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Game of October 18, 2011 at 11:34, 6 players
1. 416 pts ginalee
2. 357 pts una
3. 339 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elnpstu   H4    74    74   penults
 2. ?abeoru   8H    80   154   labourer
 3. eefhmtt   9H    35   189   theft
 4. aeilmmr  10F    28   217   mesal
 5. deeinrr   N2    76   293   reindeer
 6. aegilno   O8    79   372   regional
 7. deimntt   5D    94   466   mittened
 8. bdeorsy   4A    39   505   boyed
 9. aenoowy   3B    41   546   yow
10. aeiloru   A4    24   570   boreal
11. aaginos   B9    76   646   agnosia
12. aekprvz  A12    68   714   peak
13. ?ciioru  14J    26   740   choria
14. efgiqtx   6J    53   793   xi
15. cdeiost   F8    69   862   demotics
16. ahjnqru  E11    38   900   ja
17. ginsuvv  D12    30   930   vugs
18. hinqruw  15F    36   966   suq
19. ahirtvw   3I    38  1004   wharve

Remaining tiles: fiintz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5416 Fileginalee     2 24:36  -588  416     1.6824 una         1 18:54  -647  357 
  2.6824 Fileuna         1 18:54  -647  357     2.6569 marcous     1  8:00  -731  273 
  3.5623 Filejimbo       0 17:38  -665  339            Group: novice
  4.6569 Filemarcous     1  8:00  -731  273     1.5416 ginalee     2 24:36  -588  416 
  5.4375 FileDbuggle     0  8:30  -748  256     2.5623 jimbo       0 17:38  -665  339 
  6.  -  Filenkcwezana   0  1:33  -964   40            Group: not rated
                                             1.4375 Dbuggle     0  8:30  -748  256 
                                             2.  -  nkcwezana   0  1:33  -964   40 

On 1st draw, PENULTS H4 74 --- PENULT the next to last syllable in a word [n]
Other moves: PENULTS H2 70, PENULTS H3 70, PENULTS H6 70, PENULTS H7 70, PENULTS H8 70
PUNTS H4 20 jimbo, una
STEP H7 12 ginalee

On 2nd draw, LABOURE(R) 8H 80 --- LABOURER one who labours [n]
Other tops: LABOURE(D) 8H 80, LABOU(R)ER 8H 80
Other moves: POURAB(L)E 4H 74, AEROBU(S) G9 67, SABO(T)EUR 10H 67, OBTURA(T)E 9F 64, OB(D)URATE 9B 64
PROBE 4H 18 jimbo
BONER 6F 15 una
PEAR(S) 4H 12 ginalee

On 3rd draw, THEFT 9H 35 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other moves: THEM 9H 30, FEHME 5D 26, FEHME 5G 26, HAET I7 26, HEFTER M3 26
THEM 9H 30 una
THEME 5D 20 ginalee
FREE M7 12 jimbo

On 4th draw, MESAL 10F 28 --- MESAL middle [adj]
Other moves: MALEMIUT L2 24, MALMIER M2 24, RAMMIER M2 24, MAILMEN 6B 23, MAM G5 23
PRELIM 4H 20 ginalee
MAM I3 18 una
LAMMERS 10B 15 jimbo

On 5th draw, REINDEER N2 76 --- REINDEER a large deer [n]
Other moves: DERNIER 11A 72, NERDIER 11A 72, REINDEER N7 72, REINDEER 5B 68, REINDEER 5C 68
REMINDER F8 63 jimbo
REINED 11B 21 una
PINED 4H 16 ginalee

On 6th draw, (R)EGIONAL O8 79 --- REGIONAL something that serves as a region [n]
Other moves: LINEAGE 5E 32, GENOA O1 30, GOALIE M1 27, GEAN O1 25, PIGNOLIA 4H 24
GEL O1 16 una
PLANE 4H 14 ginalee
MINGLE F10 11 jimbo

On 7th draw, MITTENED 5D 94 --- MITTEN a type of covering for the hand [adj] --- MITTENED wearing mittens [adj]
Other moves: MITTENED 5B 72, DEMENTI 5E 40, MEND O1 36, MINETTE 5E 36, DINETTE 5E 32
MITTENED 5D 44 una
MEND O1 36 jimbo
TIMED 11C 23 ginalee

On 8th draw, BOYED 4A 39 --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other tops: YERD O1 39
Other moves: BYDES 4A 38, BYRES 4A 36, EMBRYOS D4 36, OBEY N11 36, BYDE 4A 34
BODY 11C 27 ginalee

On 9th draw, YOW 3B 41 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other tops: YAW 3B 41
Other moves: ANOW 3A 38, WAY N12 35, WEY N12 35, NAW 3B 32, NOW 3B 32
BONEY A4 30 Dbuggle, nkcwezana, ginalee
WON 13M 12 jimbo

On 10th draw, BOREAL A4 24 --- BOREAL pertaining to the north [adj]
Other tops: BAILER A4 24, BAILOR A4 24, BLUIER A4 24, BOILER A4 24, BURIAL A4 24
Other moves: URAEI M2 23, AERO O1 22, BALER A4 21, BELAR A4 21, BIRLE A4 21
BAILOR A4 24 ginalee
BLUER A4 21 Dbuggle, jimbo
MAILER F10 10 nkcwezana

On 11th draw, AGNOSIA B9 76 --- AGNOSIA loss of ability to recognize familiar objects [n]
Other moves: AGNOSIA 11A 72, AGNOSIA 14I 24, ISNA 6C 23, SANGA M1 23, SANGO M1 23
SANG 11J 16 marcous
GAS 11E 14 ginalee
SIGN 13L 10 Dbuggle
MOANS F10 9 jimbo

On 12th draw, PEAK A12 68 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other moves: ZEK N12 57, ZEK A12 55, ZARAPE 15A 54, ZAP A12 51, ZEP A12 51
ZEA A12 47 marcous
PARK 15A 45 Dbuggle
ZAP 15A 42 ginalee, una
RAZE 15A 42 jimbo

On 13th draw, C(H)ORIA 14J 26 --- CHORION an embryonic membrane [n]
Other tops: COR(N)UA 14J 26, (S)PIRIC 4G 26
Other moves: CI(A)O C9 25, COU(P) C9 25, CORIU(M) C7 24, CURIO(S) C7 24, C(E)RO O1 24
CO(O) C9 19 marcous
(T)IC 11J 13 una
RICE 3K 12 Dbuggle
POUR(S) 12A 12 ginalee
MICRO F10 11 jimbo

On 14th draw, XI 6J 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: FIX C7 43, TEX O1 41, FIXED 6J 40, FIX 11E 39, XI C9 38
XI 6J 53 una
TEX O1 41 marcous
FIXER M10 30 Dbuggle
EXIT 11D 28 jimbo
FOX L13 21 ginalee

On 15th draw, DEMOTICS F8 69 --- DEMOTICS the study of people in society [n]
Other moves: DOMESTIC F8 65, COEDS C9 47, CESTOI O1 39, DIETS C9 38, DOEST C9 38
TEDS O1 26 marcous
POISED 12A 18 ginalee
DICES 3K 16 Dbuggle
MODEST F10 11 jimbo
DIRT M12 10 una

On 16th draw, JA E11 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: SUQ 15F 36, JA 13L 31, SURAH 15F 31, JURA M1 30, QUA M1 30
JA E11 38 marcous, ginalee
JA 13L 31 una
JAR M12 20 Dbuggle
QUAD 8C 15 jimbo

On 17th draw, VUGS D12 30 --- VUG a small cavity in a rock or lode [n]
Other tops: VIGS D12 30
Other moves: VINS D12 28, GUVS D12 26, SPIV 4G 26, VIG D12 26, VUG D12 26
VINS D12 28 marcous
VIVO 12L 20 Dbuggle
GIN 13E 16 una
SING 15F 15 jimbo, ginalee

On 18th draw, SUQ 15F 36 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUIN 4L 28, QUINE 3J 28, QUINO 12K 28, QUIRE 3J 28, QI M4 24
QUIN 4L 28 Dbuggle, una
QUINE 3J 28 ginalee, marcous

On 19th draw, WHARVE 3I 38 --- WHARVE a round piece of wood used in spinning thread [n]
Other moves: WHA M3 35, WRITHE 3I 32, HAW 15J 30, HAW M1 30, THROW L11 30
HAW 15J 30 marcous
THROW L11 30 ginalee
WHITER 3J 24 Dbuggle

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