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Game of October 17, 2011 at 14:54, 8 players
1. 542 pts Kenpachi
2. 499 pts una
3. 442 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefrstu   H4    78    78   faurest
 2. ?acelno   5E    86   164   lecanora
 3. ?bdeekt   4J    46   210   debeak
 4. dgiinps   E1    62   272   displing
 5. fhiilmo   O4    45   317   khilim
 6. aenorsu   N9    72   389   arenous
 7. aghiory  O12    74   463   yogh
 8. bdennno  M11    35   498   bond
 9. eijlmor   8A    42   540   rejig
10. aenrttt   1C    24   564   ardent
11. aelnpqw   6J    40   604   wap
12. aegrtwz   B7    34   638   teaze
13. aaeetwx  A11    62   700   exeat
14. imoorrs   L9    35   735   room
15. adiotuv   8J    26   761   diva
16. acefltu   N2    31   792   flauta
17. enorsty   J8    72   864   drystone
18. eiiilov  C10    30   894   olive
19. cgiiquw   4B    30   924   quip

Remaining tiles: cgiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6504 FileKenpachi    1 19:02  -382  542     1.6504 Kenpachi    1 19:02  -382  542 
  2.6803 Fileuna         4 17:58  -425  499     2.6803 una         4 17:58  -425  499 
  3.5411 Fileginalee     0 24:42  -482  442     3.6940 Davina      2  8:01  -669  255 
  4.4767 Filestrykyster  1 19:52  -515  409     4.6077 soccer1313  0  4:53  -825   99 
  5.5633 Filemazscot     0 15:37  -665  259            Group: novice
  6.6940 FileDavina      2  8:01  -669  255     1.5411 ginalee     0 24:42  -482  442 
  7.6077 Filesoccer1313  0  4:53  -825   99     2.5633 mazscot     0 15:37  -665  259 
  8.  -  Filekamel       0  1:34  -889   35            Group: not rated
                                             1.4767 strykyster  1 19:52  -515  409 
                                             2.  -  kamel       0  1:34  -889   35 

On 1st draw, FAUREST H4 78 --- FAUR far (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: FAUREST H2 72, FAUREST H3 72, FAUREST H6 72, FAUREST H7 72, FAUREST H8 72
FASTER H4 26 strykyster, ginalee
FRATS H4 24 Kenpachi

On 2nd draw, LECANO(R)A 5E 86 --- LECANORA a lichen [n]
Other moves: COENA(C)LE 8A 80, (C)OENACLE 8A 80, FLA(M)ENCO 4H 76, CONFLA(T)E 4E 74, FALCONE(R) 4H 74
FACE(D) 4H 18 strykyster
FACE(S) 4H 18 Kenpachi
FLAC(K) 4H 18 ginalee

On 3rd draw, DEBE(A)K 4J 46 --- DEBEAK to remove the tip of the upper beak of [v]
Other moves: BEDE(C)K 4J 45, KEB(B)ED 4J 43, BET(A)KE 6J 40, KEB(B)ED 4A 39, KE(B)BED 4A 39
BE(A)KED 6J 32 una
BEAKED L3 30 strykyster
KED(S) 4L 28 Kenpachi
BEET(S) M1 21 ginalee

On 4th draw, DISPLING E1 62 --- DISPLE to discipline [v]
Other moves: PIKINGS O2 42, SPIKING O1 42, DISKING O1 39, PINKS O1 33, SKIING O3 33
PINKS O1 33 Kenpachi, ginalee
KINGS O4 30 una
PES M3 20 strykyster

On 5th draw, KHILIM O4 45 --- KHILIM an Eastern woven rug [n]
Other moves: FOH 3K 38, HOM 3K 34, OHM 3L 34, FOLK O1 33, HOIK O1 33
FOLK O1 33 ginalee, Kenpachi
MILK O1 30 una
FIT 10F 14 strykyster

On 6th draw, ARENOUS N9 72 --- ARENOUS arenose [adj]
Other moves: ARENOUS D8 70, OUTEARNS 10F 62, ANSEROUS 9F 61, ARSENOUS 9F 61, ASUNDER 1A 27
RUNES 10K 23 Kenpachi, una
DRONES 1E 21 ginalee
DEARS 1E 18 strykyster

On 7th draw, YOGH O12 74 --- YOGH a Middle English letter [n]
Other moves: YOGI O12 56, GRAYISH 15I 54, G*Y*SH 15J 51, HYDRIA 1C 51, AHOY 3J 44
HORSY 15K 36 mazscot
HAY M9 32 una
YAH M7 29 Kenpachi
HA N6 28 strykyster
ROSY 15L 24 ginalee

On 8th draw, BOND M11 35 --- BOND to join together [v]
Other moves: BED 6J 32, BEND 6J 32, DOB M11 31, BEN 6J 30, BOD M11 30
DOB M11 31 strykyster
BODED 1A 30 Kenpachi
BONED 1A 27 una, ginalee
DONNED 1E 24 mazscot

On 9th draw, REJIG 8A 42 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other tops: JERID 1A 42, JOLED 1A 42
Other moves: MOLDIER 1B 33, ROM L10 33, JEMBE 11J 32, ROJI 6L 32, MERI 6J 31
ROM L10 33 Kenpachi
DOJO J4 28 una
DIME 1E 21 ginalee
ROPE 4C 14 strykyster
MORE M1 12 mazscot

On 10th draw, ARDENT 1C 24 --- ARDENT characterized by intense emotion [adj]
Other tops: ENDART 1C 24
Other moves: ANTED 1A 21, ETAT 9A 21, RATED 1A 21, TARED 1A 21, TREAD 1A 21
TREND 1A 21 ginalee
RATED 1A 21 Kenpachi
ERA 9A 18 una
DRAT 1E 15 mazscot
JAR C8 11 strykyster

On 11th draw, WAP 6J 40 --- WAP to wrap [v]
Other moves: PAWL 3K 38, PAWN 3K 38, WALE 6J 37, WANE 6J 37, WEAL 6J 37
WAP 6J 40 Davina, una
WENA 6J 37 Kenpachi
QAT 10F 32 ginalee
QI 6N 31 strykyster
WEEP B7 15 mazscot

On 12th draw, TEAZE B7 34 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other tops: GEEZ B7 34, RAZEE B4 34
Other moves: ZAG M7 33, ZATI 6B 33, ZETA 10F 33, ZEE B6 32, WAZIR 6B 31
ZEE B6 32 Kenpachi, Davina, ginalee
ZAGS 3B 28 una
RAZE M1 26 mazscot
RAW 2A 17 strykyster

On 13th draw, EXEAT A11 62 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other moves: TIX 6D 51, WAX 2A 35, WEX 2A 35, WATAPE 4A 32, AXE C10 30
TIX 6D 51 Kenpachi, Davina, una
WAX 2A 35 strykyster, mazscot, kamel
AX 2B 27 ginalee

On 14th draw, ROOM L9 35 --- ROOM to occupy a room (a walled space within a building) [v]
Other tops: SOOM L9 35
Other moves: OOM L10 33, ROM L10 33, SOM L10 33, OM L11 31, SOOM M6 29
ROM L10 33 Kenpachi
MORES M1 24 una
MO B14 18 strykyster
MOORS I8 17 mazscot
ROOMS 3A 14 ginalee
RIM 2A 14 Davina

On 15th draw, DIVA 8J 26 --- DIVA a distinguished female operatic singer [n]
Other moves: DIV 8J 25, AVO 8K 24, OVA 8K 24, TAV 8J 24, UVA 8K 24
DIVA 8J 26 una
AVOID 14A 18 ginalee, Kenpachi
VOIDS 3A 18 mazscot
DIVE M1 16 Davina, strykyster

On 16th draw, FL(A)UTA N2 31 --- FLAUTA a tortilla rolled around a filling and fried [n]
Other moves: ALEFT C10 30, CUIF 6C 30, EFT F1 29, ALEF C10 28, ALIF 6C 28
ALEFT C10 30 una
EF F1 26 Davina, soccer1313
CALFS 3A 20 mazscot
FACES 3A 20 Kenpachi, ginalee
FA 2B 12 strykyster

On 17th draw, DRYSTONE J8 72 --- DRYSTONE built from stones without using mortar [adj]
Other moves: ASTONY 14A 34, ONERY C10 30, STYRE F8 30, JEON C8 29, SNYE F8 29
SOY F8 28 Kenpachi, soccer1313
STONEY F8 25 mazscot
YO B14 22 Davina, strykyster
YE O1 20 una
NOSY 3C 14 ginalee

On 18th draw, OLIVE C10 30 --- OLIVE the small oval fruit of a Mediterranean tree [n]
Other moves: LIEVE 15H 27, LIEVE 15F 24, OLIVE 15F 24, VOILE 15F 24, EVOE 15G 21
OLIVE C10 30 una, Davina
VOILE 15F 24 ginalee
LOVE 15G 21 Kenpachi
VOLE 15G 21 soccer1313
VEE 15H 18 strykyster
EVILS 3A 16 mazscot

On 19th draw, QUIP 4B 30 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: WICE 15G 27, QI 2B 24, QIS 3C 24, IWI I12 23, SUQ 3E 22
QUIP 4B 30 strykyster, una, Kenpachi
QI 2B 24 soccer1313
QIS 3C 24 Davina
QI M1 16 ginalee

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