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Game of October 18, 2011 at 01:37, 7 players
1. 425 pts iwhist
2. 418 pts immy
3. 295 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adiuxz   H7    42    42   adieux
 2. adirrtt  12D    26    68   radix
 3. eiortvy   I7    28    96   yite
 4. bdenosw   8H    51   147   disowned
 5. abeilop   M5    64   211   opinable
 6. deilrty   E5    98   309   dielytra
 7. aemorrs   G1    70   379   remoras
 8. ghnottu   2B    38   417   toughen
 9. ?beeiks   O1    95   512   bekissed
10. ahinpsu   1G    54   566   rupiahs
11. efgiorz  L12    62   628   friz
12. aemnoqr   D1    51   679   quena
13. efglnot  15L    39   718   zone
14. aemnort   K3    70   788   anteroom
15. afgjlot  14K    35   823   jigot
16. aeegnow   J5    38   861   awes
17. accgouv   8A    33   894   vocal
18. egillnu   3G    25   919   millage

Remaining tiles: cfntuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6465 Fileiwhist      1 13:16  -494  425     1.6465 iwhist      1 13:16  -494  425 
  2.6738 Fileimmy        1 12:02  -501  418     2.6738 immy        1 12:02  -501  418 
  3.4960 FileSuzette     0 16:24  -624  295            Group: novice
  4.5982 FileELCEE       2  5:56  -707  212     1.5982 ELCEE       2  5:56  -707  212 
  5.  -  FileJack22      0  5:30  -810  109     2.5145 victor      0  0:31  -898   21 
  6.  -  Filejeannie108  0  2:04  -873   46            Group: not rated
  7.5145 Filevictor      0  0:31  -898   21     1.4960 Suzette     0 16:24  -624  295 
                                             2.  -  Jack22      0  5:30  -810  109 
                                             3.  -  jeannie108  0  2:04  -873   46 

On 1st draw, ADI(E)UX H7 42 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: AD(M)IX H8 40, (R)ADIX H8 40, ZAX H6 38, ZAX H7 38, ZAX H8 38
ZAX H7 38 immy, iwhist
DAZ(E) H5 26 Suzette

On 2nd draw, RADIX 12D 26 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: DARI I9 24, DITA G7 20, DITA I7 20, DITT G7 20, DITT I7 20
TID G7 18 immy
AD G12 14 Suzette
ART G12 13 iwhist

On 3rd draw, YITE I7 28 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other tops: YITE G7 28
Other moves: EYOT G6 27, EYOT I6 27, OYE 11D 27, RYOT G6 27, RYOT I6 27
IVORY G3 25 Suzette

On 4th draw, DISOWNED 8H 51 --- DISOWN to deny the ownership of [v]
Other moves: DISENDOW 8H 42, DEBUS 11E 37, WEBS J6 32, BOWED 11A 30, BOWED J4 30
WEBS J6 32 iwhist
SWAB E10 18 Suzette

On 5th draw, OPINABLE M5 64 --- OPINABLE able to be thought [adj]
Other moves: BAPU 11E 31, PEBA 11C 29, BIPLANE M3 26, BOEP 11B 26, PLEB 11B 26
BOP 11C 24 immy
PEAL 9K 21 iwhist
BA 7N 11 Jack22
BAILED O3 10 Suzette

On 6th draw, DIELYTRA E5 98 --- DIELYTRA a plant with two broadly pouched outer petals [n]
Other moves: TIREDLY G1 79, ELYTROID 5H 74, ELYTROID K3 74, YIELD N10 53, TEDY N7 36
DEY 11C 26 immy
YE 11E 23 Jack22
YIELD 12K 22 Suzette
YET L12 22 iwhist

On 7th draw, REMORAS G1 70 --- REMORA a type of marine fish [n]
Other moves: ROAMERS G1 68, MOROSER K5 36, REMORAS K5 36, MESA 13C 30, MARES 13A 29
MORES 13A 29 immy
MES 13C 25 iwhist
MARS L12 22 Jack22
RAMPS 6J 13 Suzette

On 8th draw, TOUGHEN 2B 38 --- TOUGHEN to make tough [v]
Other moves: HOG F2 35, HUG F2 35, HON F2 33, HOT F2 33, HUN F2 33
HOG F2 35 iwhist
HO F2 30 immy
HUNG L12 30 Jack22
HOG L12 24 jeannie108
HURT 1E 21 Suzette

On 9th draw, BEKIS(S)ED O1 95 --- BEKISS to cover with kisses [v]
Other tops: BEKI(S)SED O1 95
Other moves: BID(A)RKEES 5C 80, B(R)OEKIES K6 76, KE(R)BSIDE O2 64, REBE(C)KS 1G 57, REEB(O)KS 1G 57
REEKS 1G 33 Suzette
S(I)K 1A 25 immy
SKI I2 24 iwhist
BEES L12 22 jeannie108

On 10th draw, RUPIAHS 1G 54 --- RUPIAH a monetary unit of Indonesia [n]
Other moves: RUPIAH 1G 51, RAPHIS 1G 42, APISH L11 38, PHIALS 8A 36, RAHUIS 1G 36
PHIALS 8A 36 iwhist
RASH 1G 27 ELCEE, Suzette
SHIN I2 23 Jack22
RAINS 1G 21 victor

On 11th draw, FRIZ L12 62 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: FEZ 1A 58, FIZ 1A 58, ZURF D1 52, REZ 1A 49, RIZ 1A 49
GEEZ 12L 48 iwhist, immy
DOZE F12 34 Suzette

On 12th draw, QUENA D1 51 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: QUARE D1 51
Other moves: ZERO 15L 39, ZOEA 15L 39, ZONA 15L 39, ZONE 15L 39, TRANQ B2 34
ZONE 15L 39 immy, Suzette, iwhist

On 13th draw, ZONE 15L 39 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: LOFTING 14H 38, FEIGN 14J 34, FLING 14J 34, FEINT 14J 32, FLINT 14J 32
ZONE 15L 39 iwhist, immy, ELCEE
TOZE 15J 13 Suzette

On 14th draw, ANTEROOM K3 70 --- ANTEROOM a waiting room [n]
Other moves: TONEARM C5 65, TORMENTA B2 62, MAINER 14J 36, MAINOR 14J 36, ROMAINE 14H 36
METAL 8A 24 iwhist, immy

On 15th draw, JIGOT 14K 35 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: LOAF J3 34, OAF J4 31, JA 1A 29, JAIL 14J 29, JAFA 3J 28
JAIL 14J 29 iwhist, immy

On 16th draw, AWES J5 38 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: EWES J5 38
Other moves: WANGLE 8A 36, HOWE L1 29, AW J5 28, AWEEL 8A 27, NEWEL 8A 27
AW J5 28 immy

On 17th draw, VOCAL 8A 33 --- VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n]
Other moves: ACOCK 3K 26, JO K14 23, OZONE 15K 23, GUAVA 3I 22, GUACO 3I 20
VOTE O12 11 immy

On 18th draw, MILLAGE 3G 25 --- MILLAGE a type of monetary rate [n]
Other moves: HUGE L1 23, HULE L1 20, GNU N4 18, GUE N4 18, GENE 3A 16
LINE 13A 10 immy

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