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Game of October 18, 2011 at 02:21, 5 players
1. 445 pts iwhist
2. 339 pts ELCEE
3. 240 pts immy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegmoos   H4    26    26   comose
 2. ?ekooru   8A    86   112   eurokous
 3. ?aaddwx   I5    47   159   wax
 4. bcdeirt   G7    38   197   cubed
 5. delotuv   A8    89   286   evoluted
 6. adginuy   J3    46   332   gandy
 7. aeinrtt   C8    68   400   retirant
 8. defirsz   5E    48   448   disowner
 9. ?aaeiir  11E    28   476   radiate
10. ejrstuy   M3    41   517   juster
11. afilnrz   8L    60   577   friz
12. afglnou  12H    40   617   flong
13. aehipty   4B    35   652   hepatic
14. amnorsv   B1    44   696   moshav
15. aglnptu   3B    31   727   spug
16. abhnorw  15C    48   775   thrawn
17. eeilnot   1B    30   805   molinet
18. abeeinq  14F    25   830   ba
19. eiilnqy  10E    29   859   eye
20. eiiilnq   G3    22   881   qis

Remaining tiles: eiiiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6460 Fileiwhist      1 13:58  -436  445     1.6460 iwhist      1 13:58  -436  445 
  2.6017 FileELCEE       1 15:08  -542  339     2.6017 ELCEE       1 15:08  -542  339 
  3.6721 Fileimmy        0  5:30  -641  240     3.6721 immy        0  5:30  -641  240 
  4.4955 FileSuzette     0  5:36  -808   73            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileJack22      0  0:29  -854   27     1.4955 Suzette     0  5:36  -808   73 
                                             2.  -  Jack22      0  0:29  -854   27 

On 1st draw, COMOSE H4 26 --- COMOSE bearing a tuft of silky hairs [adj]
Other moves: COMES H4 24, COOMS H4 24, SMOOGE H3 24, COMOSE H3 22, COMOSE H7 22
COMES H4 24 iwhist
MOOSE H4 20 Suzette

On 2nd draw, E(U)ROKOUS 8A 86 --- EUROKOUS pertaining to euroky [adj] --- EUROKY the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions [adj]
Other tops: EUROKO(U)S 8A 86
Other moves: (B)UCKEROO 4F 76, O(A)KER G5 35, (J)OKER G5 35, (K)OKER G5 35, (P)OKER G5 35
KORE G7 30 iwhist
(C)REEK 9E 14 Suzette

On 3rd draw, WAX I5 47 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: W(A)X I5 45, W(E)X I5 45, W(O)X I5 45, D(E)X I5 41, D(U)X I5 41
WAX I5 47 iwhist
MAX 6H 28 Suzette, ELCEE

On 4th draw, CUBED G7 38 --- CUBE to form into a cube (a regular solid) [v]
Other moves: CUBER G7 37, CUBIT G7 37, CUBE G7 36, CUB G7 35, CITED J2 34
TRICED J1 31 iwhist

On 5th draw, EVOLUTED A8 89 --- EVOLUTE to develop by evolution [v]
Other moves: OUTLOVED D8 78, OUTLOVED D4 74, EVOLUTED A2 63, OVULE H11 39, VOLED J2 37
VOTED J2 37 immy, ELCEE
ED J5 23 iwhist
MADE 6H 11 Suzette

On 6th draw, GANDY J3 46 --- GANDY s in gandy dancer, a railway track maintenance worker [adj]
Other tops: DINGY J3 46, DUNGY J3 46, GUNDY J3 46
Other moves: GANDY J6 45, GAUDY J6 45, YAGI J6 45, YANG J6 45, YAUD J6 45
YAD J6 44 immy, iwhist

On 7th draw, RETIRANT C8 68 --- RETIRANT one who has retired from his vocation [n]
Other moves: TENTORIA D4 66, NATTIER I9 65, NITRATE I9 65, TARTINE I9 65, TERTIAN I9 65
KANE E8 16 iwhist

On 8th draw, DISOWNER 5E 48 --- DISOWNER one that disowns [n]
Other tops: ZEDS I9 48
Other moves: ZED I9 47, DOWNSIZE 5G 42, FEZ F10 39, FIZ F10 39, FIRED F10 37
FROWNED 5F 28 iwhist

On 9th draw, RADIA(T)E 11E 28 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: RADIA(L)E 11E 28, (M)ADEIRA 11E 28
Other moves: DATARIE(S) 15A 27, AE(S)IR M3 22, ARAI(S)E M1 22, DAIKER(S) E5 22, D*RK**s E5 22
AIR(S) M2 18 iwhist, immy

On 10th draw, JUSTER M3 41 --- JUSTER one who jousts [n]
Other moves: JUTES 6B 37, JUTES M1 37, RESTY M3 37, RUSTY M3 37, JEST M3 35

On 11th draw, FRIZ 8L 60 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: FRAZIL 4A 49, FRIZ 10K 41, FRIZ 12K 37, IZAR N1 37, FRIZ F3 36
ZA N2 31 immy, ELCEE, iwhist
ZA 10I 27 Jack22

On 12th draw, FLONG 12H 40 --- FLONG papier-mache for making stereotype moulds [n]
Other moves: GANOF 6B 37, GRAFF L4 37, GRUFF L4 37, FUNGAL 4A 33, FANGA F10 32
OF 6E 29 iwhist
FANG F10 29 immy

On 13th draw, HEPATIC 4B 35 --- HEPATIC a drug acting on the liver [n]
Other tops: APHETIC 4B 35
Other moves: YEAH N1 34, PHATIC 4C 33, YAH N2 32, HEAP N1 31, HAY F10 30
HAY F10 30 immy
YAP F10 29 iwhist

On 14th draw, MOSHAV B1 44 --- MOSHAV a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel [n]
Other moves: MANOR 3A 31, MANOS 3A 31, TRANSOM 15C 30, MNAS 9J 27, MOAS 9J 27
MAS 9K 26 iwhist
SAM N2 23 immy

On 15th draw, SPUG 3B 31 --- SPUG (Scots) a house sparrow [n]
Other moves: AMPUL 1A 30, UP A1 28, PAGAN F10 26, PANGA F10 26, GAP N2 25
UP A1 28 immy
GAP N2 25 iwhist

On 16th draw, THRAWN 15C 48 --- THRAWN twisted [adj]
Other tops: THROWN 15C 48
Other moves: HO A1 38, TOWBAR 15C 36, OMRAH 1A 33, AH A1 32, AW A1 32
HAW F10 30 iwhist

On 17th draw, MOLINET 1B 30 --- MOLINET an 18th century whipping stick [n]
Other moves: EMETIN 1A 27, OMELET 1A 27, EMOTE 1A 24, LOOTEN 2A 24, ETOILE 14E 23

On 18th draw, BA 14F 25 --- BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n]
Other moves: BEAN N1 23, AB 14E 22, BANE F10 22, BANI F10 22, QIS G3 22

On 19th draw, EYE 10E 29 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YE 2F 28, YAE F10 27, YA F10 26, YE 10F 26, QIS G3 22

On 20th draw, QIS G3 22 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6D 17, RINE 12C 17, LIE 6D 16, LIN 6D 16, NIE 6D 16
QI K2 14 iwhist

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