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Game of October 17, 2011 at 00:07, 5 players
1. 617 pts musdrive
2. 183 pts paulineasb
3. 69 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egghino   H4    30    30   hoggin
 2. ?adeilp   5D    90   120   episodal
 3. ?aaaioz   4A    48   168   zona
 4. eehorty   A4    54   222   zeroth
 5. deoqstw   3B    34   256   towsed
 6. cinotuy   2F    40   296   yonic
 7. aabdeir   1A    94   390   braaied
 8. eilnosv   9H    66   456   nonlives
 9. aegnrrt   O2    83   539   regrants
10. efmortu   N6    35   574   fouet
11. aeeinsy  10H    41   615   sny
12. eilmnsx   6J    53   668   xis
13. adilorw   L8    30   698   wirilda
14. aeijnrt   B9    35   733   injera
15. ekotuuv  A12    38   771   toke
16. aeimuuv  11B    28   799   juve
17. aaefitu  C13    31   830   feu
18. aeeilqt   N1    30   860   qat
19. abceilm  14H    82   942   amicable

Remaining tiles: empu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7265 Filemusdrive    3 17:14  -325  617     1.7265 musdrive    3 17:14  -325  617 
  2.4880 Filepaulineasb  1  6:17  -759  183            Group: novice
  3.5058 Filenaneru      0  1:07  -873   69     1.5058 naneru      0  1:07  -873   69 
  4.5102 Filegmills0     0  4:10  -886   56     2.5102 gmills0     0  4:10  -886   56 
  5.5232 FileSnook       0  1:46  -896   46     3.5232 Snook       0  1:46  -896   46 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4880 paulineasb  1  6:17  -759  183 

On 1st draw, HOGGIN H4 30 --- HOGGIN a mixture containing gravel [n]
Other moves: HOEING H4 28, HINGE H4 26, HOGEN H4 26, HOING H4 26, HONGI H4 26
HOEING H4 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, EPI(S)ODAL 5D 90 --- EPISODAL sporadic [adj]
Other moves: PAIDLE(S) 10B 78, PLEIAD(S) 10B 78, HELIPAD(S) 4H 76, LAIP(S)ED 10D 76, LAPIDE(S) 10B 76
PA(G)ED 10F 28 musdrive
PLEAD(S) 10C 21 gmills0

On 3rd draw, ZO(N)A 4A 48 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other tops: HAZA(N) 4H 48, ZI(L)A 4A 48, ZO(E)A 4A 48
Other moves: ZAI(R)E D1 46, ZO(E)AE D1 46, ZO(N)AE D1 46, ZO(W)IE D1 46, ZA(G) 10F 42
AZA(N) J5 32 musdrive
(G)AZE D2 24 gmills0

On 4th draw, ZEROTH A4 54 --- ZEROTH being numbered zero in a series [adj]
Other moves: OYEZ A1 48, THEORY B1 40, TREZ A1 39, HOOEY B2 38, HOOTY B2 38
HOY 6J 32 musdrive
LYTHE K5 11 gmills0

On 5th draw, TOWSED 3B 34 --- TOWSE to haul [v]
Other moves: DOWSET 3B 33, WOES 6J 30, WOST 6J 30, WOTS 6J 30, DOWSE 3B 29
WOES 6J 30 musdrive

On 6th draw, YONIC 2F 40 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [adj] --- YONIC pertaining to the yoni [adj]
Other moves: YONIC 6J 39, TOY 2D 36, G*Y 6H 31, YONI 2F 31, YONT 2F 31
YONT 2F 31 musdrive

On 7th draw, BRAAIED 1A 94 --- BRAAI (South Africa) to grill or roast meat over open coals [v]
Other moves: BIGARADE 7F 65, ABRADE 1C 53, BARDE 1D 50, ARDEB 1E 45, RABID 1E 45
ABRADE 1C 53 musdrive

On 8th draw, NONLIVES 9H 66 --- NONLIFE the absence of life [n]
Other moves: NONLIVES 9F 64, OLIVINES 8D 62, OLIVINES 8F 62, OVINES B9 39, VISNE 10F 30
VIS 10F 26 musdrive

On 9th draw, REGRANTS O2 83 --- REGRANT to grant again [v]
Other moves: GRANTERS O2 80, ETRANGER N3 63, GREAT 10H 31, REGNA 10F 29, ARGENTS O3 27
REGRANTS O2 33 musdrive
GREATS O4 27 Snook

On 10th draw, FOUET N6 35 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other tops: FOUER N6 35
Other moves: UFO N5 31, EF 6E 30, OF 6E 30, FOG 6F 29, GEMOT 6H 29
OF 6E 30 musdrive

On 11th draw, SNY 10H 41 --- SNY a side channel of a river [n]
Other tops: SEY 10H 41
Other moves: GEYAN 6H 35, EYAS 10I 34, NYAS 10I 34, GAY 6H 31, GEY 6H 31
GAY 6H 31 musdrive
AYE B9 19 Snook

On 12th draw, XIS 6J 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, SEX 8J 43, MINXES B9 41, MIXENS B9 41, EX 8K 36
XIS 6J 53 musdrive
SIX L8 11 paulineasb

On 13th draw, WIRILDA L8 30 --- WIRILDA an Australian acacia tree [n]
Other moves: HAW 4H 25, HOW 4H 25, WAID B7 24, WOAD B7 24, DAW N1 23
HOW 4H 25 musdrive
HAW 9A 13 paulineasb

On 14th draw, INJERA B9 35 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: TINAJA 14I 30, VITAE M9 29, JEAN 14J 27, JEAT 14J 27, JAR N1 26
JEAN 14J 27 paulineasb
JEAT 14J 27 musdrive

On 15th draw, TOKE A12 38 --- TOKE to take a puff on a marijuana cigarette [v]
Other moves: JOKE 11B 30, JOUK 11B 30, JUKE 11B 30, JUKU 11B 30, OKE A13 29
TOKE A12 38 musdrive
JOUK 11B 30 paulineasb

On 16th draw, JUVE 11B 28 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other tops: JIVE 11B 28
Other moves: VIM C7 26, VUM C7 26, AMI C13 25, AMU C13 25, EMU C13 25
JIVE 11B 28 paulineasb
VUM C7 26 musdrive

On 17th draw, FEU C13 31 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other tops: FET C13 31, FIE C13 31, FIT C13 31
Other moves: EF 6E 30, FAUVE D8 30, IF 6E 30, FE C13 29, FIAT M11 29
FAUVE D8 30 musdrive
FIVE D9 20 paulineasb
FATE 14K 14 naneru

On 18th draw, QAT N1 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT C7 30
Other moves: VITAE M9 29, QADI 13J 28, TALAQ 14K 28, QAID 13I 24, AIGLET 7F 22
QAT C7 30 musdrive
QAID 13I 24 paulineasb
QI 11K 22 naneru

On 19th draw, AMICABLE 14H 82 --- AMICABLE friendly [adj]
Other moves: CEMBALI 14H 38, CLAMBE 14J 36, CLAVIE D8 35, AMIABLE 14I 34, BEAM K11 33
AMIABLE 14I 34 musdrive
BEAM K11 33 naneru
CLAIM 14J 30 paulineasb

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