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Game of October 17, 2011 at 03:16, 6 players
1. 512 pts immy
2. 492 pts iwhist
3. 315 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaekrst   H4    82    82   karates
 2. acinort   8H    83   165   traction
 3. acdhino   I8    80   245   rhodanic
 4. adjlnor  12H    44   289   jandal
 5. ?defino   O8    95   384   ninefold
 6. alorssw  15H    45   429   scrowl
 7. ?aalmns   5D    86   515   mandalas
 8. eehiotu  J10    34   549   hone
 9. aeiiorv   D1    32   581   viremia
10. bdgiotu   6J    28   609   bigot
11. denoosu   2D    63   672   idoneous
12. aeepryz   1F    67   739   zep
13. egimprt   3I    35   774   prime
14. aegtuvx   4L    48   822   eaux
15. bfiltuy   O1    42   864   flux
16. eerttwy  N13    33   897   wee
17. beegiuv   C7    24   921   bevue
18. ggirtty  B10    37   958   gritty

Remaining tiles: giqty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6772 Fileimmy        1 10:23  -446  512     1.6772 immy        1 10:23  -446  512 
  2.6454 Fileiwhist      1 14:39  -466  492     2.6454 iwhist      1 14:39  -466  492 
  3.5125 Filegmills0     1 12:10  -643  315     3.6353 babsbedi    3  7:03  -673  285 
  4.6353 Filebabsbedi    3  7:03  -673  285            Group: novice
  5.5222 Filetonikay     0  4:59  -833  125     1.5125 gmills0     1 12:10  -643  315 
  6.  -  FileJack22      0  1:21  -944   14     2.5222 tonikay     0  4:59  -833  125 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Jack22      0  1:21  -944   14 

On 1st draw, KARATES H4 82 --- KARATE a Japanese art of self-defense [n]
Other moves: KARATES H2 74, KARATES H3 74, KARATES H6 74, KARATES H7 74, KARATES H8 74
KARST H4 28 iwhist, immy
STAKE H6 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, TRACTION 8H 83 --- TRACTION the act of pulling or drawing over a surface [n]
TRICK 4D 22 immy
TRACK 4D 22 iwhist
CRANK 4D 22 gmills0
ARK 4F 7 tonikay

On 3rd draw, RHODANIC I8 80 --- RHODANIC pertaining to thiocyanic acid [adj]
Other moves: HADRONIC 6E 68, RHODANIC 6H 68, CHICANO K5 56, KOCHIA 4H 30, RHODIC I8 30
HIND G9 23 iwhist, immy
CHID I2 23 tonikay
CHAIN K8 20 gmills0

On 4th draw, JANDAL 12H 44 --- JANDAL a thong [n]
Other moves: JOL H12 39, CALDRON 15I 36, JA H12 36, JO H12 36, JORDAN 6F 32
JA H12 36 tonikay, iwhist, immy

On 5th draw, NINEFO(L)D O8 95 --- NINEFOLD nine times as great [adj]
Other moves: INFO(R)CED 15D 92, DIO(L)EFIN M2 82, NO(T)IFIED M3 82, O(M)NIFIED M3 82, DIO(L)EFIN 14H 76
F(E)NCED 15F 33 iwhist
F(A)CED 15G 30 immy, gmills0
FONE 13G 22 tonikay

On 6th draw, SCROWL 15H 45 --- SCROWL to draft [v]
Other tops: SCRAWL 15H 45, SCRAWS 15H 45, SCROWS 15H 45
Other moves: SCRAW 15H 42, SCROW 15H 42, SOWCARS 15F 39, SCOWLS 15H 36, SCAWS 15H 33
SCOWLS 15H 36 gmills0
WON J10 31 iwhist, immy
WON 13G 19 tonikay

On 7th draw, MAN(D)ALAS 5D 86 --- MANDALA a pictorial symbol of the universe in Hindu or Buddhist [n]
Other tops: ALMANA(C)S 5E 86, MALAN(G)AS 5E 86, MAN(C)ALAS 5D 86, NA(G)MAALS 5D 86
Other moves: L*NdSM*N 13B 83, (C)LANSMAN 13B 83, MALAN(G)AS J2 73, MAN(C)ALAS J2 73, MAN(D)ALAS J2 73
MAN J10 25 immy, iwhist
SLAC(K) K5 12 gmills0

On 8th draw, HONE J10 34 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: THEE 4C 32, HEN J10 31, HIN J10 31, HON J10 31, ETHE 4B 30
HOTE 4A 30 immy
HOT 6J 29 iwhist
HOME D3 18 gmills0
HOLE M10 14 Jack22

On 9th draw, VIREMIA D1 32 --- VIREMIA the presence of a virus in the blood [n]
Other moves: VARE 4A 30, VERA 4A 30, VIAE 4A 30, VIRE 4A 30, VAIRE 6B 28
VIRE 4A 30 immy
RAVE 4A 24 iwhist
MOVER D5 11 gmills0

On 10th draw, BIGOT 6J 28 --- BIGOT a prejudiced person [n]
Other tops: GOBIID 2A 28
Other moves: BITOU 6J 27, ODD K10 27, BIODOT N6 26, BIOG 6J 25, BID 6J 24
BOD 6J 24 immy
BRIG 3C 14 gmills0
BID E7 10 iwhist

On 11th draw, IDONEOUS 2D 63 --- IDONEOUS suitable [adj]
Other moves: NOOSED 8A 38, DOUSE 8A 35, NODOUS O1 33, ODEONS O1 33, UNDOES O1 33
NOOSED 8A 38 babsbedi
DONS 8A 32 immy
NODS 8A 32 iwhist
VENDS 1D 27 gmills0

On 12th draw, ZEP 1F 67 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZAP 1F 67
Other moves: ZEA 1F 55, ZEE 1F 55, ZEE N13 51, PEAVEY 1A 50, ZAP C7 48
ZAP 1F 67 immy, iwhist, babsbedi
RAZE 7C 14 gmills0

On 13th draw, PRIME 3I 35 --- PRIME to make ready [v]
Other moves: MIRV 1A 27, PERV 1A 27, PRIME 4K 25, PRIME 6B 25, MPRET C6 24
PRIME C7 20 babsbedi
MITER 3J 20 immy
MERIT N2 14 gmills0
MIG 1J 14 iwhist

On 14th draw, EAUX 4L 48 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: AXE 4L 37, AX 4L 35, EX 4L 35, EXTRA 3A 27, GAE N13 27
AXE 4L 37 immy, babsbedi
EX 4L 35 iwhist
AXLE M10 22 gmills0

On 15th draw, FLUX O1 42 --- FLUX to melt [v]
Other tops: FLIX O1 42
Other moves: UNFITLY F4 29, YUFT C7 27, FLY C7 26, FITLY C7 25, FLUTY C7 25
FLIX O1 42 babsbedi
FLUX O1 42 gmills0
FLY C7 26 iwhist
FIB C7 24 immy

On 16th draw, WEE N13 33 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v] --- WEE very small [adj]
Other tops: WIRY 6C 33
Other moves: TWYERE E7 26, YEW C7 26, TEE N13 24, TWYER E7 24, WRITE 6B 24
YEW C7 26 immy, iwhist, babsbedi
WARY 7C 14 gmills0

On 17th draw, BEVUE C7 24 --- BEVUE a blunder [n]
Other tops: BEVUE E7 24
Other moves: BEIGE 6B 23, BEIGE E7 20, BEIGE C7 19, BEVUE C6 19, VIBE 6C 19
BEG C7 18 iwhist, babsbedi
BEG C6 14 immy
VEER 3A 14 gmills0

On 18th draw, GRITTY B10 37 --- GRITTY plucky [adj]
Other moves: GRITTY D10 33, GRITTY E7 26, GYRI B10 24, GILT M10 22, GUTTY 10B 21
GRITTY B10 37 babsbedi
YU 10B 13 immy
NY F5 13 iwhist
RUT 10B 5 gmills0

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