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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of October 18, 2011 at 22:58

Word find
Word played
1 DEGKNOW             KNOWE H4 34 34  
2 ?AEITUW             TAWNIE(S) 5E 36 70  
3 AEEHMNS             METHANES E3 63 133  
4 DEFLNUY FLEY D1 42   42 1/4       175 4/4
5 ACGNRTU FRANC 1D 30 -6 72 2/4 FRUCTAN 1D 36 211 4/4
6 AHIIMNS HIMS 6J 31 -14 103 3/4 SHAMA F3 45 256 4/4
7 GILLORV             VRIL 9G 25 281 4/5
8 ?DIOOTU (S)TOOD K9 17 -47 120 1/5 (V)OLUTOID J7 64 345 4/6
9 BELNORT BINER 13I 20 -10 140 3/5 BRENT L1 30 375 3/6
10 AADGILP BALD 1L 21 -6 161 6/6 PAGAN 8A 27 402 4/6
11 AILOQRS QIS I13 46   207 3/6       448 3/6
12 AAILRTV VITALS 15D 39 -47 246 2/6 TRAVAILS 15B 86 534 3/6
13 EEGILRS GEES K10 31 -1 277 2/6 EISEL K11 32 566 3/6
14 ADEEINR BIRD 1L 21 -53 298 4/5 REGAINED C6 74 640 3/6
15 CFGINOR BORN 1L 18 -12 316 4/5 FOREIGN 3I 30 670 3/6
16 DDEIPUZ ZINE O1 42 -3 358 4/5 BIZE 1L 45 715 3/6
17 BCEGJOX JO 14F 52   410 3/4       767 3/6
18 DEOOPUY YEED 12A 24 -9 434 4/4 LOOPY 15K 33 800 3/6
19 BCDEOUX XU B10 52   486 1/6       852 3/6
20 BCDEOTU DOB 14M 30   516 1/5       882 3/6

Total: 516/882 or -366 for 58.50%
Rank: 7623

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