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Game of October 18, 2011 at 17:47, 5 players
1. 543 pts sunshine12
2. 445 pts raggedy01
3. 413 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinrtt   H8    68    68   trident
 2. ?eiossw  15B   116   184   bowsies
 3. acenrtv  10E    67   251   navicert
 4. aeiknpv  14C    47   298   paik
 5. ?aanost   E4    78   376   assonant
 6. eehiopr   8A    33   409   pheon
 7. adiimnu  13A    36   445   maund
 8. aefgqrs  M10    30   475   safer
 9. dejlnor   4A    44   519   jordan
10. aeglmuu   K5    40   559   maulgre
11. cdiloux   9B    39   598   ox
12. bcfgiot  14J    36   634   fibro
13. achiirt   F2    41   675   canthi
14. deeiruy  12J    36   711   edify
15. eillort   7A    25   736   ort
16. beegilw   L1    30   766   beigel
17. aeilory   1D    39   805   leary
18. egiilou   M3    32   837   ouglie
19. einuvwz   1L    45   882   bize

Remaining tiles: nquvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6747 Filesunshine12  1 21:34  -339  543     1.6747 sunshine12  1 21:34  -339  543 
  2.6089 Fileraggedy01   2 22:29  -437  445     2.6089 raggedy01   2 22:29  -437  445 
  3.4953 FileSuzette     0 19:06  -469  413            Group: novice
  4.4751 Filestrykyster  0  6:31  -774  108     1.5558 jimbo       0  0:32  -828   54 
  5.5558 Filejimbo       0  0:32  -828   54            Group: not rated
                                             1.4953 Suzette     0 19:06  -469  413 
                                             2.4751 strykyster  0  6:31  -774  108 

On 1st draw, TRIDENT H8 68 --- TRIDENT a spear having three prongs [n]
Other tops: TRIDENT H2 68, TRIDENT H3 68, TRIDENT H4 68, TRIDENT H6 68, TRIDENT H7 68
Other moves: TRIDENT H5 66, RITTED H7 18, TINTED H7 18, TRINED H7 18, DINER H4 16
TRINED H7 18 Suzette, sunshine12
RITTED H7 18 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, (B)OWSIES 15B 116 --- BOWSIE (Irish) an inferior person [n]
Other moves: (B)OWSIES 15E 104, S(H)OWIEST 8A 92, S(N)OWIEST 8A 92, TOWSIES(T) 14H 86, TOWSIES(T) 8H 83
SWI(N)ES 15C 63 raggedy01
SWI(P)ES 15C 63 sunshine12
SWI(N)ES 15H 54 jimbo
SWI(S)S 15D 51 Suzette

On 3rd draw, NAVICERT 10E 67 --- NAVICERT a document permitting a vessel passage through a naval blockade [n]
Other moves: VERDANT 11E 44, CENTAVO C9 30, ADVECT 11G 24, CARVED 11C 24, CARVEN 13C 24
CRAVENS E9 24 sunshine12
CRAVEN 12D 22 Suzette
DECANT 11H 18 raggedy01

On 4th draw, PAIK 14C 47 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other moves: NAIK 14C 43, IKAT 14E 38, KATI 14F 36, KETA 14F 36, KAT 14F 35
PAIK 14C 47 sunshine12
PRANK K9 22 Suzette

On 5th draw, AS(S)ONANT E4 78 --- ASSONANT a word or syllable that resembles another in sound [n]
Other tops: ANO(E)STRA K4 78, AT(H)ANORS K4 78, A(B)SONANT E4 78, A(S)SONANT E4 78, ON(D)ATRAS K5 78, SANATOR(Y) K4 78, SONAT(I)NA E4 78
Other moves: SONANTA(L) 13F 75, SONAT(I)NA 13F 75, T(H)ANATOS 8H 74, ANAT(T)OS M4 72, ATON(I)AS M4 72
STAN(D) M10 22 sunshine12
STON(E) M10 22 raggedy01
TAN(K)S M6 19 Suzette

On 6th draw, PHEON 8A 33 --- PHEON a heraldic arrowhead [n]
Other moves: HIE F6 30, HIREE D1 30, HOE F6 30, HOPE D1 30, HOPE D2 28
HOE F6 30 sunshine12
PREEN 8A 24 raggedy01
HARP 4D 18 strykyster
(S)HEEP 6E 17 Suzette

On 7th draw, MAUND 13A 36 --- MAUND an Asian unit of weight [n] --- MAUND to beg [v]
Other moves: DAMN 13B 35, DUMA 13B 35, MAND 13B 34, DAIMON D4 33, AIDMAN 9A 31
DAMN 13B 35 raggedy01
AIM 9A 24 sunshine12
MA D4 18 strykyster
DRUM K9 14 Suzette

On 8th draw, SAFER M10 30 --- SAFE free from danger [adj]
Other moves: FAGS M7 28, FEGS M7 28, SAFE M10 28, SERF M10 28, FARSE M7 27
SAFER M10 30 raggedy01
FAGS M7 28 Suzette
FEARS 11J 27 sunshine12
FA D4 22 strykyster

On 9th draw, JORDAN 4A 44 --- JORDAN a type of container [n]
Other moves: JEON D1 42, JOLE D1 42, JOE D4 41, JO D4 38, JOHN B6 30
JOE D4 41 raggedy01, sunshine12
JADE 4D 24 Suzette

On 10th draw, MAULGRE K5 40 --- MAULGRE to spite [v]
Other moves: GAUJE A1 39, GAME N11 30, GLOAM B2 28, LAME N11 27, MALE N11 27
AM 5A 17 sunshine12
JULEP A4 14 Suzette
(S)MUG 6E 12 raggedy01

On 11th draw, OX 9B 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: COX L4 37, DOUX L3 37, OXALIC 6I 37, CALIX 6J 36, DUX L4 35
OX 9B 39 raggedy01
OX 5A 27 sunshine12
LEX C7 19 Suzette

On 12th draw, FIBRO 14J 36 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: BO 10B 34, OF J5 30, FOB J4 28, GO 10B 28, COB J4 27
BO 10B 34 sunshine12
FAB 6J 16 Suzette

On 13th draw, CANTHI F2 41 --- CANTHUS a corner of the eye [n]
Other moves: THIO 7B 36, LAICH 8K 33, LARCH 8K 33, LATCH 8K 33, LICHI 8K 33
RAH J4 31 sunshine12
CHART L3 28 Suzette, raggedy01

On 14th draw, EDIFY 12J 36 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other moves: DEFY 12K 34, DREY J3 33, DEFER 12K 32, DEY J4 32, REDYE J4 31
DREY J3 33 sunshine12
LEERY 8K 27 Suzette
YE 15N 20 raggedy01
HOY B8 17 strykyster

On 15th draw, ORT 7A 25 --- ORT a scrap of food [n]
Other moves: REO 10A 23, IO 10B 22, TO 10B 22, LOITER L1 20, LOOIE 7C 20
TOLLER L1 20 raggedy01
LITER 8K 18 sunshine12
RE 15N 8 Suzette

On 16th draw, BEIGEL L1 30 --- BEIGEL a hard ring-shaped roll [n]
Other moves: BEWIG L2 29, WEB J4 28, BLEW L3 27, BEIGE L1 26, BILGE L1 26
WEB J4 28 sunshine12
BLEW L3 27 raggedy01
WE 15N 20 Suzette

On 17th draw, LEARY 1D 39 --- LEARY suspicious [adj]
Other moves: AIERY 1F 36, AYRIE 1F 36, EARLY 1E 36, LAIRY 1E 36, LAYER 1E 36
BRAY 1L 27 Suzette, raggedy01
LEARY 8K 27 sunshine12

On 18th draw, OUGLIE M3 32 --- OUGLIE to make ugly (pr p OUGLIEING) [v]
Other moves: EGO J5 23, BEGO 1L 21, BIOG 1L 21, BLOG 1L 21, LEG J4 21
BLOG 1L 21 Suzette, raggedy01
LEG J4 21 sunshine12
OU 5A 13 strykyster

On 19th draw, BIZE 1L 45 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: ZINE N1 33, ZEE 2J 32, AVIZE 3F 31, WINZE I4 29, LIEVE 8K 27
WE 15N 20 strykyster
EWE 8M 18 Suzette
ZO B3 11 sunshine12

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