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Game of October 18, 2011 at 13:54, 4 players
1. 573 pts PIThompson
2. 465 pts raggedy01
3. 360 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. lorstyz   H4    56    56   zlotys
 2. aaeiopt   4H    36    92   zapateo
 3. eeinnrs   K4    82   174   anserine
 4. aiimnos   O4    47   221   simian
 5. ddelorw   N2    38   259   wooded
 6. ?eekmrs  12F    85   344   kermess
 7. acdnnru   M1    25   369   cade
 8. ?adituw   1H    36   405   windac
 9. binoptu  13C    25   430   oubit
10. aefhinu  14F    39   469   faine
11. eilortx  15H    47   516   tex
12. ehjlotu  M11    41   557   jehu
13. lnootuv  12A    28   585   vuln
14. eghnoru   A7    95   680   hungover
15. aeipqrt   B6    39   719   qat
16. aegiiot   C5    30   749   tige
17. ailoprv   D1    28   777   parvo
18. acegilo   E5    28   805   caligo
19. befilor   F8    32   837   fib

Remaining tiles: elorry

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7707 FilePIThompson  4 12:57  -264  573     1.7707 PIThompson  4 12:57  -264  573 
  2.6059 Fileraggedy01   2 19:19  -372  465            Group: intermediate
  3.5408 Fileginalee     1 19:46  -477  360     1.6059 raggedy01   2 19:19  -372  465 
  4.4955 FileSuzette     0  5:27  -764   73            Group: novice
                                             1.5408 ginalee     1 19:46  -477  360 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4955 Suzette     0  5:27  -764   73 

On 1st draw, ZLOTYS H4 56 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZLOTY H4 54, ZLOTYS H8 44, ZLOTY H8 42, ZLOTYS H3 38, ZLOTYS H7 38
STORY H8 24 raggedy01, PIThompson, ginalee

On 2nd draw, ZAPATEO 4H 36 --- ZAPATEO a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ 4D 32, ZOAEA 4H 28, OPIATE I5 27, PIETA I6 24, PEAT I6 23
POET I6 23 raggedy01
POA I3 21 PIThompson
PLATE 5G 14 ginalee

On 3rd draw, ANSERINE K4 82 --- ANSERINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: NERINES G8 67, INTENSER 7F 61, INTERNES 7F 61, INTENSER L2 59, INTERNES L2 59
SINNER O4 41 ginalee
SNEER O4 38 PIThompson
RINSE O1 38 raggedy01

On 4th draw, SIMIAN O4 47 --- SIMIAN an ape or monkey [n]
Other tops: SAIMIN O4 47
Other moves: SOMAN O4 44, AIMS O1 41, AMIS O1 41, MANS O1 41, MNAS O1 41
MOAS O1 41 PIThompson
AIMS O1 41 raggedy01
MANS O1 41 ginalee

On 5th draw, WOODED N2 38 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: WOOLED N2 35, DROOLED N1 33, DOWELED M1 28, DOWERED M1 28, DOWED L11 27
WOODED N2 38 PIThompson
LOWERED M1 26 ginalee

On 6th draw, KERMES(S) 12F 85 --- KERMESS a festival [n]
Other moves: KERME(S)S 12F 84, KEM(P)ERS J9 80, KERMES(S) J9 78, SMERKE(D) G7 77, KEM(P)ERS G8 76
SMERK 12K 41 PIThompson
(S)EEKS 12K 26 ginalee
MEEK(E)R G8 23 raggedy01

On 7th draw, CADE M1 25 --- CADE a European shrub [n]
Other moves: CANE M1 21, CRURA H11 21, RADE M1 21, NACRED G8 20, CAD 13E 19
CADE M1 25 PIThompson, raggedy01
RUND H12 15 ginalee

On 8th draw, WI(N)DAC 1H 36 --- WINDAC a windlass [n]
Other tops: WIT(E)D M9 36
Other moves: WAIT(E)D M8 32, DATU(R)IC 1G 30, TAW(E)D M9 30, AW(E)D M10 26, D(E)AW M11 26
WRI(E)D H11 24 PIThompson
WAK(E)D F10 24 raggedy01
TRAW(L) H11 21 ginalee

On 9th draw, OUBIT 13C 25 --- OUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other tops: PINOT 13C 25, PITON 13C 25, POTIN 13C 25, PUTON 13C 25
Other moves: OUBIT G6 24, PINOT G6 24, BOUT I6 23, POUT I6 23, PUB G6 22
PUTON 13C 25 raggedy01
PUB G6 22 PIThompson

On 10th draw, FAINE 14F 39 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAH 14F 38, NEF 14D 38, FAIN 14F 36, FANE 14F 36, FAUN 14F 36
NEF 14D 38 PIThompson
FEH 14B 25 raggedy01

On 11th draw, TEX 15H 47 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: LOX 12B 40, TIX 12B 40, OXTER M9 39, OX 12C 38, EXIT M12 35
TEX 15H 47 PIThompson, ginalee
EXIT N9 29 raggedy01

On 12th draw, JEHU M11 41 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JO 3I 38, HOTEL M9 37, JET M11 33, JEU M11 33, JOLE M9 32
JO 12C 31 PIThompson
JOE 2F 31 raggedy01, ginalee

On 13th draw, VULN 12A 28 --- VULN to wound [v]
Other moves: NOUT I6 19, VOULU D11 18, LOON 12A 16, LOTO 12A 16, LOTO 2G 16
LO N10 13 PIThompson
ON N13 13 raggedy01
JUT 11M 10 ginalee

On 14th draw, HUNGOVER A7 95 --- HUNGOVER suffering from a hangover [adj]
Other moves: ROUGHEN 2C 72, ENROUGHS 9A 67, ROUGHENS 9A 64, VUGH A12 33, GOVERN A10 30
ROUGHEN 2C 72 raggedy01
OH N13 25 PIThompson
HO N10 22 ginalee

On 15th draw, QAT B6 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI B6 36, QUEP 14L 30, QUIP 14L 30, PERAI B6 29, QI J9 28
QAT B6 39 PIThompson
QUIP 14L 30 ginalee

On 16th draw, TIGE C5 30 --- TIGE the shaft of a column [n]
Other moves: GITE C5 27, TAIG C4 27, TAGLIONI 5E 26, TIG C5 26, ITA C6 25
GITE C5 27 PIThompson
TIG C5 26 Suzette
GATE 2E 12 ginalee

On 17th draw, PARVO D1 28 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: VIOLA D1 26, VOILA D1 26, AVO N9 25, OVA N9 25, PAILLON 5E 24
VIOLA D1 26 PIThompson
OP N13 21 raggedy01
JAI 11M 10 Suzette

On 18th draw, CALIGO E5 28 --- CALIGO a reduction in vision [n]
Other moves: CLIPE 1A 27, COGIE E5 26, CAGE E5 24, CALP 1A 24, CLAG E5 24
CAGE E5 24 PIThompson
CLAP 1A 24 raggedy01
LUGE 14L 10 Suzette

On 19th draw, FIB F8 32 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FOB F8 32
Other moves: FOB F4 30, LOBI F4 30, IF F9 29, OBI F5 29, OF F9 29
OF F9 29 PIThompson
FLIP 1A 27 raggedy01, Suzette

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