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Game of October 18, 2011 at 06:48, 7 players
1. 675 pts Stranger
2. 548 pts jimbo
3. 495 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iimntz   H4    50    50   zimbi
 2. aeijlnt   I3    36    86   jane
 3. ?dehlno   8H    86   172   inholder
 4. aamorst   M4    63   235   matadors
 5. aabegks   5E    56   291   bakings
 6. aeeorrv   E1    63   354   overbear
 7. elnorrw   1D    39   393   woolen
 8. aadhoqt   L1    34   427   doth
 9. eiqsttu  10G    71   498   quitters
10. aeffnrw  H10    39   537   unware
11. abdeors  14A    84   621   adsorber
12. efirtvy  15A    53   674   reif
13. adegnnt   6D    27   701   degame
14. aeeinot   2B    29   730   nieve
15. ceilopy  13A    36   766   yip
16. agiloux  I12    39   805   ox
17. aiillot  13H    26   831   axilla
18. fnoptty   2J    38   869   footy
19. ciptuuu  11D    25   894   cutin
20. ceipuuv   8A    33   927   viper

Remaining tiles: cgnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7070 FileStranger    5 16:49  -252  675     1.7070 Stranger    5 16:49  -252  675 
  2.5599 Filejimbo       1 14:17  -379  548            Group: intermediate
  3.6035 Fileannelhynz   3 17:36  -432  495     1.6035 annelhynz   3 17:36  -432  495 
  4.3966 Filedenbay      0 14:40  -535  392            Group: novice
  5.5734 Filedragons11   0  9:51  -584  343     1.5599 jimbo       1 14:17  -379  548 
  6.5974 Filedabbler     1  9:48  -749  178     2.5734 dragons11   0  9:51  -584  343 
  7.5991 FileELCEE       1  2:15  -866   61     3.5974 dabbler     1  9:48  -749  178 
                                             4.5991 ELCEE       1  2:15  -866   61 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3966 denbay      0 14:40  -535  392 

On 1st draw, ZIM(B)I H4 50 --- ZIMBI a kind of shell used as money [n]
Other tops: MI(L)TZ H8 50
Other moves: ZITI(S) H4 46, ZI(Z)IT H4 46, MIZ(E)N H4 36, MI(L)TZ H4 36, NIZ(A)M H8 36
ZITI(S) H4 46 Stranger
ZIT H7 24 denbay

On 2nd draw, JANE I3 36 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: ZEATIN 4H 30, ZELANT 4H 30, JA I3 28, JAM 6F 28, ZANTE 4H 28
JANE I3 36 Stranger, annelhynz
JAM 6F 28 denbay, jimbo

On 3rd draw, INHOLDE(R) 8H 86 --- INHOLDER one that owns a tract of land within a national park [n]
Other moves: HONDLE(S) 9B 77, HONDLE(D) G8 67, HONDLE(S) G8 67, HON(D)LED G8 67, HONIEDL(Y) 8E 61
HONDLE(S) 9B 77 jimbo
HO(S) J2 33 Stranger
HO(G) J2 33 annelhynz
HOMED 6F 23 denbay

On 4th draw, MATADORS M4 63 --- MATADOR the bullfighter who kills the bull in a bullfight [n]
Other moves: MARINAS 5E 36, AMAS J1 33, MAS J2 32, MOS J2 32, SAM 9H 32
AMAS J1 33 Stranger
MOS J2 32 annelhynz
TAOS J1 27 dragons11
TRAMS 9D 26 jimbo
JAMS 3I 13 denbay

On 5th draw, BAKINGS 5E 56 --- BAKING the process by which bread is baked [n]
Other moves: ABASK J1 45, BASK J2 44, SKAG J1 41, BAAINGS 5E 40, BAGS J2 38
BASK J2 44 dragons11
KAS J2 38 Stranger, annelhynz
BAKES 9D 28 jimbo
BEAKS 5K 22 denbay

On 6th draw, OVERBEAR E1 63 --- OVERBEAR to bring down by superior weight or force [v]
Other moves: VARE L1 30, VERA L1 30, VERRA 4A 28, ARERE N2 24, ARVO L1 24
VARE L1 30 Stranger
ROVE L1 24 annelhynz
HOVERER J8 23 jimbo
VEER N2 20 dragons11
RAVER F4 16 denbay

On 7th draw, WOOLEN 1D 39 --- WOOLEN a fabric made of wool [n]
Other tops: WOOLER 1D 39, WORREL 1D 39
Other moves: WOOER 1D 36, RENEW 6B 31, REWORN 8A 30, WERO L1 30, WOOLEN 1C 30
WORREL 1D 39 ELCEE, annelhynz
WOOLER 1D 39 Stranger
ROWER 1D 27 denbay
LOWER 1D 27 dragons11
OWNER 1E 24 jimbo

On 8th draw, DOTH L1 34 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: ODAH L1 32, OATH L1 30, AHA F5 29, DAH L2 28, DOH L2 28
AHA F5 29 Stranger, annelhynz
QATS 11J 26 jimbo
HOED 3C 16 denbay

On 9th draw, QUITTERS 10G 71 --- QUITTER one that quits [n]
Other moves: QUOIST 2J 70, QUOITS 2J 70, QUOTES 2J 70, QUOIT 2J 68, QUOTE 2J 68
QUOTES 2J 70 Stranger, dragons11
SQUIRE 8A 48 jimbo
QIS 9C 36 annelhynz
QUESTS 11J 30 denbay

On 10th draw, UNWARE H10 39 --- UNWARE wary [adj]
Other moves: FROWN 2J 38, WAFER 8A 36, FAWNER D7 34, DAFF 1L 33, NAFFER D7 31
WAFER 8A 36 jimbo, dragons11, denbay
DAFF 1L 33 Stranger
FEW 6D 30 annelhynz

On 11th draw, ADSORBER 14A 84 --- ADSORBER one that absorbs [n]
Other tops: REBOARDS 14H 84
Other moves: ADSORBE(R) O1 83, BOARDERS 14B 80, SEABOARD 13F 80, SEABOARD 13C 76, ADSORBER 14D 65
ADOBE 1K 24 Stranger
ADDER 1K 21 denbay
BOARD 8B 9 jimbo

On 12th draw, REIF 15A 53 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other moves: YETI 15A 47, YITE 15A 47, FRAY A12 42, RIVERY 8A 39, YET 15A 38
YETI 15A 47 Stranger
FRAY A12 42 annelhynz, dragons11, jimbo, denbay

On 13th draw, DEGAME 6D 27 --- DEGAME a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: ENDART 8A 24, GANEV 2A 23, TANGED D7 23, TANNAGE 13G 23, GATED 6B 22
GATED 6B 22 Stranger
DEAD 1L 18 denbay
DANT 1L 15 annelhynz

On 14th draw, NIEVE 2B 29 --- NIEVE the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: NAEVE 2B 29, NAEVI 2B 29
Other moves: ANOINT 11D 25, NOINT 11E 23, ENTERA 8A 21, ENTIRE 8A 21, TAENIAE 13G 21
TENOR 8A 18 denbay
TONER 8A 18 Stranger, jimbo
DEAN 1L 15 dabbler
DIET 1L 15 annelhynz

On 15th draw, YIP 13A 36 --- YIP to utter a short, sudden cry [v]
Other tops: PELORY 8A 36, PYLORI 8A 36
Other moves: LIPO 13A 35, PELORY 4A 35, COP 13A 33, COYER 8A 33, PELORY E10 33
PLYER 8A 33 jimbo, dabbler
COYER 8A 33 Stranger
DOPY 1L 30 dragons11
YO J2 22 annelhynz
DICE 1L 21 denbay

On 16th draw, OX I12 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: DOUX 1L 36, AUXIN 11D 35, WUXIA 12H 30, XI 1A 29, XU 1A 29
OX I12 39 Stranger, annelhynz, dabbler
DOUX 1L 36 jimbo
TAXI K10 22 denbay

On 17th draw, AXILLA 13H 26 --- AXILLA the arm pit [n]
Other moves: ALOIN 11D 21, QAT G10 20, WETA D1 20, LAIN 11E 19, LOIN 11E 19
QAT G10 20 Stranger
TEA G13 17 dragons11
LET G13 17 dabbler
DIAL 1L 15 jimbo
DOLT 1L 15 denbay
DOLL 1L 15 annelhynz

On 18th draw, FOOTY 2J 38 --- FOOTY paltry [adj]
Other tops: P**FY 2J 38
Other moves: FYTTE 3A 37, DOPY 1L 30, PLOY L12 26, P**FY 2K 26, FRY 4D 25
P**FY 2J 38 Stranger
DOPY 1L 30 dragons11, jimbo, dabbler
YO J2 22 annelhynz

On 19th draw, CUTIN 11D 25 --- CUTIN a waxy substance found on plants [n]
Other moves: CLIP L12 22, PIC J12 21, TIPI J12 18, TIC J12 17, TIP J12 17
CUTIN 11D 25 Stranger
CLIP L12 22 dabbler
PIN 11F 16 jimbo
PI 1A 14 annelhynz

On 20th draw, VIPER 8A 33 --- VIPER a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: PUCER 8A 30, CEP N12 28, PEC N12 28, VIPER 4A 28, PERV 4C 25
VIPER 8A 33 jimbo
CLIP L12 22 Stranger, dabbler
PI 1A 14 annelhynz

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