette     1 15:29  -557  424 
                                             2.3661 ZEHAVARON   0 10:38  -829  152 

On 1st draw, EARSHOT H8 78 --- EARSHOT the range within which sound can be heard [n]
Other tops: HAROSET H4 78
Other moves: ASTHORE H2 72, ASTHORE H3 72, ASTHORE H4 72, ASTHORE H6 72, ASTHORE H7 72
HEARTS H4 26 musdrive, sunshine12
HORSE H4 24 Suzette

On 2nd draw, (S)HYER 15H 63 --- SHYER a horse tending to shy [n]
Other tops: HEIR(S) 15D 63, HIRE(S) 15D 63
Other moves: HEY(S) 15E 57, HYE(S) 15E 57, JOYRI(D)E 13G 56, RHIE(S) 15D 54, (S)HIER 15H 54
HIRE(S) 15D 63 GLOBEMAN, musdrive, sunshine12
(S)HE 15H 45 rn.roselle
J(U)RY I6 28 Suzette

On 3rd draw, (R)ESPOKEN 11F 76 --- RESPEAK to speak again [v]
Other tops: (B)ESPOKEN 11F 76
Other moves: RE(S)POKEN 10H 65, KEEP(S) 14J 63, KNOP(S) 14J 63, KNO(S)P 14J 63, K(R)EEP 14J 62
KEEP(S) 14J 63 sunshine12, Suzette, GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle, musdrive

On 4th draw, FOUMARTS 9D 67 --- FOUMART a polecat [n]
Other moves: FOURS 14J 52, FROST 14J 52, FRUST 14J 52, MOUST 14J 43, FORUMS 12J 41
FROST 14J 52 sunshine12, rn.roselle
FOURS 14J 52 musdrive
FORM 10L 18 Suzette

On 5th draw, JAUNCE 12A 47 --- JAUNCE to prance [v]
Other moves: JANE 8A 42, JINNE M9 40, EUCAIN 8J 37, JA G13 36, JEAN 10B 34
JANE 8A 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, rn.roselle
JUICES K4 30 musdrive
JOE 13G 19 Suzette

On 6th draw, JIVE A12 42 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: FAVE 8A 39, FIVE 8A 39, OGIVE 8K 35, TEF 14H 35, FAE 14J 34
JIVE A12 42 rn.roselle, musdrive, Suzette, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, SOLONETS K2 66 --- SOLONETS a type of soil [n]
Other moves: LENOS 8A 26, LOSEN 8A 26, LOTES 8A 26, LOTOS 8A 26, NOLES 8A 26
TONES 8A 26 rn.roselle, musdrive
NOTES 8A 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TES M13 17 Suzette

On 8th draw, NIDE 12J 26 --- NIDE to nest [v]
Other moves: DINE 12J 25, TENDU 14H 25, AIDE 8A 24, DENI 8A 24, DINE 8A 24
NIDE 12J 26 musdrive
DINE 8A 24 Suzette, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DINE L3 21 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, ACEROLAS 3G 74 --- ACEROLA a West Indian shrub [n]
Other moves: SCALARES 2D 64, ACEROLAS 5G 60, ACRES 8A 32, CARES 8A 32, CLAES 8A 32
CARES 8A 32 GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle, musdrive
CLAES 8A 32 sunshine12
CASE 8A 27 Suzette

On 10th draw, GUARDIAN 6D 64 --- GUARDIAN one that guards [n]
Other moves: GADI 8A 27, GARUDA 2B 26, DARI 8A 24, DUCI H1 24, DURATION J5 24
TRIAD 8K 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GILA L1 20 musdrive
DRAG N12 19 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, ANILINE 2A 70 --- ANILINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANILINE 4A 68, ALIEN 8A 26, ELAIN 8A 26, LINEN 8A 26, LININ 8A 26
LINEN 8A 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle
ALIEN 8A 26 musdrive
LACE H1 21 Suzette

On 12th draw, BAWDY A1 48 --- BAWDY obscene [adj] --- BAWDY obscene language [n]
Other moves: WADY A1 45, YOB 1A 45, BAWTY A1 42, YAD 1A 41, YOD 1A 41
WADY A1 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
YOB 1A 45 rn.roselle
BAD 1A 35 Suzette
YOW 1G 33 musdrive

On 13th draw, BOORD 14J 45 --- BOORD an old spelling of BOARD [n]
Other tops: BOARD 14J 45, BRAID 14J 45, BROAD 14J 45, BROOD 14J 45
Other moves: DROOB 8A 37, BRAID 8A 36, BROOD 8A 36, RABID 8A 36, TABOO 14H 35
BRAID 14J 45 rn.roselle, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BROOD 14J 45 musdrive
RADIO 8A 29 Suzette

On 14th draw, PLEX O12 57 --- PLEX short form of multiplex [n]
Other moves: EXPO 8A 48, WEX O13 48, PLEW O12 45, PLEX 1G 44, POEM O12 42
PLEX 1G 44 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WOX 10L 39 rn.roselle
LOX L3 33 musdrive
MIX C1 24 Suzette

On 15th draw, GAZE 1E 59 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: ZILA L1 52, GAZE 8A 51, ZAG 1G 51, ZATI 1G 51, ZETA 1G 51
GAZE 1E 59 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZIG 1G 51 musdrive
GAZE 8A 51 rn.roselle
ZIT C1 24 Suzette

On 16th draw, GAVOT 8A 38 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other moves: VAGI 8A 33, QAT 14F 32, QUAG C11 28, QUOIT C11 28, QUOTA C11 28
QAT 14F 32 musdrive
QUAG C11 28 rn.roselle, GLOBEMAN
QUOTA C11 28 sunshine12
VAST N1 14 Suzette

On 17th draw, QUIM C11 30 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: FIT 3C 28, WILI L1 28, WAQF B7 27, LIMIT 4K 26, MISFIT N1 26
QUIM C11 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, musdrive, rn.roselle
SWIM N3 15 Suzette

On 18th draw, IF B14 31 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FIT 3C 28, WILI L1 28, IT B14 22, UT B14 22, FIE 7I 21
FIT 2M 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, rn.roselle
FIE 7I 21 musdrive

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