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Game of October 17, 2011 at 11:45, 6 players
1. 501 pts charmz
2. 394 pts ginalee
3. 373 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. airsttu   H3    66    66   turista
 2. ?adisst   5E    82   148   disrates
 3. ?bddeno   3F    80   228   obtended
 4. adeiily   8B    63   291   ideality
 5. efimrrt   6B    40   331   metif
 6. hkoopuv   2A    52   383   hookup
 7. ceilqru   E8    36   419   acquire
 8. abcelnt  15D    52   471   cental
 9. emnnory   A1    48   519   rhyme
10. aeirvvw   L1    30   549   aversive
11. aeglnnr   1I    24   573   anlagen
12. eghlptu   3A    30   603   yeh
13. eeggors  13A    72   675   regorges
14. abenptu  A11    30   705   upran
15. aefjorw  12D    45   750   jiao
16. befnotx   2L    49   799   vox
17. aefrtww  B10    42   841   freet
18. abiilow   8K    30   871   below
19. aiinowz   K8    38   909   bwazi

Remaining tiles: ino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6422 Filecharmz      0 12:47  -408  501     1.6422 charmz      0 12:47  -408  501 
  2.5389 Fileginalee     2 15:17  -515  394     2.6562 marcous     0  5:13  -766  143 
  3.5943 FileHasni       1 15:05  -536  373            Group: novice
  4.6562 Filemarcous     0  5:13  -766  143     1.5389 ginalee     2 15:17  -515  394 
  5.5213 Filetonikay     0  6:58  -773  136     2.5943 Hasni       1 15:05  -536  373 
  6.5572 Filejimbo       0  3:51  -852   57     3.5213 tonikay     0  6:58  -773  136 
                                             4.5572 jimbo       0  3:51  -852   57 

On 1st draw, TURISTA H3 66 --- TURISTA an intestinal sickness affecting tourist in a foreign country [n]
Other tops: TURISTA H2 66, TURISTA H4 66, TURISTA H6 66, TURISTA H7 66, TURISTA H8 66
Other moves: TURISTA H5 64, ARTIST H3 14, ARTIST H4 14, ARTIST H7 14, ARTIST H8 14
TRAITS H4 14 ginalee
STAIR H4 12 charmz

On 2nd draw, DISRAT(E)S 5E 82 --- DISRATE to lower in rating or rank [v]
Other tops: ASTR(O)IDS 5E 82, AST(E)RIDS 5D 82, DIAR(I)STS 5E 82, D(I)ARISTS 5E 82, SAT(Y)RIDS 5D 82
Other moves: STAID(E)ST 8A 77, SAID(E)ST G6 72, STADI(A)S I6 72, DIS(M)AST 10F 71, DI(C)ASTS 10B 71
SADIST 10D 19 jimbo
ST(R)AITS 3C 16 ginalee
SAIDS 10D 16 Hasni
DAT(E)S 10D 15 charmz

On 3rd draw, OBTEND(E)D 3F 80 --- OBTEND to allege [v]
Other moves: OBT(E)NDED 3F 78, OBT(U)NDED 3F 78, BO(U)NDED G9 72, BO(U)NDED I9 72, DEBON(E)D G9 68
BODED 4K 29 Hasni
BONED 4K 27 charmz
BONDS L1 22 jimbo
DEBON(E)D E5 20 ginalee

On 4th draw, IDEALITY 8B 63 --- IDEALITY the state of being perfect; something idealized [n]
Other moves: DAILY 2B 47, DELAY 2B 47, LEADY 2B 47, EYLIAD 4J 40, EYLIAD 2A 35
DAILY 2B 47 Hasni
YA 2F 30 charmz
TYED J5 16 jimbo
AYE 2M 15 ginalee

On 5th draw, METIF 6B 40 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: RETRIM 2A 38, FERM 4L 37, FIRM 4L 37, TREIF 6B 34, FERMI 4A 31
FIRM 2L 25 charmz

On 6th draw, HOOKUP 2A 52 --- HOOKUP an electrical assemblage [n]
Other moves: HOOK 4L 45, HOOK 2C 37, HOOP 4L 37, KO 2F 36, POOK 2C 36
KO 2F 36 Hasni
HOOK 2L 29 charmz, ginalee

On 7th draw, ACQUIRE E8 36 --- ACQUIRE to come into possession of [v]
Other moves: CHIEL A1 33, CHILE A1 33, CHIRL A1 33, CHIRU A1 33, CHURL A1 33
CHILE A1 33 ginalee, charmz, Hasni

On 8th draw, CENTAL 15D 52 --- CENTAL a unit of weight [n]
Other tops: CABLET 15A 52, LANCET 15A 52
Other moves: CABLE 15A 49, LANCE 15A 49, ANCLE 15A 43, BLATE 15A 43, TABLE 15A 43
CHANT A1 33 charmz, Hasni, ginalee

On 9th draw, RHYME A1 48 --- RHYME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [v]
Other moves: MONY 3A 40, ONY 1A 40, MONY 4L 37, EMO 1A 36, RHYNE A1 36
OY 1A 35 charmz, tonikay
YO 3C 26 Hasni
RIME 12D 12 ginalee

On 10th draw, AV(E)RSIVE L1 30 --- AVERSION a feeling of repugnance [adj] --- AVERSIVE a technique designed to repel [n] --- AVERSIVE relating to aversion [adj]
Other tops: YEW 3A 30
Other moves: AIVER 1F 29, VIVERRA 13A 28, VI(E)WS L1 28, WAVE 2L 27, WIVE 2L 27
WIVE 2L 27 Hasni
WAVE 2L 27 tonikay
AVER 1F 26 charmz

On 11th draw, ANLAGEN 1I 24 --- ANLAGE the initial cell structure from which an embryonic organ develops [n]
Other tops: ALNAGER 1I 24, ENDANGER C6 24
Other moves: ANGEL 1F 23, ANGER 1F 23, ANGLE 1F 23, ARGLE 1F 23, GAEN 1E 23
AGER 1F 20 charmz
RANGE 1K 18 tonikay
LEGER 8K 18 Hasni

On 12th draw, YEH 3A 30 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: HYLEG I7 29, PIGHTLE 12D 28, PLEUGH K8 28, UPLIGHT 12B 28, HYLE I7 27
HELP K8 23 charmz
HE D12 22 Hasni
HI 12D 10 tonikay

On 13th draw, REGORGES 13A 72 --- REGORGE to vomit [v]
Other moves: REGORGES 13E 63, GOUGERES 11C 60, EVER 2K 27, EVES 2K 27, EVOE 2K 27
SOG 9L 19 charmz
SORE 9L 19 tonikay
GEESE 8K 18 Hasni
EGGS 8L 18 ginalee

On 14th draw, UPRAN A11 30 --- UPRUN to run up [v]
Other tops: NUBIA 12B 30
Other moves: BUNIA 12B 28, BUTENE B10 28, BEPAT 8K 27, BRAE A12 27, BRAN A12 27
BRAT A12 27 charmz, marcous, ginalee

On 15th draw, JIAO 12D 45 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: AFORE 14A 34, FEWER 8K 33, RIOJA 6K 29, AVER 2K 27, OVER 2K 27
FEWER 8K 33 ginalee, charmz
WORE K8 19 Hasni

On 16th draw, VOX 2L 49 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: VEX 2L 49
Other moves: EXO B13 40, AX 14A 36, EX B13 36, EXON 8L 33, BOXEN K8 32
VOX 2L 49 ginalee, Hasni
EXON 8L 33 marcous
EX 14I 27 charmz

On 17th draw, FREET B10 42 --- FREET an omen [n]
Other moves: FETWA 8K 33, FEWER 8K 33, WEFTE 8K 33, WAFTER 11G 30, WAFTER K8 29
FEWER 8K 33 charmz, ginalee
WAFTER K8 29 marcous

On 18th draw, BELOW 8K 30 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other moves: ABLOW K8 22, BAWL K8 22, BLAW K8 22, BLOW K8 22, BOWL K8 22
BELOW 8K 30 ginalee
BLOW K8 22 marcous
BOWL K8 22 charmz

On 19th draw, BWAZI K8 38 --- BWAZI an African shrub [n]
Other moves: WAZOO N4 37, AZON 14I 35, AZO 14I 34, ZOON N6 33, BONZA K8 32
ZOO N6 32 charmz, marcous, ginalee
ZO 7N 27 tonikay

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