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Game of October 18, 2011 at 18:33, 7 players
1. 529 pts raggedy01
2. 503 pts sunshine12
3. 308 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaenpv   H2    80    80   pavanes
 2. deeinrs   5E    86   166   denaries
 3. bdeimns   6B    35   201   bedim
 4. egnosxy   I8    78   279   oxygens
 5. aiorstw  13C    74   353   waitrons
 6. ahnorst  11F    74   427   staghorn
 7. eeilnru   2H    74   501   perilune
 8. ?eilmpu   M6    80   581   implunge
 9. eenotty   8K    42   623   typto
10. abhiouw  12A    37   660   whoa
11. aelqrtu  10B    40   700   quate
12. adegiov   1K    43   743   geoid
13. deijlno   A7    48   791   jole
14. aceiort  A12    27   818   wice
15. cfilrtu  H11    47   865   afoul
16. abciknt   4K    40   905   batik
17. afinorz   G7    40   945   fiz
18. acdnorr   O7    63  1008   roncador

Remaining tiles: agv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6102 Fileraggedy01   2 24:20  -479  529     1.7056 jeff        1 12:19  -700  308 
  2.6761 Filesunshine12  2 18:46  -505  503            Group: intermediate
  3.7056 Filejeff        1 12:19  -700  308     1.6102 raggedy01   2 24:20  -479  529 
  4.4950 FileSuzette     0  8:49  -743  265     2.6761 sunshine12  2 18:46  -505  503 
  5.4765 Filestrykyster  0  1:54  -956   52            Group: novice
  6.5255 Filetonikay     0  2:31  -964   44     1.5255 tonikay     0  2:31  -964   44 
  7.4952 Fileleobill     0  5:29  -970   38            Group: not rated
                                             1.4950 Suzette     0  8:49  -743  265 
                                             2.4765 strykyster  0  1:54  -956   52 
                                             3.4952 leobill     0  5:29  -970   38 

On 1st draw, PAVANE(S) H2 80 --- PAVANE a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: PAVANE(S) H4 78, PAVANE(S) H3 74, PAVANE(S) H7 74, PAVANE(S) H8 74, PAVANE(S) H5 72
PAVEN H4 26 strykyster, jeff, raggedy01
PAV(E)N H4 24 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, DENARIES 5E 86 --- DENARY a group of ten [n]
Other moves: DIRENES(S) 8A 77, SPENDIER 2G 76, INVERSED 4F 74, DRAISENE 3F 72, NEARSIDE 3F 72
PRESIDE 2H 24 raggedy01
VINED 4H 18 Suzette
DINERS G7 16 jeff
DARES 5G 12 strykyster

On 3rd draw, BEDIM 6B 35 --- BEDIM to make dim [v]
Other moves: BEDIM 4K 34, DENIM 6B 31, NIMBED 4A 30, DEISM 4K 29, DEISM 6J 29
BIDES 4K 26 raggedy01
MEN 6F 23 jeff
BIEN 4K 20 sunshine12
MEDS L2 14 strykyster
BAMS 3G 14 Suzette

On 4th draw, OXYGENS I8 78 --- OXYGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other tops: OXYGENS G8 78
Other moves: EXONS 7B 53, GOXES 7A 49, NOXES 7A 48, ONYX 4L 48, EXON 7B 47
YEX I1 42 sunshine12, raggedy01, jeff
POXY 2H 32 Suzette

On 5th draw, WAITRONS 13C 74 --- WAITRON a server in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: WAIR H12 46, WAIS H12 46, WAIT H12 46, ARIOT H11 28, POSTWAR 2H 28
WAIT H12 46 jeff, raggedy01
WORTS 4K 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, STAGHORN 11F 74 --- STAGHORN as in staghorn fern, a fern with leaves resembling antlers [adj]
Other tops: ATHANORS 3H 74
Other moves: TRAHISON J1 67, ATHANORS 3E 66, SHORANS 14I 49, SHARNS 14I 47, SHARON 14I 47
SHORTS 14I 47 sunshine12, jeff
HOAS H12 44 Suzette
HOOT H12 44 raggedy01

On 7th draw, PERILUNE 2H 74 --- PERILUNE the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the moon [n]
Other moves: LIERNE 14A 29, EELIER 7G 28, RELINE 7G 28, RELIE 7G 27, RELINE 7A 26
EYE 10H 17 jeff
UNI J7 14 sunshine12
OIL H13 11 Suzette
OUR H13 11 raggedy01

On 8th draw, IMPLUN(G)E M6 80 --- IMPLUNGE to plunge [v]
Other moves: IMPUREL(Y) L7 78, IMPUR(P)LE L7 78, IM(P)URPLE L7 78, PLUMBI(T)E B2 76, PLUME(R)IA 3A 74
M(A)P 1M 35 sunshine12, raggedy01
(H)ELM O1 24 jeff
PEEL O1 21 Suzette

On 9th draw, TYPTO 8K 42 --- TYPTO to conjugate the Greek verb [v]
Other moves: EYEN 1L 40, EYOT 1L 40, NOY 1M 37, TEENTY 4J 34, TENET 1K 33
TEPOY 8K 33 Suzette
NETTY O1 27 jeff, raggedy01
PYE 8M 24 sunshine12

On 10th draw, WHOA 12A 37 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: HABU 7C 36, OBEAH 12G 35, BLUISH L1 33, HASH J11 33, AH 1N 32
OW 1N 32 sunshine12
AW 1N 32 Suzette
WEB O1 24 raggedy01

On 11th draw, QUATE 10B 40 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: QUALE 10B 40, QUARE 10B 40
Other moves: LEQUEAR C2 34, QUAERE C3 32, QUELEA C2 32, EQUATE C1 30, QAT 14A 30
QUATE 10B 40 jeff
EQUATE C1 30 Suzette
QUARE C2 28 sunshine12
WALE A12 21 raggedy01

On 12th draw, GEOID 1K 43 --- GEOID a hypothetical surface of the earth [n]
Other moves: DEAVE O1 39, DIVE A7 39, DOVE A7 39, GAVE A7 39, GIVE A7 39
DOVE A7 39 sunshine12
WAVE A12 30 Suzette
VADE 14K 29 raggedy01

On 13th draw, JOLE A7 48 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOE A8 45, JODEL 14K 39, JEDI 14K 37, JOINED C2 32, DINE A7 30
JOLE A7 48 sunshine12
JADE 3G 29 raggedy01

On 14th draw, WICE A12 27 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other tops: CITATOR N4 27
Other moves: TAROC 4K 26, TORIC 4K 26, EROTICA 3B 24, AREIC 4J 22, ATOC 4L 22
WICE A12 27 sunshine12, raggedy01

On 15th draw, AFOUL H11 47 --- AFOUL entangled [adj]
Other moves: FELT 7G 32, FIT N6 31, CELT 7G 30, CEL 7G 29, ELF 7H 27
AFOUL H11 47 raggedy01
RIF N4 27 sunshine12

On 16th draw, BATIK 4K 40 --- BATIK an Indonesian dyed fabric [n] --- BATIK to dye fabric by a particular process [v]
Other moves: BACK 4K 32, BACKET C2 30, RABIC L11 30, BACKIE C1 28, BANK 4K 28
KI 3N 17 sunshine12
BAN B6 16 raggedy01
BEAK 13L 10 leobill

On 17th draw, FIZ G7 40 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FOZIER C2 38, FROZEN C2 38, ZARF 9D 36, FIZ N13 35, FORZE C2 34
FIZ N13 35 raggedy01
ZONER C3 30 sunshine12
ZA 9D 24 tonikay
ZOO O7 12 leobill

On 18th draw, RONCADOR O7 63 --- RONCADOR a name for various fishes of the maigre family [n]
Other moves: CODA 14K 27, ANDRO 14K 25, ARDOR 14K 25, DOC 14M 25, RADON 14K 25
RANCED C2 22 sunshine12
CORED C3 20 tonikay
DANCER C2 20 raggedy01
DRONER C2 16 leobill

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