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Game of October 19, 2011 at 01:17, 3 players
1. 473 pts TwoFold
2. 384 pts Zweep
3. 103 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efgioty   H8    32    32   fogey
 2. adeirvy   I5    28    60   deray
 3. adeiklo   H1    54   114   laiked
 4. eilmnns  11E    90   204   linesmen
 5. aainrsv  13H    85   289   savarin
 6. delnrsu   O7    88   377   nurdles
 7. befilou   5A    80   457   biofueled
 8. ?beoprz   B1    74   531   bromize
 9. cehiprt   A7    99   630   pitcher
10. aemnost   3G    78   708   misatone
11. ?eeeipr  14A    84   792   seepier
12. aahiotv   B9    39   831   ohia
13. acinotw   C7    51   882   cowan
14. gioqttx   4J    45   927   gox
15. agiotvw   2L    43   970   vaw
16. dijoqtt   N6    33  1003   qi
17. agijttt   M7    39  1042   jig
18. adotttu   A1    29  1071   oud

Remaining tiles: attttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6645 FileTwoFold     2 20:37  -598  473     1.6645 TwoFold     2 20:37  -598  473 
  2.6368 FileZweep       2  9:45  -687  384     2.6368 Zweep       2  9:45  -687  384 
  3.6449 Fileiwhist      2  3:10  -968  103     3.6449 iwhist      2  3:10  -968  103 

On 1st draw, FOGEY H8 32 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FOGEY H4 32
Other moves: EGOITY H7 28, FOGIE H4 26, GOETY H8 26, EGOITY H3 24, FOGEY H5 24

On 2nd draw, DERAY I5 28 --- DERAY disorderly revelry [n] --- DERAY to go wild [v]
Other moves: DAY I7 27, DEY G7 27, DEY I7 27, DRAY I6 27, DREY G6 27

On 3rd draw, LAIKED H1 54 --- LAIK to play [v]
Other moves: ALIKE H1 45, KELOID H1 42, ALKIE H1 33, KAYLIED 12F 30, KIDEL J2 29
KALE G12 18 TwoFold

On 4th draw, LINESMEN 11E 90 --- LINESMAN a football official [n]
Other moves: LINESMAN 2B 74, LINESMEN 11B 70, MELANINS 2E 64, FOGEYISM H8 51, ISLEMEN 11E 36
MEGS 10F 23 TwoFold

On 5th draw, SAVARIN 13H 85 --- SAVARIN a ring-shaped cake made with yeast [n]
Other moves: NAVARINS L5 74, NIRVANAS L6 74, AVIANS 13C 33, INVARS 13C 33, NAVARS 13C 33
RAVED 5E 18 TwoFold

On 6th draw, NURDLES O7 88 --- NURDLE to glide the ball in cricket [v]
Other tops: LURDENS O7 88, RUNDLES O7 88
Other moves: NURSLED J2 81, LAUNDERS 2G 72, LURDANES 2D 63, RUNDALES 2D 63, NURSED O10 35
USER O12 26 TwoFold

On 7th draw, BIOFUELED 5A 80 --- BIOFUELED [adj]
Other moves: BIOFUEL 3G 32, FE J6 30, BEFOULED 5B 28, FOIBLE N2 28, BODEFUL 6F 27
FE J6 30 Zweep, TwoFold

On 8th draw, BRO(M)IZE B1 74 --- BROMIZE to treat with bromine or a bromide [v]
Other tops: BRO(N)ZE N2 74, BRO(U)ZE N2 74, REB(O)ZO N2 74
Other moves: REBOZ(O) N2 73, BR(A)IZE B2 72, (D)ORIZE B2 68, O(O)ZE 4A 53, BRO(N)ZE C3 52
BO(O)ZER A5 48 TwoFold
BRO(N)ZE A5 48 Zweep

On 9th draw, PITCHER A7 99 --- PITCHER a container for holding and pouring liquids [n]
HIDER 6F 34 TwoFold
HEP A7 29 Zweep

On 10th draw, MISATONE 3G 78 --- MISATONE to atone wrongly [v]
SMOTE 14A 29 TwoFold
STEAM 14A 29 Zweep

On 11th draw, (S)EEPIER 14A 84 --- SEEPY soaked or oozing with water [adj]
Other tops: PEERIE(R) C7 84, PEERIE(S) C7 84, PEE(R)IER C7 84, PERI(G)EE C7 84, PREE(M)IE C7 84
Other moves: EPI(M)ERE C7 76, (C)REEPIE C7 72, (S)EEPIER C7 72, (W)EEPIER C7 72, (S)TEEPIER K2 68
(S)PIRE 14A 26 TwoFold
PE(S) 2J 23 Zweep

On 12th draw, OHIA B9 39 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: AAH A1 37, AHA B9 36, AHI B9 36, HAT B10 36, HIT B10 36
HOT B10 36 TwoFold
HAT 2J 31 Zweep

On 13th draw, COWAN C7 51 --- COWAN someone who makes dry-stone walls [n]
Other moves: WITAN C7 43, COTAN C7 39, WANT C9 38, ANTIC C7 35, CAW C7 35
TWIN C8 35 TwoFold
WIT C9 34 Zweep

On 14th draw, GOX 4J 45 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: TIX 4J 42, OX 4K 38, OX 4D 37, OX 12L 33, QI N6 33
QI N6 33 Zweep
GOX N6 26 TwoFold

On 15th draw, VAW 2L 43 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: VOW 2L 43
Other moves: W*G 5K 36, WOT 5K 34, VITA 2L 33, GOV 5K 32, WO 5K 32
VAW 2L 43 Zweep, iwhist
GOAT 5K 28 TwoFold

On 16th draw, QI N6 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI F10 31, JAG J2 27, JO N6 27, DOJO 3A 24, JOB A3 24
QI N6 33 Zweep, iwhist, TwoFold

On 17th draw, JIG M7 39 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JAG M7 39, TAJ 1M 39
Other moves: JAI M7 37, JA M7 35, JAG J2 27, JIG F10 27, JAB A3 24
JIG M7 39 TwoFold
JAG J2 27 iwhist, Zweep

On 18th draw, OUD A1 29 --- OUD a stringed instrument of northern Africa [n]
Other moves: OAT A1 25, OUT A1 25, TODAY 12D 25, ABOUT 1A 24, DOAT 13C 24
ABOUT 1A 24 Zweep, TwoFold

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