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Game of October 17, 2011 at 14:05, 7 players
1. 576 pts una
2. 497 pts annelhynz
3. 348 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehilmpr   H4    30    30   hirple
 2. beelnrs   5D    90   120   berlines
 3. ?aeeimu   8H    80   200   leucemia
 4. agiinot   F5    63   263   rigatoni
 5. adglorw   O6    64   327   goalward
 6. acefotw   6H    32   359   raft
 7. ?eioopx   4K    47   406   podex
 8. aeinoru   O1    33   439   eaux
 9. adgiknv   2J    42   481   kainga
10. aclnoqr   8A    27   508   ancora
11. ejnoost   4A    50   558   jeton
12. adeeoru  11E    32   590   uneared
13. deiiosw   3B    36   626   wides
14. dinorsv  H11    39   665   avoid
15. abcrsuy  13C    36   701   brasco
16. ehilqtu   1L    44   745   qi
17. ehimnoz   2A    52   797   moz
18. efnostt  10J    31   828   font
19. eisttvy  12J    27   855   yett
20. hilsuvy   1A    37   892   uh

Remaining tiles: ilsvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6792 Fileuna         3 22:15  -316  576     1.6792 una         3 22:15  -316  576 
  2.6037 Fileannelhynz   1 18:48  -395  497     2.6037 annelhynz   1 18:48  -395  497 
  3.5397 Fileginalee     2 17:24  -544  348     3.6517 Kenpachi    1  0:30  -855   37 
  4.4754 Filestrykyster  1  7:19  -687  205     4.6770 sunshine12  0  4:04  -865   27 
  5.5701 Filesiuyee      1  0:34  -853   39            Group: novice
  6.6517 FileKenpachi    1  0:30  -855   37     1.5397 ginalee     2 17:24  -544  348 
  7.6770 Filesunshine12  0  4:04  -865   27     2.5701 siuyee      1  0:34  -853   39 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4754 strykyster  1  7:19  -687  205 

On 1st draw, HIRPLE H4 30 --- HIRPLE to limp [v]
Other moves: PRELIM H4 26, PRELIM H7 26, HIRPLE H3 24, HIRPLE H7 24, HIRPLE H8 24
LIMPER H8 22 una

On 2nd draw, BERLINES 5D 90 --- BERLINE an old four-wheeled carriage [n]
Other moves: BELIERS 5E 36, RELINES 5E 28, BES 10F 23, HEBENS 4H 22, LEBENS 10C 22
BES 10F 23 annelhynz
REBELS 10C 22 una

On 3rd draw, LEU(C)EMIA 8H 80 --- LEUCEMIA a disease of the blood-forming organs [n]
Other tops: LEU(K)EMIA 8H 80
Other moves: HAMU(L)I 4H 28, HEAUME 4H 28, HEAUME(S) 4H 28, HEMI(N)A 4H 28, HUMA(N)E 4H 28
MI(L)E 6J 23 una
MI(N)E 6J 23 annelhynz

On 4th draw, RIGATONI F5 63 --- RIGATONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: GITANO 4A 30, HATING 4H 26, HOAING 4H 26, INGOT 4A 24, TIGON 4A 24
GAN 4C 18 annelhynz
GAT 4C 18 una

On 5th draw, GOALWARD O6 64 --- GOALWARD toward a goal (a point-scoring area) [adv]
Other tops: GOALWARD O3 64
Other moves: AGLOW 4A 33, WARDOG 4J 33, DOWAR 4A 32, DOWAR 10H 30, DOWL 10H 29
AGLOW 4A 33 una
DOW 6J 20 annelhynz

On 6th draw, RAFT 6H 32 --- RAFT to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) [v]
Other tops: REFT 6H 32
Other moves: FAW 4C 31, FETWA N2 31, WOF 4C 31, FETA 4A 30, WETA 4A 30
WAFT 4J 27 una
FATED 13K 18 ginalee
WEN I3 15 annelhynz

On 7th draw, PO(D)EX 4K 47 --- PODEX the rump [n]
Other moves: EPOX(Y) E9 45, POXIE(R) E10 45, PIXE(L) E10 43, PIXE(S) E10 43, PIX(I)E E10 43
POXE(D) E10 43 una
POX E10 41 annelhynz
EXPI(R)E I8 40 ginalee

On 8th draw, EAUX O1 33 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other tops: ROUX O1 33
Other moves: ANEURIN 11E 28, NARE 3L 23, ANURIA 8A 21, URANIA 8A 21, MAINOUR M8 20
NARE 3L 23 una
ONE 3M 19 annelhynz
RUINED 13J 14 ginalee

On 9th draw, KAINGA 2J 42 --- KAINGA a Maori village [n]
Other moves: KIVA 4A 40, KAINGA 8A 36, VAGINA 2J 36, KINA 4A 34, DIKA E8 33
VIKING 12C 32 ginalee
KID E10 29 annelhynz
DANK 10H 24 una

On 10th draw, ANCORA 8A 27 --- ANCORA encore [adv]
Other tops: CANOLA 8A 27
Other moves: CALO 4A 26, COLA 4A 26, RACON 4A 26, CAROB D1 24, COARB D1 24
COLA 4A 26 una
QI L1 21 annelhynz
CLAD 13L 14 ginalee

On 11th draw, JETON 4A 50 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETONS E10 41, JETSON E10 41, JETON E10 39, JETSON 13C 38, JEON E10 37
JOTS E10 37 una
JO E10 31 annelhynz, strykyster, ginalee
JOE E3 10 sunshine12

On 12th draw, UNEARED 11E 32 --- UNEARED not eared [adj]
Other moves: ADORE 3C 27, AREDE 3C 26, EARED 3B 26, ERODE 3C 26, OARED 3B 26
ERODE 3C 26 una
DARE 3B 25 annelhynz
DEAR N11 18 strykyster
DREAD 13K 14 ginalee
ROAD 13L 10 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WIDES 3B 36 --- WIDE a type of bowled ball in cricket [n]
Other moves: WISED 3B 35, OWED 10I 34, WIDE 3B 34, OWES 10I 33, OWE 10I 32
OWED 10I 34 una
WIDE 10J 32 annelhynz
ADIOS H11 24 ginalee
WEIDS J10 19 strykyster
SEED J10 7 sunshine12

On 14th draw, AVOID H11 39 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: AVION H11 36, AVISO H11 36, CORVIDS C8 28, VOIDS 13B 28, VOWERS B1 28
AVOID H11 39 ginalee, siuyee, una
OD 2B 22 annelhynz
VENDOR J10 20 strykyster

On 15th draw, BRASCO 13C 36 --- BRASCO (Australian slang) a lavatory [n]
Other moves: BAC 2A 31, CAB 2A 31, BRAYS 13B 30, CRAYS 13B 30, YAR 10J 30
BRAYS 13B 30 ginalee
CRAYS 13B 30 una
YA 10J 29 annelhynz
SAY 12J 17 strykyster

On 16th draw, QI 1L 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIET 14A 36, QUITED 13J 32, HEIL 10J 31, HILT 10J 31, EQUID 13K 30
QI 1L 44 ginalee
QUIET 14A 36 annelhynz
QUITED 13J 32 una
QUIT C1 13 strykyster

On 17th draw, MOZ 2A 52 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: ZHOMO 10B 43, ZEIN N11 42, MOZE 12J 37, MIZ 12J 35, MOZ 12J 35
ZO 2A 34 una
ZONE B6 33 ginalee
HEM 10J 32 annelhynz
ZIT C2 12 strykyster

On 18th draw, FONT 10J 31 --- FONT a receptacle for the water used in baptism [n]
Other tops: FENS 10J 31, FENT 10J 31, FEST 10J 31, FETS 10J 31, FETT 10J 31, FOEN 10J 31, FOES 10J 31, FONE 10J 31, FONS 10J 31
Other moves: FEN 10J 30, FES 10J 30, FET 10J 30, FOE 10J 30, FON 10J 30
FONE 10J 31 annelhynz
FENS 10J 31 una
FOES N11 24 strykyster
FEET J10 15 ginalee

On 19th draw, YETT 12J 27 --- YETT a gate [n]
Other tops: YEST 12J 27, YETI 12J 27
Other moves: SYVER 12K 26, IVY 14A 25, TYES 14B 25, YES 12J 25, YET 12J 25
YETI 12J 27 una
IVY 14A 25 annelhynz
TYES M10 14 strykyster

On 20th draw, UH 1A 37 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: HYE G9 28, VLY 6B 27, IVY 14A 25, SHY 14A 25, VLY 14A 25
UH 1A 37 Kenpachi, strykyster
IVY 14A 25 annelhynz, una

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