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Game of October 16, 2011 at 23:19, 5 players
1. 628 pts musdrive
2. 604 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 602 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiklps   H3    32    32   spiked
 2. bloossz   G7    39    71   bozos
 3. aaemopt  H11    32   103   tempo
 4. acehhry  14H    38   141   preachy
 5. abgilru  13M    25   166   ab
 6. aelnnrw  11E    40   206   wastrel
 7. eggortv  12A    31   237   grovet
 8. ?imnntt   A6    27   264   matting
 9. deelort   C8    70   334   retooled
10. ?afinuw  10J    41   375   wauff
11. adinqrr  15A    45   420   qadi
12. aagnors   O4    88   508   angoras
13. eilnnrs   5E    28   536   resilin
14. cdeginu   L1    31   567   cuing
15. aeiinot   I3    31   598   iolite
16. aehinuy  15L    58   656   haen
17. aeenvxy   6D    56   712   vex
18. adefnuu   J3    41   753   naif
19. ddeiijo  F10    52   805   jato
20. ddeiluy   1K    33   838   ycled

Remaining tiles: diiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7258 Filemusdrive    6 18:32  -210  628     1.7258 musdrive    6 18:32  -210  628 
  2.6395 FileGrace_Tjie  5 19:56  -234  604            Group: intermediate
  3.6596 FileGLOBEMAN    4 19:42  -236  602     1.6395 Grace_Tjie  5 19:56  -234  604 
  4.6740 Filesunshine12  3 11:03  -508  330     2.6596 GLOBEMAN    4 19:42  -236  602 
  5.4946 FileSuzette     1  4:40  -719  119     3.6740 sunshine12  3 11:03  -508  330 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4946 Suzette     1  4:40  -719  119 

On 1st draw, SPIKED H3 32 --- SPIKE to fasten with a spike (a long, thick nail) [v]
Other tops: KELPS H4 32, KEPIS H4 32, KIDELS H4 32, KILPS H4 32, KIPES H4 32, SPELK H8 32
Other moves: KIDEL H4 30, PIKED H4 30, SPIKED H7 30, PIKED H8 28, PIKES H4 28
KELPS H4 32 Grace_Tjie, musdrive, GLOBEMAN
SPIKED H3 32 Suzette

On 2nd draw, BOZOS G7 39 --- BOZO a dim-witted fellow [n]
Other moves: BOZO G7 38, BOOZES 7D 28, BEZ 7G 27, BOOZE 7D 26, ZELOSO 7G 26
BOOZES 7D 28 musdrive, Suzette
ZOOS G2 23 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, TEMPO H11 32 --- TEMPO the rate of speed of a musical piece [n]
Other moves: POTAE F10 27, ATAP I6 26, MOPE F10 26, POEM F10 26, POME F10 26
TEMPO H11 32 musdrive
MOPE F10 26 Grace_Tjie
MOPES 11C 18 Suzette

On 4th draw, PREACHY 14H 38 --- PREACHY tending to preach [adj]
Other moves: HECH F10 36, YECH F10 36, YECH I7 35, EPARCHY 4G 34, HERY F10 34
YEH I7 33 musdrive
HEH F10 33 Grace_Tjie
ARCHES 3C 24 Suzette

On 5th draw, AB 13M 25 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: GAB I7 23, BARIUM 13C 22, BIGHA M11 22, BRUGH M10 22, BURGH M10 22
GAB I7 23 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
AB 15N 17 Suzette

On 6th draw, WASTREL 11E 40 --- WASTREL one that wastes [n]
Other moves: WEAL F10 31, WEAN F10 31, WEAR F10 31, WENA F10 31, WEN F10 30
WEAR F10 31 Grace_Tjie
WEAN F10 31 musdrive

On 7th draw, GROVET 12A 31 --- GROVET a wrestling hold [n]
Other moves: GORGET 12A 27, GROVE 12A 27, TOGE I5 27, TOGGER 12A 25, GROVETS 3B 24
GROVE 12A 27 musdrive, Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, M(A)TTING A6 27 --- MATTING a woven fabric used as a floor covering [n]
Other tops: MINT(I)NG A6 27, M(I)NTING A6 27, M(U)NTING A6 27, T(O)MO 10D 27
Other moves: MATTIN F10 26, M(A)RTIN B10 26, M(A)TTIN 10J 26, TIT(A)N I3 26, (E)MO 10E 26
MINT(I)NG A6 27 Grace_Tjie
M(A)TTING A6 27 musdrive

On 9th draw, RETOOLED C8 70 --- RETOOL to reequip with tools [v]
Other moves: DOLERITE 5C 68, LOITERED 5F 68, DORBEETLE 7D 63, REOILED 5E 32, RETILED 5E 32
DELT 10J 18 Grace_Tjie
SOLDER 3H 16 musdrive

On 10th draw, WAU(F)F 10J 41 --- WAUFF to wave [v]
Other moves: AIDFU(L) 15A 39, F(L)AW 12L 39, FI(T)NA 12J 35, FAUN(A) 12J 34, F(A)UNA 12J 34
FAWN 10J 33 Grace_Tjie
WAN 10J 29 sunshine12
AW(E) 10I 29 musdrive

On 11th draw, QADI 15A 45 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QINDAR B2 43, QINDARS 3B 36, QINDAR 5G 32, QADI 5E 28, DINAR I5 27
QADI 15A 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, musdrive

On 12th draw, ANGORAS O4 88 --- ANGORA the long, silky hair of a domestic goat [n]
Other moves: ANGORAS B1 77, PARAGONS 4H 74, AGORAS O5 32, ARGANS O5 32, ARGONS O5 32
ANGORAS O4 38 musdrive
GAS I7 19 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, RESILIN 5E 28 --- RESILIN an elastic substance in the cuticles of many insects [n]
Other tops: INLIERS 5E 28
Other moves: NINES I5 25, SILEN I5 25, SILER I5 25, NIES I5 23, NILS I5 23
SEN 15M 23 Grace_Tjie
SINNER B2 23 musdrive

On 14th draw, CUING L1 31 --- CUE to give a signal to an actor [v]
Other moves: ECO 10E 28, INDUCE B1 28, SCUNGED 3H 28, DUING L1 27, DUNCE B2 26
DINGE L2 23 musdrive
GATED F10 22 Grace_Tjie
ED 15N 17 sunshine12

On 15th draw, IOLITE I3 31 --- IOLITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: TOLANE I3 31
Other moves: ETIOLIN I1 28, ANOETIC 1F 27, ETALON I2 27, ALINE I4 26, ALONE I4 26
INCITE 1J 24 musdrive
ATONIC 1G 24 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, HAEN 15L 58 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: HYACINE 1I 45, HYAENIC 1F 45, YEAH B6 43, HYENIC 1G 42, YEAH 12J 41
HAEN 15L 58 Grace_Tjie, musdrive
CHAY 1L 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 17th draw, VEX 6D 56 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: YEX 6D 56
Other moves: VENEY B2 53, EX 6E 52, YEX 14B 45, YEX 12J 38, CAVY 1L 36
VEX 6D 56 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie, sunshine12

On 18th draw, NAIF J3 41 --- NAIF a naive person [n] --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: DIF J4 39, FAINE J3 36, FECUND 1J 36, AIDE J4 32, IDEA J5 32
DIF J4 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
IF J5 31 Grace_Tjie
FEUD 4C 30 musdrive

On 19th draw, JATO F10 52 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: JEDI 14B 45, JEDI N2 29, IODID 4B 28, JEDI 4B 27, DEID 4C 26
JATO F10 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JOE 4C 23 Grace_Tjie, musdrive

On 20th draw, YCLED 1K 33 --- CLOTHE to provide with clothing [v]
Other moves: DIDY B3 32, DYED 4C 32, EDDY B3 32, IDYL B4 32, DULY B3 31
EDDY B3 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DEY 4D 30 Grace_Tjie, musdrive

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